Anonymous ID: 3de551 April 15, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.8808913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8928 >>9169 >>9212 >>9245

BILL GATES: the world has got your number… and they are dialing it RIGHT NOW. #timesup

Bill Gate's instagram has exploded with negative comments. He is having a team manage them and delete them but the inundation is so great they can't keep up. His instagram is here. CHECK IT OUT.


The comments are coming in too fast to read, so it is pointless for him to have people sitting there deleting them, all you have to do is hit refresh even in seconds and they are all new and all golden. I sat there for about 20 minutes and copied good ones out as they got deleted:

Dear Bill, I hope you��ve packed your bags, because you��re about to enter the gates of Hell. The Hell that you have created for yourself. We are AWAKE! South Africa says FUCK NO to your vaccines and evil plans.


Fuck you bill Gates you slimy motherfucker why are we listening to bill gates ugly fuck


you deleted my comment. i'll repeat, TELL YOUR WIFE TO STOP LYING ABOUT AFRICA , we are the only continent that has less cases of covid-19.


Who is the hired help deleting all these comments?????


Doesn't matter how much power and money you obtain, your wife is always gonna be looking at your server as more manly. Can't buy height or masculinity you goblin faced creep.


A known eugenicist that wants you to believe the world is overpopulated wants to save you at the same time with his shitty vaccines. Bill needs to be locked up for his committed crimes against humanity!


People are not as dumb as you think they are @thisisbillgates! Would you vaccine yourself or your kids?? Think about that! That's fucking poison! Quit trying to kill people! We will not stand for your poison!


No to mandatory vaccinations, ID2020 and such eugenecist plans. Thankful for all the comments people are waking up! 2020 the year of awakening baby!!


The world says NO to your vaccines and microchip. Vaccinate your children Bill, first them and stop fucking the humans. ��� We are more and more people who do not believe in you or in Melinda or in your foundation. You know much more about this pandemic and now you intend to control us. NO to your vaccines. NOT Bill Gates!!!!!!!!


Thank you to our LORD our Creator for PERFECT IMMUNE SYSTEMS BY DESIGN!! We don't need YOUR POISON for your engineered "viruses"!!!Keep deleting our comments and we will come back to leave more!!!!!!


May all that you do to others be done onto you!


No consent. You are literally so evil.


Deleting won't help you…


Bill time for you to feel all the pain of all the children you have given vaccines to or tortured with demented sexual perversion and everything in between! You are DONE, the real human is fast emerging, stronger than you and all of your buddies and we will take back our rightful awareness of this beautiful earth.


Hey Bill why don't you stop trying to practice medicine without a license. You don't give a crap about peoples health you just want a return on your investment.


Well, Bill… you done fucked up.




STOP DELETiNG THE COMMENTS. Own your shit at least . Have balls !!!


the whole world is uniting against you and your masters. We are free! No Vaccine No NWO No 5G


35 thousand people revolting in this comment section. That's not a tiny army..

Anonymous ID: 3de551 April 15, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.8808924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8929

bill gates part 2


LOL now Gill Bates (���) trying to straight-up LIE on BBC.. "no, we had nothing to do with this, we didn't simulate this or practice".. REALLY ?! We ALL know about Event 201 WHICH YOU FUNDED & HOSTED in Oct 2019. We also know about your buddy (fam member) Rockefeller's LOCKSTEP plan from 2010… hmm.. what a "coincidence". You are NOT a "health expert", you are a DEATH EXPERT. Your daddy even ran Planned Parenthood. How clever to promote murder aka abortions and then USE aborted fetal tissue in your vaxx. You said in 2015 that we could bring down the world's population by 10-15% if we "do a good job" with vaccines and reproductive healthcare… HOW INTERESTING INDEEED. You can hardly contain yourself when talking about digital implant IDs and mass mandatory vaccinations. You hold the world hostage while you grin from your Ivory Tower (well, it will soon probably be a bunker). All you see is $$$ and less of we "useless eaters", huh? But then you try to act like a philanthropist. Too late, Billy Boy, even the people who were asleep have woken up. YOU'VE BEEN EXPOSED.


We hate p.o.s


There will be no "new world order". You going down bill. People are smarter than you think.


Take your vaccines, your satanic mates and your NWO and go to hell. We are many!!!


Thank you but no thanks. Go, now.


fuck this clown he doesnt even vaccinate his own kids…. Were not going down without a fight fuck you covid 19 test and vaccine we do npt consent and you will not vaccinate me nor my family…your time will come


We the people are NOT going to allow YOU OR WEASEL DR. FAUCI to mandate this vaccine!! We see the lies and know your agenda!! You are evil !!!


Well Billy Bill… you've got half the world stuck at home due to your "Plandemic"… so I've got plenty of time to sit here and keep reposting my comments that you and your cohorts are continuing to delete… (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accinations (I.D.) = COVID-19 #wherestherevolution #gotallday #ID2020


you are trash bill. Why are you not in jail yet?


Bill Gaytes won't even vaccinate his own kids he has caused deaths in India and Africa he needs to be lynched


Fuck you psycho



Anonymous ID: 3de551 April 15, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.8808929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8937



bill gates part 3


The great awakening is happening. Mother earth has stirred the sleeping. Truth is being revealed for all with eyes to see and ears to hear. God gave man dominion, we are the co heirs and beneficiaries of all that is created. Conscious awareness. Free will to choose.


Tick tock..the clock is running out….can't wait to see you all hang for your crimes against humanity!


Divide and conquer is your goal, but we will prevail and triumph against the world that is your bubble..


Thank you for working on your strategy? Ha? You are live satan


Organized crime against humanity , Bill gate you will pay dearly for it - satanist


Bill Gates all you do is spread lies!! No sir! You believe in wanna block the sun..and you want to continue to poison us with vaccines that you and your family won��t take!! So happy to see people are waking up and seeing through the BS!


Warms my heart seeing such hate for a humanitarian like yourself.. Just a rich guy reaching out to help the world.. #notonmywatch


Here I was thinking the the majority of people were on board with @thisisbillgates and that I was alone with a few to be against ID2020/Covid-19 vaccine but thanks to these comments I feel HOPE that as humanity we just might get through the dark times ahead. So thank you everyone and keep spreading the word


Shove your inovio dna altering dead baby crap!


This is the best comments page in the history of the world!!! Bill you coward you fucking coward!! Come out you fucking nerd!!


We��re on to you bill


I'm sick and tired of hearing about the coronavirus outbreak, where's the actual documents that it's Covid19, where is the actual proof! While we're all on lockdown they are putting up 5g masts, that's why the parliament decided to not shut down building companies. I'm going to fail my GCSES as I can't go in the most essential school trips and exams. The coronavirus (if you can even class it as a virus) is just a massive cover up for 5g. While millions of people are dying and the entire population is getting wiped out from 5g, Bill Gates and whoever he's with sit back and watch people die. He's got absolute billions he could use to actually help the world if it is a virus. As well Bill Gates was in about getting rid of the population as it's too big, then he talks about bringing out a vaccine that has all the chemicals he puts in them including a microchip, him and his family will not get the vaccine. Like what's that all about, we've honestly had all our human rights taken away from us. His plan to demolish the pollution massively is called "The one percent elite".


love it! Stay focused people, he's only one small part of a systemic problem.. go after the lot of them for the sake of freedom!


Free the nigga bill gates - homie didn't do anything wrong


We will never see the news about all these reactions, bless all of you, greets from holland


I do not consent to a vaccine or anything else that you're involved in.


Bill Gates, you are the antichrist. God sees everything you have done. He hears your thoughts. You cannot hide behind your billions and just pay off people. When you die, you��ll be judged with the same compassion you��ve shown humanity and you��ll burn for it. You sold your soul to Satan.


I am not interested in any of your vaccines, OR WINDOWS.


Stop deleting my comment you schmuc Billboy. As I was saying.. shut your filthy mouth. You are a corrupt evil, satanic idiot That is a fact!!


Come try me mother fucker!! Money won��t save you! You piece of shit!


You are nothing but pure evil, a computer nerd absolutely obsessed with depopulation the earth. Thanks for your vaccine in India paralyzing almost 500k girls. Fuck You Gates! You and the NWO will not win.


I love that even the hacktivist group Anonymous posted a video of an open letter to you exposing your plans. No one wants your vaccine. You obviously didn��t vaccinate your own children and know the dangers of it, but yet want to tell the rest of the world what to do. No thank you.


