Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.8808956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Calls Out New York For Padding their Coronavirus Numbers with “Presumed” Deaths and Heart Attacks by Coronavirus


On Tuesday New York State announced they were going to start padding their coronavirus numbers with “presumed” cases of coronavirus. The state then moved 3,700 new deaths to their state totals. New York and New Jersey now have recorded over half of the coronavirus deaths in the country.


New York state now has more coronavirus deaths than any country except for Italy, Spain, France and the UK and has half of the population of those European countries.

That’s quite a record!


During Wednesday’s presser President Trump was asked why the US has 20% of the coronavirus deaths in the world but only 4% of the world’s population.


President Trump scolded the far left reporter for relying on international numbers coming from China and Iran that are completely fabricated.


The President Trump pointed out how New York is padding their coronavirus numbers.


President Trump: Well, you don’t know what you have. Do you think you’re getting honest numbers from some of these countries. Do you really believe those numbers in this vast country called China?… Here’s the story. We report everything. We report the cases and our reporting is good. We’re reporting every death. In fact I see this morning where New York added three thousand deaths because they died and they’re now saying rather than it was a heart attack, they’re saying it’s a heart attack caused by this. So they’re adding. If you look at it, that’s it. And what they are doing is calling it “just in case” and that’s OK.


You can no longer trust the information coming from New York state.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.8808971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9200

The Inevitable Conflict When Schools Reopen


Many students across the world have been receiving an education online in recent weeks for the very first time. They are gaining new experiences with their families, along with new experiences with their neighborhood peers, and hopefully reading books to further their own independent education. Many students have always done this, and many more are now discovering it for the very first time. But when students return to their brick-and-mortar schools which they previously attended, student-to-teacher conflict will inevitably rise.


Upon return, students may see many of their teachers as lazy or unprofessional, now that many students personally and individually know that factual content is widely available on the internet and said information may not be widely shared, nor allowed within brick-and-mortar school settings. The restrictions that are placed on students within school settings may continue to hinder their learning, and without pushback, students will fall back into the same trap where they existed before. The games and gimmicks that previously existed within many school-based settings may now be seen as the waste of time they truly are, and student participation in such events may dramatically drop, much to the dismay of many educators and administrators themselves. However, this awakening among the student population may create a chain-breaking event that will undoubtedly create public and verbalized conflict within such school-based settings.


I seriously doubt that today’s students will take the return to such dogmas lying down. For example, many school district administrators, including superintendents themselves, are encouraging or requiring their teachers and other school employees to engage in what are being called “Vehicle Parades.” These parades are made up of school employees who collectively drive in a giant line of their own cars, and honk their way through their students’ neighborhoods to remind the students that they still exist and that the teachers are still there to teach them. Or, perhaps school employees are engaging in this activity believing that if they do so, they will not lose their students to an online homeschooling environment that is far heathier.


Put yourself in the shoes of a middle school or high school student for one moment. Would you want your teachers and administrators showing up in your neighborhood honking their car horns loudly by your house, as you are learning quietly within the safety of your own home? The irony and ridiculousness of these “vehicle parades,” and other activities like them, are palpable.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.8808982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Australian: 'We May be Over-reacting to an Unremarkable Coronavirus'


Stay safe. Keep well. Perhaps a hysteria has gripped the nation, at extraordinary cost, when we're telling each other to take special care over a disease that in three months has killed about 60, in the main quite unwell elderly people.


Even in coronavirus hot spots in Europe and the US, there's greater chance of being killed in a car accident than being harmed by COVID-19, according to research published last week by Stanford scientist John Ioannidis.


"The risk of dying from coronavirus for a person under 65 years old is equivalent to the risk of dying driving a distance of nine to 415 miles by car each day during the COVID-19 fatality season," he concluded.


Yet many of those under-65s have had their lives pulled apart, including loss of 195 million jobs around the world this quarter, according to the International Labour Organisation.


In Australia at the very least, with so few deaths and infections, the response to the virus is starting to appear to be a damaging over-reaction. Last month's draconian response by officials — inducing a recession, destroying millions of jobs and businesses, and locking us all up — was at least politically understandable. The hankering for total lockdown, cheered on largely by those who would be relatively unaffected by it, was irresistible.


Yet as more real data rolls in — as opposed to the wildly inaccurate epidemiological forecasts of millions of deaths globally and many thousands locally — justifications for massive interventions, fiscal and civil, are dwindling.


We were told lockdowns were needed; otherwise hospitals would be swamped. But during the first 11 days of the month, the number of people in intensive care in NSW has fallen to 30, of whom 21 were using ventilators. That's 2 per cent of available ventilators, even before 3,000 more arrive.


Fears of a Spanish flu-like pandemic, which killed almost 40 million people a century ago, are looking exaggerated as the global death toll from COVID-19 approaches 120,000, which is 0.2 per cent of the 60 million people who will die this year from all causes (including more than three million from respiratory infections).


Yes, the lockdowns and social distancing in theory must have slowed the spread. But evidence is thin. Sweden and Japan, for instance, have not imposed lockdowns yet have far fewer deaths as a proportion of their populations than Spain, Italy or France, which have.


The Spanish flu killed 1.2 per cent of Italians, according to new research by Harvard economist Robert Barro, equivalent to 720,000 people today. Almost 20,000 Italians have died of (or with) COVID-19 so far, putting the virus more on par with flu pandemics of the late 1950s and 60s, when governments refrained from destroying their economies. The weakness of the virus itself, rather than wise government action, is the likelier reason the death toll is not as grim as first predicted.


"The likelihood of someone dying from coronavirus is much lower than we initially thought," Ioannidis told Greek media this week, forecasting that "the mortality rate will be slightly — but not spectacularly — higher than the seasonal flu."

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.8809051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9057 >>9070 >>9071 >>9077 >>9105 >>9115 >>9150 >>9297 >>9496 >>9588

CDC director says he'll keep working with WHO despite Trump's plans to cut funding to the agency


CDC chief Robert Redfield on Wednesday said his agency and the WHO have a “long history of working together,” signalling that will continue despite President Donald Trump’s plans to cut funding.

“I’d like to do the postmortem on this outbreak once we get through it together,” the CDC chief added.

Trump has been widely criticised over his plans to cut funding to the WHO amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.


Robert Redfield, the director of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on Wednesday said his agency will continue to work with the World Health Organisation (WHO) despite President Donald Trump’s plans to cut funding.


Redfield told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that the CDC and WHO have a “long history of working together,” and that would continue moving forward.


“I’d like to do the postmortem on this outbreak once we get through it together,” the CDC chief added.


Trump has accused the WHO of being too China-centric, alleging that it helped the Chinese government push false information in the early days of the coronavirus. On Tuesday, he announced plans to slash funding to the agency.


The US accounts for roughly 15% of the WHO’s budget, and Trump has been broadly criticised by Democratic members of Congress and former US officials over this move.


The WHO plays a crucial role in advising and assisting developing countries on medical issues and crises, and there is concern that weakening the agency amid the coronavirus pandemic could exacerbate the global crisis and come back to haunt the US.


Former US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said the Trump’s plan to halt funding was “obscene.”

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.8809116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9297 >>9496 >>9588



Petroleum Ministry: Oil and gas wells in Hayan and al-Shaer back to production

Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ministry announced on Wednesday that the gas and oil wells and facilities in Hayan and al-Shaer fields in Homs countryside were put into service and production after securing them today.


Syrian Army Eliminates Promninet Militant Commander In Southern Idlib

On April 15, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) eliminated a prominent field commander of the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) in Greater Idlib.


Military Situation In Syria On April 15, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

Turkish and Russian forces conducted a fourth limited patrol along the M4 highway;

A unit of the US-funded militant group Maghawir al-Thawra surrendered to the Syrian Army with all their weapons and equipment;

The Afrin Liberation Forces targeted a position of Turkish-led forces in Afrin with an ATGM;

Supporters of radical militants continue blocking most of the M4 highway.


Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Expands Its Forces With Three New Brigades Thanks To Ceasefire

In an official statement released on April 14, the terrorist group listed the new brigades as it follows:

The Talhah ibn Ubaydullah Brigade, led by Abu Hafs Binnish;

The Ali ibn Abi Talib Brigade, led by Abu Baker Mheen;

The Zubayr ibn al-Awam Brigade, led by Abu Mohamad Shura.

