Anonymous ID: e112e0 April 16, 2020, 4:47 a.m. No.8811385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>1409 >>1421 >>1438 >>1453 >>1563 >>1671 >>1747

Losing muh Faith


I been doing this since the last week of October 2017

I have no doubt on who Q is.

But so far the fruit coming from the tree doesn’t taste right


1 If you knew all these Hollywood types were cannibals why let them roam the earth for 3.5 years

  1. If you had evidence on all the bad guys HRC or HAnx then why let them freenfor 3.5 years?

  2. Why post pics of cannibals that turns out was just a PETA vegan stunt?

  3. Why tell me HRC was arrested? When she still had Top Secret access herself? Shit she probably has Q level clearance still


5 why let Epstein escape justice? He was under your control. Do you not have “complete control”

As you once told me


  1. Tell me question everything but “Trust The Plan”? That doesn’t make any damn sense


  1. Why am I going to lose my home and business that I’ve spent my life building while I watch you let Fauci and Gates on parade?


  1. Why have all those you said TRUST turned out to be flops? Why all the great generals we were supposed tonTRUST publicly shamed out of the White House? Are we to believe they will be in charge of a Tribunal now after they were disgraced?


  1. Did you know about Corona in advance and not prepare us? What else is coming that we don’t know about. “Patriots are safe” my ass!


And don’t get mad at me for asking questions everyone with logic is thinking. Shit I know it’s a hard task . But you made these promises and Q set these expectations! Not us!


3.5 years of this shit I’ll take my answer from Q and nobody else. Because all you Q experts and pundits don’t have the answers. You just have guesses.

Anonymous ID: e112e0 April 16, 2020, 5:08 a.m. No.8811477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1483 >>1499 >>1881


I did

I voted for the guy who said he would do something about it.

Then I devoted myself to helping THIS get going

Day after day countless hours.

Trusting the plan.

Planting seed and waiting patiently


But the fruit isn’t what I planted.

Anonymous ID: e112e0 April 16, 2020, 5:21 a.m. No.8811544   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was second week as I recall I dunno

Before trip codes

I miss the random post ID generator


Doesn’t matter does it


I’ll ask those questions and I won’t get an answer from Q

Just another bunch of empty promises not kept.


Ohhh new Q proof!

Q is a politician after all!