Anonymous ID: b71ef3 April 16, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.8816057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6436

so Q posted shiva: hinduism

now posts yoga crap: hinduism


Hinduism Beliefs About Sacrifice


In some parts of the Hindu world animal and human sacrifice still exist:








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Hinduism Beliefs About Sacrifice

By Eleanor McKenzie ; Updated September 29, 2017

Sacrifices are made to please gods and placate demons.

Sacrifice plays an important role in Hinduism, although the rituals associated with it have evolved over Hinduism's several thousand years of existence. The Vedic scriptures dictate the rules of sacrifice and priests follow highly structured methods of incorporating sacrifice into worship. In some parts of the Hindu world animal and human sacrifice still exist: The majority of Hindus disapprove of both these practices, and the latter is a criminal act.



Purpose of Sacrifice

In Hinduism, sacrifice, or "yajna" to use the Sanskrit word, turns the profane into the holy, according to Anna Smorag in the article "The Significance of Sacrifice in Hinduism." Hindus use it to achieve "moksa," which is liberation of the soul from the cycle of rebirth and knowledge of the true self through a state of unity with Brahman the Supreme Being. Smorag states that sacrifice has a special place in Hindu tradition because the ritual provides a separation between everyday activity and worship.


Vedic Sacrifice

Following the Rig Veda, the oldest of the Vedic scriptures, Brahmin priests use grains, vegetables and ghee, which is purified butter, in sacrificial rites. The belief behind sacrificial rites is that these please the gods and preserve dharma. In Hinduism, dharma is a person's responsibility to observe a moral code and traditional customs. Although priests perform these sacrifices in a temple setting, many Hindus perform these daily rituals before an altar in the home.


Animal Sacrifice

Nepalese and Balinese Hindus still practice animal sacrifice whereas most Indian Hindus disapprove of the tradition, partly because many don't eat meat and because of the belief in nonviolence. However, even where it does exist, its practice is confined to special occasions. In support of the practice there is a Hindu belief that there are demons who have great powers and satisfying their desire for blood is a way of keeping them happy. Animal sacrifice might involve one chicken or thousands of animals, as in the Nepalese festival worshiping the goddess Ghadimai. Hindu priests in Bali might use it as part of the ritual of opening a new business.


Human Sacrifice

In the 21st century human sacrifice is an extremely rare practice worldwide. The majority of Hindu practices and beliefs emphasize abstinence, vegetarianism and an ascetic approach to life, yet within Hinduism there is a history of blood sacrifice, particularly in the worship of the goddess Kali; she is the slayer of evil and has an appetite for blood.


Indian cult kills children for goddess

The killings have focused attention on Tantrism, an amalgam of mystical practices that grew out of Hinduism. Tantrism also has adherents among Buddhists and Muslims and, increasingly, in the West, where it is associated with yoga or sexual techniques.


India’s killer ‘godmen’ and their sacrificial children

A new law is aimed at stopping self-styled holy men from murdering and mutilating children to gain divine favour, but widespread ignorance and blind devotion still fuel the ritualistic killings.


Police investigations found the crime had been perpetrated at the behest of Krishna’s 40-year-old paternal aunt, Draupadi Pol. The accused, a tantric or holy man, had kidnapped the boy from near his home, stuffed a cloth ball into his mouth, bundled him into a jute sack, and a few hours later, slit his throat. The murder was an act of human sacrifice – committed to gain the favour of a goddess.


Horror of India's child sacrifice

over 200 cases of child sacrifice in these parts over the last seven years.


He admitted many of the cases go unreported because the police are reluctant to tarnish the image of their state. He told us incidents of child sacrifice are often covered up.


Human Sacrifice in Hindusim

The human sacrifices were part of the recent 10-day Hindu festival of Dassera when people pray to Durga, a goddess who symbolises strength and power, according to police and villagers.

Anonymous ID: b71ef3 April 16, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.8816274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6301 >>6355 >>6441 >>6611

CERN ‘human sacrifice’ act riles India


A video shot outside a CERN building in Geneva, Switzerland showing a fake human sacrifice has triggered an investigation after it has circulated online.


Human sacrifice, Lord Shiva’s statue, nuclear institute, God Particle, European laboratory in a cavern, mini black holes all makes for a heady mysterious mix.


When a creepy grainy video emerges from inside a haloed scientific institution showing a so-called ‘human sacrifice’ being committed at that global temple of learning where more than 100 nations are co-operating in Geneva called the European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN, it spooked many.


CERN has launched an internal investigation to get to the truth of the matter while confirming the veracity of the video as having been shot within its highly secure premises, but called it a ‘fictional’ depiction. This act has riled many scientists especially in India since the ‘human sacrifice’ is shown being conducted with the backdrop of giant statue of Lord Shiva in his Nataraja pose performing the ‘tandava‘ or the cosmic dance.

Anonymous ID: b71ef3 April 16, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.8816322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6336 >>6375

Shiva is considered the Great Yogi

who is totally absorbed in himself - the transcendental reality. He is the Lord of Yogis, and the teacher of Yoga to sages. As Shiva Dakshinamurthi, states Stella Kramrisch, he is the supreme guru who "teaches in silence the oneness of one's innermost self (atman) with the ultimate reality (brahman)."


Shiva, the Supreme Lord of Yoga - American Institute of Vedic Studies