HTS didn’t reveal why the new brigades were formed or any information about the number of fighters in their ranks.


Syria & Iraq Launch Operations Against ISIS In Border Area

Image 2


Israeli Drone Strike Targets Hezbollah SUV Near Syrian-Lebanese Border Crossing (Photos)


An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale hits an area 40 km off the northern coast of Lattakia

An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale Wednesday morning hit an area 40 km off the northern coast of Lattakia

People in some Syrian cities as well as in Turkey and Cyprus felt the earthquake, which occurred at 10:40 a.m. local time, according to the National Center for Seismology.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.8809143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Coronavirus Ravages New York, the NYPD Is Detaining Kids for Selling Candy


More than 10,000 New York City residents have died of the coronavirus in recent weeks. Life in the city has been upended, replaced by a surreal stillness and the endless wail of ambulance sirens. But for the New York Police Department, it’s largely business as usual.


On Friday night, a group of police officers was filmed at a Harlem subway station as they grabbed and restrained a child who was apparently selling chips and candy. In the video, the officers are seen struggling with the boy, who is crying, and kicking a bag of snacks he was holding, while a woman claiming to be the child’s mother begs them to let him go and bystanders angrily shout that he is “a little boy.” The incident came hours after a different group of officers was filmed violently arresting a man at a different subway station, reportedly after they told people waiting for a train on a crowded platform that they needed to disperse, and the man replied that there was no way to do so.


Incidents such as these are hardly unheard of in New York, but as the city grapples with an unprecedented public health emergency and New Yorkers are told to minimize all contact with one another, many have questioned the logic and safety of police continuing to execute low-level arrests and physically escalating interventions that even in normal times seem unnecessary at best. In a letter sent last week to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, attorneys at the Legal Aid Society called the city’s failure to curb nonessential arrests at this time “highly irresponsible.”


“We are deeply concerned that our New York City government officials have not modified or reassessed how the NYPD interacts with already vulnerable communities,” reads the letter, which was shared with The Intercept. “In every aspect of life, we are expected to act responsibly in order to flatten the curve. As part of a coordinated Covid-19 response by Mayor de Blasio, government and businesses are drastically modifying practices to limit physical contact, and yet that practice has not been implemented by NYPD. In cities across our country, elected officials are directing police to use discretion, make only ‘necessary contacts’ and to slow down arrests. Mayor de Blasio has made no such similar request of the NYPD.”

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.8809171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Murdoch wanted him out because he was 'his own man', Turnbull claims


Australia is exposed to a "debased" media culture that allows News Corp co-chairman Rupert Murdoch to wield influence over national leaders, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull argues in a new memoir that reveals his clashes with media moguls.


Mr Turnbull tells of Mr Murdoch saying "we have to get rid of Malcolm" in the final days of his government in August 2018, taking this as proof the media boss was signing up to the "lunatic" agenda of former prime minister Tony Abbott.


Citing a private conversation with Seven West Media chairman Kerry Stokes as his source, Mr Turnbull writes that Mr Murdoch said "three years of Labor wouldn't be too bad" if the leadership upheaval destroyed the Liberal government.


Mr Murdoch's son and fellow co-chairman, Lachlan, has insisted his father did not make those remarks, but Mr Turnbull dismissed that defence.


"He would say that, wouldn't he?" Mr Turnbull said in an interview ahead of the publication of his book on Monday.


"I only know what Kerry Stokes told me and I took a note of the discussion with Kerry at the time. And as I say at the book, I have a contemporaneous note of the discussion with Stokes."


Cracks appearing!

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.8809185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9216 >>9250 >>9258

Democratic senator says Trump, not China, is to blame for the coronavirus crisis


He clarified the dubious claim after being mocked online


Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut was hit with a wave of criticism after he said that China was not to blame for the coronavirus crisis in the United States.


Murphy made the comments in an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN Wednesday.


He was describing a closed door meeting at the White House in February about the coronavirus where he claimed the administration was not taking the threat seriously.


"They were just incredibly confident that they had beaten coronavirus, at that time there were only a few cases here, they were reflecting what the president said in those clips because they thought that the travel bans had kept it out of the United States," Murphy said.


