Anonymous ID: 797bbc April 15, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.8808950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8996 >>9105 >>9178 >>9280 >>9297 >>9410 >>9496 >>9588 >>9621 >>9622

3 Times Tucker Carlson Asks Democrat New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Where He Gets the ‘Authority to Nullify the Bill of Rights’ — 3 Times He Ducks and Dodges


Wow! Tucker Carlson was brutal to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy when he asked about why people were banned from going to church. Murphy is like many other governors in the US who put strict rules on citizens to keep them from gathering.


Watch the video where Murphy tries to give a flippant answer to Tucker’s question but was pinned to the wall by Carlson.


Tucker Carlson asked New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy where he got the authority to nullify the Bill of Rights when he banned religious services in his state:


“That’s above my pay grade.”


“I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this… The science says people have to stay away from each other.”


Tucker Carlson asks New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy where he got the authority to nullify the Bill of rights when he banned religious services in his state:


"I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this… The science says people have to stay away from each other."

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) April 16, 2020


The leaders of several states aren’t listening to the people they were elected to represent.


Michigan’s governor and Governor Murphy need to pay attention to what the people of their states are saying.


Note to Murphy: Ignoring the Bill of Rights isn’t popular with the American people.

Anonymous ID: 797bbc April 15, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.8809001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9026 >>9029 >>9100 >>9105 >>9173 >>9297 >>9496 >>9588

Beware the Left's 'Degrowth' Movement


It would be natural to believe that nearly everyone on the planet is horrified by the death and economic destruction wrought from the COVID-19 pandemic. But some see the body bags and the shutdown of economic production as a weird kind of blessing in disguise.


These are the proponents of a radical and increasingly chic movement on the left called "degrowth." This is the idea that economic growth and increased prosperity are the root CAUSE of massive ecological destruction and health pandemics. The agenda is to shut down industrial production and industries like fossil fuels, automobiles and airline travel that contribute to global warming. COVID-19 and the economy lockdown are seen as a kind of test run for the theory.


For example, professor Natasha Chassagne of the University of Tasmania and a disciple of this movement gushes that "we can draw many lessons and opportunities from the current health crisis when tackling planetary warming."


A former high-ranking climate adviser to the Obama administration, Jason Bordoff, writes in Foreign Policy magazine that "COVID-19 may deliver some short-term climate benefits by curbing energy use, or even longer-term benefits if economic stimulus is linked to climate goals," but he adds almost regretfully that the "benefits" from the pandemic in terms of less carbon emissions are likely to be "fleeting and negligible."


Degrowth is defended by its proponents as "a political, economic and social movement based on ecological economics, anti-consumerism and anti-capitalism."


The official degrowth website explains that COVID-19 is "an example of why degrowth is needed; it shows the unsustainability and fragility of our current way of life. Additionally, the response to covid-19 has shown that degrowth is possible, because society [and the state] has demonstrated an ability to dramatically change the modus operandi in response to a major crisis."


The philosophy that increased prosperity is the problem and not the solution to our societal problems is not new. In the 1970s, many on the left embraced the "limits to growth" ideology of too many people, too little food and energy, and imminent ecological disaster. Those ideas were discredited over the ensuing 40 years as innovation and technology, plus a renewed appreciation of economic freedom, advanced rapid growth in living standards around the globe and massive surpluses of food and energy.


Of course, the origins of the limits to growth and, now, degrowth movements date back to the days of Thomas Robert Malthus, who famously and wrongly predicted that population growth would always outpace food and economic production. These rotten and dangerous ideas are back in vogue, and the New Yorker magazine recently highlighted the fad on college campuses and in faculty lounges. It's the latest of leftist extremism – a subversive movement to keep an eye on.


What is scary is that many who subscribe to climate change hysteria, as well as the donors who provide the tens of billions of dollars of resources to climate issues, have come to agree that growth is the enemy and that we would all be better off if we were a little poorer.


It is wrong on so many levels one hardly knows where to start. First, economic freedom and growth go hand in hand and have inarguably positive benefits to the poorest citizens of the world and to health and the environment. Nations that have degrowth are much more polluted and have much higher death rates than the United States.


Environmental protection is the ultimate "superior good." The richer a society becomes, the more they spend on clean air, clean water and nature preservation.