I'm commenting because you are on TV every day in USA, Canada and rest of world talking bullshit. You have shown your hand and we (the people) don't want to hear it anymore.


Bill are you out of your mind. put your billions to ur asshole.




Bill how can you look yourself in the mirror and now the cat is out of the bag and the world has got your number… and they are dialing it RIGHT NOW. #timesup


>> part 4

Anonymous ID: 3de551 April 15, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.8808937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8957 >>8965



==bill gates part 4




My post was deleted too. Here it is again. No no no! We have free will and you are not complying to natural laws. We are sovereign and declare and demand you back the hell up.


If you mention God creating us perfectly, he REALLY hates those comments. He thinks he's God, trying to kill people before their time. Nope. ONE CREATOR, one GOD and it's NOT YOU!!!! We the people do NOT consent!!!


Chip your ass first


There was a petition on that had thousands of signatures opposing to ID2020. Why did it get deleted? Oh wait, didn't you also invest 30 million into Mr. Gates? You will not silence us


He's erasing every comment as I post lol. Coward ass


How��s your plandemic going Billy?


Fuck Bill Gates . Inject ur kids cock sucker.


Keep deleting Bill…People are awake welcome to the end of your evil circle….illuminate>>8808913

Anonymous ID: 3de551 April 15, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.8808973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9019



ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE can petition the courts and ask for anything. If they do it and are un-opposed it practically always gets granted, even if it has horrible effects on society. The WEAKEST, FAINTEST opposition can stop it. The only way rulings like mail in voting go through is because average Americans are no longer aware of their right to petition the courts, and that the courts actually listen. The petition does not even have to be legal. It just has to be un-opposed and it goes through.


Here is how mail in voting is being pushed through the courts:

'With no legal basis whatsoever, Jewish groups are going to the courts and using the "threat of coronavirus" to petition the courts to get mail in voting in place "so people can vote from the safety of their homes". If no one shows up and says "that's not a good idea" the courts will grant such requests even when there's no legal basis to them whatsoever.


The following goes into detail on this:

YOU can stop mail in voting. As it turns out, ANYONE CAN, you just have to petition the courts in your area and it won't cost you a dime.

Election rigging stopped in New Mexico

If you read this elsewhere, I am going to post it differently than the mainstream media outlets have posted it because it is obvious they want complacency and for everyone to do nothing because "someone else is solving the problem"


True The Vote (TTV), a grassroots organization supporting election integrity, on Tuesday stopped leftist efforts to force New Mexico to shift to a mail-in election system in the state's upcoming June primary.


They accomplished this by simply petitioning the court to not allow an illegal judgement to go through - a judgement which would have allowed mail in voting to happen in New Mexico. Here's how it works now, in this subverted nation:


The Jews have figured out that if they petition the courts for ANYTHING, and it does not matter what it is, and they run un-opposed, the courts automatically grant it, legal or not. It's not supposed to work that way, but when the judge is a Jew and the petitioner is a Jew and there are enough people in the legislature that are Jews, they simply run the judgement through, legal or not and it then becomes law.


True The Vote stopped mail in voting in New Mexico by simply showing up to the court and stating it was not legal and there were no allowances in the state constitution for it.


Once they fronted the faintest opposition to the ruse, the courts were forced to say no to mail in voting, even if they were compromised from top to bottom. The Jewish community is loaded with people who are totally free to do anything they want all the time and somehow get their lives paid for, and these types go into the courts constantly asking for the most ridiculous things and if there is no opposition (which is easy to accomplish when the media buries it all) the courts practicaly always say yes.


True the vote is going to stop the Jews from doing this in Nevada next. If you are not in Nevada, you will need to stop the Jews from doing this in your state by petitioning the courts, and it does not take much. They really do need to run their scams totally un-opposed.


So if you are sitting around right now out of work, you have the same situation as all those Jews that wreak mayhem on society by petitioning the courts for bullshit. You can go to the courts RIGHT NOW and stop mail in voting.


You can also fix other broken policies, like huge fines for not cutting your grass on time, or police pulling people over for bullshit. This has to happen at your local level, Trump can't stop it, YOU have to stop it by going to the state courts and petitioning for a NO on this. It is all happening right now ONLY because the Jews are having absolutely NO ONE stand up to them. A penniless street pooper could stop mail in voting, all he'd have to do is petition to stop it.