"We told them that they needed money, and they needed money fast in order to buy supplies, in order to hire more staff, and they told us that they didn't need any funding, that they had everything that they needed, and I walked out of that closed door briefing uhm, just with chills running down my spine, because many of us on both sides of the aisle knew what this virus had done in China," he explained.


"We knew it was a matter of time before it arrived here, and it was just shocking how cavalier the administration was," he claimed.


"This was at a time when the president really, you know, viewed this as a hoax, he said so on TV, and the reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything China did, it's not because of anything the WHO did, it's because of what this president, and it's because he didn't take this virus seriously," said Murphy.


"We weren't gonna be able to keep every case out of the United States," he concluded, "but we didn't have to have tens of thousands of people dying."


Murphy immediately received criticism on social media, and he offered a clarification on his comments.


"Watch the whole interview. I didn't 'defend China'. I made the accurate point that no matter how badly China screwed up, 100,000 Americans didn't need to die," Murphy tweeted.


"It has been Trump's botched response that has caused our outbreak to be this catastrophic," he added.


Also on Wednesday, a Fox News report documented claims from more sources that China had originated the virus in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.8809198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9243 >>9297 >>9496 >>9588

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshells on Dr. Fauci For Medical Cover Ups and Fraud; Fauci “Poisoned an Entire Generation of Americans”


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed disturbing information about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s medical career in the government, calling out the celebrated physician for a history of disturbing practices ranging from costly cover ups to outright fraud.


Kennedy repeatedly slammed Fauci on the Thomas Paine Podcast on Wednesday, revealing disturbing information about Fauci’s problematic career steering key medical policy for the United States. Kennedy described Fauci as a workplace tyrant who has ruined careers of upstanding physicians and researchers in order to cover up scandals and costly medical research disasters at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases where Fauci has served as director since 1984 as part of the National Institute of Health.


“Tony Fauci didn’t want the American public to know that he has poisoned an entire generation of Americans,” Kennedy said, alleging Fauci targeted a whistleblower who was trying to uncover the blood supply in the country was tainted with deadly strains. Kenney said Fauci ruined the physician’s career and covered up the crucial research. And that was just one of Kennedy’s attacks against Fauci. There were more. Kennedy also targeted Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the media, and more in this exclusive interview. Listen below.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.8809203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9215



Amazon has closed six warehouses in France Wednesday after a court ruled it could ship only essential items, such as food and medicine, until it completed an assessment of how to best protect workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


The French court told the American-based company it had 24 hours to comply before facing a daily fine of nearly $1.1 million and basically handed unions a victory where they have been arguing for more protection from the coronavirus to workers.


The warehouses, which employ over 10,000 permanent and interim workers, will remain closed until Monday so Amazon can complete a health and safety assessment.


“The company is forced to suspend all production activities in all of its distribution centers in order to assess the inherent risks in the COVID-19 epidemic and take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of its employees (during that period),” Amazon said in a document leaked to Reuters.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:35 p.m. No.8809224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9255 >>9275 >>9297 >>9496 >>9588

California State Election Official Confirms Double-Voting by Mail in Super Tuesday Primary


California Secretary of State Alex Padilla has confirmed that double-voting by mail took place in the March 3, 2020, Super Tuesday primary, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.


Days before Super Tuesday, citizen watchdog group Election Integrity Project California sent a letter to Padilla requesting his office look into possible double voting in the 2020 primary election.


More than a month later, in a letter dated April 7, 2020, Padilla confirmed double-voting in one case and suspected double-voting by a number of other registered voters on Super Tuesday, according to the letter obtained by Breitbart News.


Padilla confirmed in at least one case that two ballots from one voter were “opened and counted on election night.” Twelve of the 15 total registered voters identified with “duplicate voting history” are “suspected to have cast two ballots for the March primary election,” Padilla wrote in the letter.


In the remaining two cases, Padilla said county election officials “caught the duplicate voter records prior to election day and only one vote was tallied.” Padilla said the findings have been “forwarded to investigators to follow-up as necessary with the voters.”


The letter from Padilla can be read below:


“Election Integrity Project California has an incredible accomplishment here. Moving the California Secretary of State to share evidence of apparent double voting among duplicated registrants is a testament to their research methodology and judgment,” Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) President J. Christian Adams told Breitbart News.


