>>8808947 (lb) (so below)
>>8809625 (as above)
>>8808947 (lb) (so below)
>>8809625 (as above)
Professor McElroy, returning from a three weeks tour of the West, gave out a statement in which he said that he had known what it was "to face large bodies of young men clad in the uniform of the American army beneath which were con-cealed the souls of Prussians." Later, in the New York Tribune, he gave the University of Wiscon-sin as the place where he had encountered dis-loyalty. The basis of the ch,arge w.as the inatten-tion of the audience throughout his speech, shuf-fling feet, snapping of rifle triggers, etc., and he told how finally, to test the audience, he leaned forward and deliberately insulted them as "a bunch of damned traitors"; how, to his amaze-ment, there was no resentment whatever of this or of his later reference to a "Prussian audience." "I hesitate to accuse an entire university of dis-loyalty," he said, "but to my mind that episode stands out as one of the most disgraceful things I have encountered."
>>8808947 (lb) (so below)
>>8809625 (as above)
A matter upon which there was com-plete agreement of opinion among the his-torians was that of the diabolism of the Kaiser. He was depicted uniformly as a monster of untruthfulness and a beast in morals. So far as I can make out only two historians dissented. One was Professor Burgess, of Columbia, who said: I know that the two things which are giving him [the Kaiser] the deepest pain in this world catas-trophe, excepting only the sufferings of his own kindred and people, are the enmity of Great Britain and the misunderstanding of his char-acter, feelings and purposes in America. … I firmly believe him to be a man of pe.ace. I am absolutely sure that he has entered upon this war only under the firm conviction that Great Brit-ain, France and Russia have conspired to destroy Germany as a world power. The other was Professor William M. Sloane: The American masses dislike the sound of "su-preme war lord," but gladly admit their own Chief Magistrate to be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. To our ears the three Ger-man words are offensive, for in the treacherous literal translation they are wilful perversion, but the much stronger English words arc a delight to our democracy. Otherwise the record is blank.
The main thesis of the work is thus stated in the introduction: In the opinion of the writers of this book there were three dominant factors in the international relations of the last forty years that enabled the Pan-Germanic conspirators to bring on the great calamity in the precise form in which it finally inflicted itself upon the world. These were: I. The old hate between France and Germany, nourished by the unhealed and unforgettable Alsace-Lorraine question. 2.. The newer hate between Britain and Ger-many, caused partly by commercial rivalry, but much more by the overweening jealousy of the Pan-Germans of the British colonial empire, and by the antipathy inevitable between two great nations, one essentially liberal and non-milita-ristic, the other precisely the reverse. 3. The eternal Balkan question, the problem of the disposition of the dying Turkish Empire and the straining anxiety of Russia on the one hand and Germany and Austria on the other to become the preferred heirs to the Sick Man of Europe. These three factors came to play simultaneously into the hands of the Pan-German schemers, master-financiers and manufacturers, doctrinaire professors, irresponsible journalists, highly-titled ofEcers, princely and royal "Serenities" and "Highnesses," and above these finally, it would seem, the "All-Highest" himself, in their delib-erate conspiracy to achieve at one or, at most, two or three ruthless and gigantic strokes of the sword, the establishment of a world empire, an Empire of Teutonia, indescribably vaster, richer, more irresistible, more universal than that of imperial Rome. This book undertakes to outline the circum-stances that made this inconceivably daring at-tempt seem possible. It is not necessary to give a complete re-sume of the book in this place. All six of the points against Kaiserdom enumer-ated in an earlier section of this article are embodied in the work, and most of the quotations cited from other professors can be matched in the text. The methodology is of the familiar type. There is a free use of gossip, and the "revelations" of the Creel Bureau are accepted as definitive truth
wonder who that really was and what they became
Jews owe Germany 250 Trillion
We know you have 650 cash on hand and what, five times the declared global amount?
bored with playing nice with the rich and the jews.
NOW they all want the law NOW its rules
whatever you are making it up. give us our fucking money back NOW.
We want our gold back.
20 years of OJ Simpson legal games isn't war, it's designed to kill us all off.
give us our gold back, to the people, its ours
god the lies
if we are in control where is our gold and why are we all sick?
dead germans burning
meanwhile Americans cry about ANYTHING