ID: 0f03f1 April 15, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.8808581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just spit ballin here anons. I know coronavirus is causing this. But…at the same point….they are exceptions to the rule and should be seen in public yet aren't.


>Joe Biden. Campaigning for President behind a shit Webcam. Has he been seen out anywhere? Didn't he disappear before the virus?


>Obama also endorses from shot Webcam. This guy has a hard on for attention. He didn't do this from a podium with a camera crew. Not in a studio from msnbc…not even with Ellen.


>Tom Hanks. Gets off a plane with 2 guys in suits. Speculation on his snl airing.


>Ellen seen with what looks like a device on her leg to assume house arrest.


>Fat bitch Opera…(hate saying her name like Trump did John Mcshame) same ankle monitor spotted.


>Governor Cumo seemingly giving Potus compliments all of a sudden.


>Q says we're way past Q proofs. Quotes Bible re: frogs.