“Duplicate registration and voting is a growing problem nationally that is being confronted like seen here, New Mexico, Michigan, and Pennsylvania,” Adams said.


Election Integrity Project California alleges that there are more than 30,000 duplicated registered voters on the state’s voter rolls. The majority of these duplicated registered voters, they say, show the same name, address, and birth date on their registrations. Other duplicated registered voters show voters who have used their married and maiden names to register twice and those who have multiple home addresses.


California is not the only state to have issues with its voter rolls. Most recently, PILF researchers stated that there are nearly 1,700 dead people on New Mexico’s voter rolls, as well as 1,519 voters listed as being 100-years-old, and more than 3,100 voters who have been flagged due to duplicate registration concerns.


Likewise, in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania — home to Pittsburgh — PILF researchers have said there are nearly 1,600 dead people on the voter rolls, along with more than 1,500 voters who are listed as 100-years-old or over, and nearly 7,500 voters who have been flagged due to duplicate registration concerns.


In Detroit, Michigan, alone, close to 4,800 voters have been flagged as having potential duplicate voter registrations, allowing them to vote twice in elections, and possibly 2,500 dead people on the voter rolls.


The findings come as elected Democrats lobby for nationwide mail-in voting for the November presidential elections — a move that would potentially deliver ballots to an estimated 24 million ineligible voters. The plan is being bankrolled by organizations funded by billionaire George Soros.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:37 p.m. No.8809252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Honest Elections Project Launches Massive Effort to Combat Democrat Exploitation of Pandemic


The Honest Elections Project is combating Democrat election reform proposals ostensibly linked to the coronavirus outbreak, explained Jason Snead, the organization’s director. He offered his analysis on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.


Democrats are exploiting fears of the coronavirus — particularly reluctance to publicly congregate at polling stations due to fear of infection — to push a national vote-by-mail system ahead of 2020’s elections, explained Snead.


“Democrats are trying to use this global pandemic to push for voter fraud,” estimated Marlow. “They want to be able to exploit this crisis to change the voting rules to make it easier to cheat.”


Snead warned, “Unfortunately, there is an effort to use this crisis as an excuse to push what really is a sweeping national political agenda to change the way that democracy functions. So you would have federal micromanagerial control over elections; you would change the way Americans pass ballots and move towards an all-vote-by-mail election, which raises significantly the risk of fraud, not to mention the associated logistical burdens and all of the potential failures that come with that, because of so many changes to our elections being made at the last minute.”


Snead continued, “I think people should be very concerned. We already saw that the House Democratic Caucus put this in their coronavirus stimulus package — the third relief package — and we see that they want to do it again in the fourth.”


Democrats view the coronavirus pandemic as a political opportunity to change election laws, assessed Snead.


“There is a recognition, I think, politically speaking, that coronavirus is an opportunity,” remarked Snead. “That’s not the way that I think we should be tackling this crisis, but unfortunately, that’s the way that it’s being treated.”


Democrats’ electoral reform measures marketed as responses to the coronavirus are a greater threat to elections than the viral pandemic itself, determined Snead.


“There is a real danger here that we will act hastily in a way which will undermine the credibility and confidence that voters have in their democracy,” Snead stated. “That’s the greatest danger, actually, that is posed to our elections from coronavirus. It’s not the virus itself. It’s the risk that we will act in such a way that will damage our ability to trust the results of our own elections.”

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.8809261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9268 >>9318 >>9334 >>9445

Harris: I’m Tired of Waiting for Trump to Lead — ‘He Doesn’t Know How to Do the Job’


Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said she was tired of waiting for President Donald Trump to lead during the coronavirus pandemic.


Host Anderson Copper said, “I hesitate to even lead with asking you about the president threatening to unilaterally adjourn by chambers of Congress because it seems like such an obvious distraction to keep people from focusing on his own failures, but he is the president and this is his threat. What do you make of that?”


