Anonymous ID: 060016 April 16, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.8811492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1623


Right about that anon. Watching democrat governors, mayors. city counsels blatantly and so willfully overstepping their authority. Was watching the Gov. of New Jersey last night on Tucker and Tucker asked him where it was that he got the authority to override the Bill of Rights? His answer was simply, " that was above my pay grade. I wasn't thinking about the "Bill of Rights". No governor. You sure as hell didn't.


Restless is an understatement. P-I-S-S-E-D O-F-F A-N-D-F-U-R-I-O-U-S is more accurate. The hyped, promoted and hysterical measures the elected leaders have taken coupled with the DNC Press Dept.pumping, pumping, pumping as much fear as possible into everyone is the sole driver of this entire thing.


This acute overreaction does not add up as warranted and people fucking know it. No doubt this virus is deadly. So is walking down a busy street, driving a car etc……….Life is lived at the calculation of the risk. It's that fucking simple. Compare the corona numbers with that of the seasonal flu and corona is NO WHERE NEAR having the same CFR. Hospitalizations, deaths, people infected are infinitesimal in comparison.


"Never let a good crisis go to waste" and the democrats in their obsessive compulsion to oust our POTUS unbelievably see this as another opportunity to do so. o one, and I mean no one with one rational brain cell functioning can possibly think that the consistent fuckery they've attempted to inject into legislation or keep legislation from being passed, is going to return power back to them this November. Top it all off with their nominee and we are witnessing exactly how NOT TO WIN.


It's as if they have been ordered to out themselves even crazier and more bizarre than they ever have to show the American people how truly evil and deranged they really are.


None of this makes any sense which in and of itself, is a well used tactic by the left. taking that into consideration, it still doesn't make any sense.


Patriots are not going to stand by idly and let these tyrannical, authoritarian leftist destroy the Bill of Rights, destroy their livelihoods, destroy their families and all that they've worked and poured their entire life into. This continues, there is gonna be big, big trouble. More than anything in these depots lives they have ever bargained for. Walking down the streets? These people will have to flee for their lives.

Anonymous ID: 060016 April 16, 2020, 5:19 a.m. No.8811530   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He's right Anon. Interstate commerce is regulated by the Feds. Add to that, a "National Emergency" has been declared by POTUS. This gives him, by way of legislation passed long ago by congress, a whole lot of latitude.


On top of it all, all 50 states by way of their Governors, SIGNED ON to this "National Emergency". POTUS can do, what he says he can do. Congress granted the Executive this power decades ago.