Anonymous ID: b80074 April 16, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.8816019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6036 >>6113 >>6114

I have read the satanic verses.

They refer to the part of the Qur'an that turns a normal religion into today's evil and satanic religion of Islam.

If you take out this evil part, which was inserted much later, Islam is a peaceful religion.

Just like Christianity, without the Old Testament.

Just like Buddhism, and…

…because they all came from one religion.

Rediscovering this primal religion reconnects all people to their true roots and unites them what was artificially separated.

Artificially separated by a division into different languages and religions.

When mankind recognizes that it has a common source, it can re-enter the infinite circle (Moebius strip) together and resume its path that it left thousands of years ago.

Humanity can finally heal.


Anonymous ID: b80074 April 16, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.8816086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6382


There's a lot of confusion in the world, Anon.

The confusion was artificially created to divide us and weaken us.

Separately we are weak when we lose our roots, we are weak when we believe (((their))) stories.

When we understand, we will heal.

Anonymous ID: b80074 April 16, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.8816170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6678



Go on your way, anon and hopefully one day you will understand what I mean

Don't believe me, don't believe anyone - just go your way

The destination is the same for all of us.

See you there
