>Writes a lot of hit pieces on Q
another Q HitPiece author against Q+
>ChristianPost, here is a DNC Operative / CIA FAKEchristian / anti-TRUMP:
"Eric Sapp"
C_A _nv_s_ble (((their))) CHR_ST_ANS {FAKE and GAY C_A EVERyWHERE}
NAME sound familiar / similar / double meanings?
" …
HRC open source.
>SAP. < == > Eric SAPP #1
{YEAH, YEAH = Special Access Programs! YEAH, YEAH; WHO writes and PROgrams? C_A ! 'tween YOUr [Cha_r] and YOUr KEYbo_rd - KeK!}
TP. #3 {Tony " }
>QPost# 834 The BRIDGE, the LINK & Social Media {1, 2, 3}
the LINK =the PlAyAr$ <= the D_M$powerHUNGER
The CHRISTian Social =eric sapp <= muhREL_G_ON c_A
Eric co-founded Common Good Strategies in 2005,
which became the Eleison Group in 2008.
his team developed one of the largest voter response databases
and most sophisticated digital advertising platforms in the country,
which they transformed into a Public Benefit Corporation in 2018
#12. Religious leaders, preachers (Loop in Burns Strider, Eric Sapp, Ken Eudy {have not searched out Burns Strider, or Ken Eudy}
To: hgoff@hillaryclinton.com, dhuynh@hillaryclinton.com, MMarshall@hillaryclinton.com
CC: CReynolds@hillaryclinton.com, nheinitz@hfaintern.com, katie.hendrickson7@gmail.com, jarrowood@jmdlaw.com, brucethompson@parkerpoe.com, rsullivan@capitolcounsel.com mbeasley@hillaryclinton.com, nheinitz@hfaintern.com, erskine@2bowles.com, burns.strider@gmail.com, RMook@HillaryClinton.com, john.podesta@gmail.com, habedin@hillaryclinton.com
Date: 2016-02-27 01:14
Subject: North Carolina Delegate Strategy
Hans, Marlon & David, {MMarshall@hillaryclinton.com'}
I would divide and assign some specific staff members to be responsible to organize if needed, harness,
monitor and manage our operations with the lay leaders in the following groups:
Teachers/NCAE (Linda Gunter, amongst others)
Unions (Rob Black)
RWCA (Endorsed, but need to GOTV)
Durham Committee(Endorsed, but need to GOTV)
Charlotte BPC (Working on the endorsement, should know Sunday night, 2/28)
Other Caucuses/Committees (Simpkins PAC, Rev Cordis Brown Cmte in G'boro, Eastern NC Civic Group, etc
State Employees (potentially, but problematic. Hans, let's discuss offline.
They are backing Dan Blue III's opponent for State Treasurer)
LGBT Outreach - We are connected at many levels. Does it need more coordination to generate GOTV help?
Students - Who is leading our college outreach? TARGETED early voting with them?
Latino/Hispanic Outreach (Loop in Matty Chatterton)
County Party Organizations; Dem Women; YDs; Dem Men - Flood with speakers in the next 2 weeks
12. Religious leaders, preachers (Loop in Burns Strider, Eric Sapp, Ken Eudy)
Early Voting Process - We need someone living, breathing and eating early voting.
Need to monitor/analyze vote count updates for EV & absentee and manage and be accountable
for our early vote GOTV process. Let's discuss budget. It's where we will win the primary!
I will personally reach out to assess and develop a current Cherokee (11th) and Lumbee (8th & some 7th)
status & strategy and will circle back to this group.
if ya get any slap back shill attack, maybe reply:
"Mr SAPPbitch DIVfag (((you))) MAD C_A 'tween YOUr [Cha_r] and YOUr KEYbo_rd"
>>8769764, >>8769826 /PB
ANONS Check Other Names Noted PLEASE.