Harris said, “Well, Anderson, you’re quite right. He is doing it on purpose, so this would be the lead question to deflect from the fact that he has failed to be a leader during a pandemic, an economic crisis facing our country. I think we have to stop waiting for him to act like a president and just move on and talk about what is happening in states. What is happening with local leaders around the need to address the pain that Americans are feeling every day? It’s a distraction. He’s doing this as a way to distract us from the topic at hand. Let’s talk about the topic at hand. Checks are starting to be cut by the Treasury Department. I’m sending a letter with others of my colleagues to demand and request that Secretary Mnuchin make it clear that debt collectors cannot take those checks because those checks are going to start flowing.”


She added, “These are the issues at hand. We have had an abject failure of leadership from Donald Trump, and I’m frankly tired of sitting around waiting for him to act like a president or be a president. He doesn’t know how to do the job.”

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.8809266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police State: British Cops Call For the Right to Invade Private Homes to Bust up Gatherings


British police are calling for expanded powers to enforce the coronavirus lockdown rules, including the authority to forcefully enter private residences suspected of hosting forbidden gatherings.


Under the current law, the police only have the right to enter a private residence with a warrant, or with the permission of its occupant, or in active pursuit of a suspected criminal, or to investigate a disturbance, or if they hear cries for help. However, the Police Federation of England and Wales is seeking draconian unprecedented powers from the government to allow them to enter citizens’ homes without a warrant to stop suspected house parties during the coronavirus pandemic.


“We have asked they consider giving us powers around private gatherings or gatherings in a private dwelling. We have no right to enter a property and say: stop having a party,” a police federation source told The Telegraph.


“Some officers are having to work round it using other legislation that wasn’t designed for it,” the source added.


Law enforcement offices across the country have been flooded with reports of house parties from neighbours, with Greater Manchester Police disclosing that they received 494 reports from residents of suspected parties during the first week of the national lockdown.


Home Secretary Priti Patel is expected to block the request for warrantless searches of households. Ms Patel has called on police to refrain from adopting a “heavy-handed” approach to enforcing the lockdown.


“It would be a really big step for policing in this country that isn’t needed at this point,” a source inside the Home Office told The Telegraph. The source added: “If there are people at parties or BBQs the police can issue the fixed penalty notice as they travel to or from the party.”


The British government did permit a change to the Air Navigation Order of 2016, easing restrictions on the police’s ability to use drones as a means of dispersing illegal gatherings and spreading messages of health warnings. A similar move has already been implemented in France, Italy, Spain, Israel, and China.


Last month, Derbyshire Police was widely criticised after they posted a video of a police drone informing dog-walkers in the Peak District to go home as exercising in a park was “not essential”.


In response to the updated drone guidelines, the director of Big Brother Watch Silkie Carlo told The Times: “Drones are an extreme, militaristic form of surveillance. We’ve seen too many examples of police using them aggressively in place of measured public health communications.”


“Police using drones to surveil and bark orders at members of the public is usually excessive and counterproductive. Parliament should introduce stronger safeguards to circumscribe their use,” she added.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8809278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi-Led Coalition Conducts Nine Airstrikes on Sanaa, Suburbs, Military Source Says


The Arab coalition has carried out several airstrikes on the rebel-held Yemeni capital of Sanaa and its suburbs, a Yemeni military source told Sputnik on Thursday.


According to the source, the coalition carried out nine airstrikes on the city and nearby positions of the Shia Houthi rebels. The coalition, in turn, has accused the Houthis of 547 violations of the ceasefire declared last week.


On 15 April, spokesperson for the Houthi movement Yahya Sarai said that the Saudi-led coalition had conducted 26 air raids on the country's northern and western provinces despite the alliance's step towards a ceasefire in Yemen.


Yemen has been mired in a conflict between the UN-backed government and the Houthi Shia rebels since 2015. The parties signed a ceasefire agreement in late 2018, which collapsed shortly thereafter.


On 8 April, the Saudi-led coalition announced that it would cease operations in Yemen for a 14-day period in response to a UN call for a global ceasefire amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.8809291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9513 >>9588

In Dramatic Move, Merkel Announces Decision To Start Removing Coronavirus Shutdown Measures


On April 15, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a decision to start removing coronavirus lockdown measures in the coming weeks.


Germany will reopen many of its shops on April 20 and some of its schools from May 4 in all 16 federal states of the country. Under the decision, Merkel said, stores up to 800 square metres will be allowed to reopen once they have “plans to maintain hygiene”.


