Anonymous ID: 2d4700 April 16, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.8811592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1598 >>1614

Did Q give us the Clinton Child Porn code?

Anons, need moar eyes on. I’ve been thinking about Q’s latest post



Frogs to Destroy Them



15 Apr 2020 - 11:34:54 AM

…..and frogs to destroy them.



It is a continuation of Q post



Meme: Psalm 78:45



30 Jul 2019 - 5:17:15 PM

Which is a meme photo of Killary with a fly on her face, Hussein with a fly on his face, and a grinning Pepe frog with his hand up to his chin. And it says, “ He sent among them swarms of flies, which devoured them, and frogs which destroyed them.” Psalm 78:45



Photo file name:



Does -CP mean Child Pornography?

Q said we were ready, then sent us the 2nd half of Psalm 78:45. Is that the key to unlock Clinton Child Porn? Hussein AK photo? Ins file?


Just a thought- The meme photo file name reminded me of date formatting with the hyphens, and Psalm 78:45 reminded me of time formatting.


I’ve been thinking about it, and need moar eyes on to help decode. Q sent this for a reason, we need to figure it out!


This version of Psalm 78:45 Q posted is the ASV American Standard Version. There are wording differences between the different bible versions.