Anonymous ID: 4b3595 April 16, 2020, 4:12 a.m. No.8811274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1277 >>1315 >>1877

Nearly 100,000 dead and alive children were found in a

tunnel in New York - Patriot Q's Plot always knocks three


by Shadow Ranger

April 16, 2020


"Nearly 100,000 live and dead children were found in a tunnel in New York - Patriot Q's Plot always knocks three times

Patriot Q always knocks three times , we could rename the hoax of Almost 100,000 live and dead children were found in a tunnel in New York.


We have to go back to talk about Patriot Q to explain the genesis of this hoax. But rest assured, we gladly spoil the end of this analysis . Almost 100,000 live and dead children have been found in a tunnel in New York is a hoax . And not only that, it is the usual delusion of Patriot Q conspiracy, for friends QAnon, the new pagan idol and myth of the nerd / alt-right / incel community that lives in that virtual land known as 4chan.


Built around the photo of the US Confort, sent to South America in 2019 and not to New York in 2020.


To get to the genesis of this hoax, however, we will have to make a brief summary of the previous episodes. Follow us for a while.


Patriot Q always knocks three times - myth and genesis of a pagan religion

About Patriot Q, for QAnon friends, we have spoken extensively in this article.


Basically, the Patriot Q is the idol of a nerd / incel / alt-right community , the cry of pain of those who wake up in their forties with a cereal mug held in their hands, in a dark room surrounded by dirty dolls and other totems of the his existential failure which, illuminated by the dim light of a monitor, dreams that the colorful heroes of his childhood can come out of the monitor and hold him tightly in the chest and reassure him. Telling him that he has not thrown his entire existence into the drain by dreaming improbable strong men and superheroes to give him glory and beauty."



ahahah funny funny YOU BEEN RED PILLED BITCHES

Anonymous ID: 4b3595 April 16, 2020, 4:39 a.m. No.8811347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1351 >>1364 >>1503 >>1790 >>1798 >>1892

China rejects news report about Covid-19 origin, says WHO

found ‘no evidence’ virus was made in lab

16 Apr, 2020 10:16


"China rejects news report about Covid-19 origin, says WHO found ‘no evidence’ virus was made in lab


China’s Foreign Ministry has said that claims about the novel coronavirus originating in a lab are not based on science, citing the WHO as it rebuked the latest news story on Covid-19 ‘patient zero.’

“I want to remind you that the head of the [World Health Organization] has repeatedly stated that there is no evidence that the novel coronavirus has been produced in the laboratory,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told reporters on Thursday.


He added that “many well-known medical experts in the world also believe that the claims about the so-called leak [of the virus] from a laboratory are not based on science.”


Zhao was answering a question about a recent story by Fox News. Citing anonymous sources, the news channel reported that the deadly coronavirus had originally spread from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak was first recorded, and that the first person to be infected was an employee of the facility."



Anonymous ID: 4b3595 April 16, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.8811358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1503 >>1790 >>1892

Trump says peak is passed and US to reopen soon

2 hours ago


"President Donald Trump says the US has "passed the peak" of new coronavirus cases and predicted some states would reopen this month.


Mr Trump told the daily White House briefing that new guidelines would be announced on Thursday after he had spoken to governors.


"We'll be the comeback kids, all of us," the president said. "We want to get our country back."


The US has nearly 640,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases and over 30,900 deaths.


Mr Trump's comments came after New York City reported a rise in virus fatalities to 10,367."



Anonymous ID: 4b3595 April 16, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.8811907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and tha ban again?

I posted a dic pic of a fat persons belly button peni and these lil bitches are trying to say DOST