Heads of some regions, as well as the leaders of large enterprises, who pointed out the negative economic consequences of the lockdown, insisted on the quarantine curtailment. However, the Ministry of Health opposed. Therefore, it was decided to easy restrictions mainly for small and medium-sized businesses.


The Chancellor said Germany had achieved “interim success” in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak and preventing its health system from being overwhelmed. Strict curbs on social contact will remain in place and Germans will be encouraged to wear masks in shops and on public transport.

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.8809389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9443 >>9534

Gates ups pandemic funds to $250 mil, Trump WHO move makes 'no sense'


President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday a halt in US funding to the WHO, saying it had "failed in its basic duty" in allowing the pandemic to take hold.


Pulling funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) is a dangerous and nonsensical move when the world is facing the health crisis brought by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, Melinda Gates said on Wednesday.

Announcing an extra $150 million of funding from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help speed the development of treatments, vaccines and public health measures to tackle the new coronavirus outbreak, Melinda Gates said the WHO was "exactly the organization that can deal with this pandemic."


"De-funding the WHO makes absolutely no sense during a pandemic. We need a global coordinated response," Gates, who co-chairs the foundation with the billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, said in a telephone interview.

"When you're in a crisis like this, it's all hands on deck."


President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday a halt in U.S. funding to the WHO, saying it had "failed in its basic duty" in allowing the pandemic to take hold.


The Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the WHO behind the United States. Melinda Gates said earlier that cutting WHO funding in a health crisis was "as dangerous as it sounds."


The WHO's Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday he regretted Trump's decision. He said the organization was still assessing the impact and would "try to fill any gaps with partners."


The philanthropic Gates Foundation's new $150 million commitment brings its COVID-19 funding for the international response to date to $250 million, but Gates said any gap left in the WHO's funding would be very hard for others to fill.


Alongside support for new diagnostics, drugs and vaccines, the Gates money is primarily aimed at helping poorer countries and vulnerable populations handle the oncoming and spreading pandemic and the poverty it will cause.

"We really as a global community need to address what is now just beginning in African and South Asian countries. We see a huge need, and that's why we have more than doubled our commitment," she said.


Praising what she described as "heroic work" by local leaders and healthcare workers in poorer countries seeking to protect vulnerable communities and slow the spread of COVID-19, Melinda Gates said the world's response to the pandemic "will not be effective unless it is also equitable."

Anonymous ID: a3248b April 15, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.8809463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Devin Nunes: Latest Declassified Footnotes Show Obama Regime Lied in Their ICA Report – Omitted Critical Information


Rep. Devin Nunes joined Matt Gaetz on Hannity on Wednesday night to discuss the latest declassified footnotes from IG Horowitz’s Report revealing multiple warnings about Hillary Clinton’s phony Russia dossier used to spy on the Trump Campaign and then the Trump administration.


According to the latest declassified footnotes two Russian intel officers used as sources for the junk Steele dossier and the at least one source voiced strong support for Hillary Clinton.


So how many officials in the Obama administration knew they were using a fraudulent document based on pro-Hillary Russian sources to spy on Donald Trump?


Trump wasn’t colluding with Russian officials — Obama and Hillary were.



Rep. Devin Nunes had this to say tonight: I hope that there better be people who are charged with lying and obstructing a Congressional investigation because we should have been given this information. One more important point. Remember the ICA that I called Obama’s dossier. Remember that they put that together in late 2016 after the election. What did it say? It said that oh the Russians were trying to help Trump. In that report, in the annex they put in, what? That Christopher Steele paid for dirt Steele dossier. Now if that is all the information we have from all of our intelligence assets where was the information that we now learned from the Horowitz report? Why was that not in the ICA?


The Intelligence Community Assessment or ICA was the fraudulent report written by CIA Director John Brennan and fed to Barack Obama before he left office. Obama and his administration used the document to smear President Trump and set up the coup before they left office.


Barack Obama spied on candidate Trump and his family, sent spies in to set up his campaign and then later smeared Donald Trump before he went into office.


Author Lee Smith wrote about this in his book “The Plot Against the President.” An excerpt from the book was published at The Federalist.