The degrowth fad – hopefully it is just that – also reveals the modern left movement for what it is at its core. It is anti-growth, anti-people, anti-free enterprise and anti-prosperity. The entire climate change movement is an assault against cheap and abundant energy and rising living standards. This raises the question of how we could ever rely on the left to fix our economy, help the poor and make us all more prosperous if their goal is to shrink the economy, not grow it?

Anonymous ID: 797bbc April 15, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.8809059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9177 >>9641

While Millions are Jobless Amid Chi-Com Virus Panic, Millionaire Nancy Pelosi Shows Off Freezer Full of Ice Cream That Gets her Through ‘These Trying Times’


While millions of Americans have lost their jobs in a matter of weeks amid widespread, forced business closures meant to flatten the coronavirus curve, wealthy Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi found the time to chat via video conferencing with TV host James Corden about — wait for it — her sweet tooth.


The host of “The Late Late Show With James Corden” asked Pelosi to do a show and tell from her home, and the multimillionaire California politician was only too happy to share a view of her basket of chocolate:


But Corden really got excited after Pelosi — standing in front of very expensive-looking refrigerators — opened up her freezer drawer and showed that it was full of freshly stocked ice cream.


“I don’t know what I would’ve done if ice cream were not invented,” Pelosi remarked.


One might think she’d just leave the short chat alone at its conclusion, but the clip of her exchange with Corden showed up on Madame Speaker’s Twitter account — along with the following incredulous caption: “We all have found our ways to keep our spirits up during these trying times. Mine just happens to fill up my freezer.”″


Trying times”? Really?


Pelosi is in no danger of losing her job amid the coronavirus shutdown — at least not until after November’s election. But even then, what would she have to worry about? PolitiFact noted that Pelosi’s net worth shared with her business tycoon husband is no lower than $34 million and could be as high as $160 million.


How did others react?


Journalist Glenn Greenwald called Pelosi’s video-op “tone deaf” and remarked that the “two huge refrigerators by themselves cost more than many people make in a year.”


Her two huge refrigerators by themselves cost more than many people make in a year.


It's so revealing that the politician Dems adore most is one of the richest members of Congress. Pelosi has been so rich for so long that she can't see how tone-deaf this is. It's her normal:

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 15, 2020


Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of the Intercept, was equally put off:


Pelosi has more money than the entire populations of some housing projects in the US. Is showing off your 15 flavor ice cream collection in extremely expensive appliances meant to be reassuring to people fighting 15 bill collectors during a pandemic & struggling to buy food?

— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) April 15, 2020


And Matt Whitlock, senior adviser for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, had this to say:


After today, Small Business workers and employees aren’t going to get a paycheck to feed their families because of the Democrats.


But here’s a video Nancy Pelosi’s team put out of her showcasing a (very fancy) freezer full of ice cream and a house full of chocolate.

— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) April 15, 2020

Anonymous ID: 797bbc April 15, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.8809141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kanye West Indicates He’ll Vote for President Trump, Was Threatened He’d Lose Career if He Didn’t Vote for Crooked Hillary


Rapper Kanye West will vote for president for the very first time in his life — and it seems fairly clear that he'll be voting for President Donald Trump.


West, 42, told GQ that he refuses to allow other people to do his thinking for him.


"I will not be told who I'm gonna vote on because of my color," West said. "I'm definitely voting this time. And we know who I'm voting on."


West, who is the magazine's May cover star, added that his mother and father were "freedom fighters" who fought for equal rights their whole lives, and he wasn't keen on letting their sacrifices go without honor.


"[T]hey used to drink from fountains they were told they couldn't drink from, and they used to sit in restaurants where they were told they couldn't eat from," he said. "They didn't fight for me to be told by white people which white person I can vote on."


West, who publicly announced his support for the president in 2016, said that many people believed his career would be over when he refused to support Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and failed presidential candidate, in 2016.


"I'm not gonna be told by the people around me and the people that have their agenda that my career is going to be over," West insisted. "Because guess what: I'm still here! 'Jesus is King' was No. 1."


n a recent interview with WSJ Magazine, West said that he'll never vote for a Democrat out of misplaced loyalty.


"I'm a guy with a red [MAGA] hat, can you imagine?" he said. "It reminded me of how I felt as a black guy before I was famous, when I would walk in a restaurant and people would look at you like you were going to steal something. 'This is your place, Ye, don't talk about apparel. This is your place, Ye, you're black, so you're a Democrat.'"




Link to WSJ article: