Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.8816417   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>No.8816292>>8816312 >>8816347


Exclusive: As Washington DC Faces Coronavirus Spike, Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the Capital


District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser yesterday ordered a one-month extension of the state of emergency, as cases in the region grow at a rapid pace. Federal officials in the nation's capital expect a New York-like epidemic in the District, Maryland and Virginia, one that could potentially cripple the government.


"No one wants to talk evacuation, especially when there's nowhere to go," says a senior military officer working on continuity of government planning; he requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the record.


But a little-known military task force charged with evacuating Washington has already been activated, a task force charged with the most sensitive government mission of "securing" Washington in the face of attackers, foreign and domestic—and if necessary, moving White House and other key government offices to alternate locations.


Activated on March 16, Joint Task Force National Capital Region (JTF-NCR) is chartered to "defend" Washington on land, in the air, and even on its waterfronts. The special task force, the only one of its kind in the country, demonstrates how there are two sides of government preparedness. The public face, and even the day-to-day work of most men and women assigned to JTF-NCR, is the same as it is everywhere else in the country—medical support, delivering supplies, manning health-check stations.


But behind the scenes, JTF-NCR is responsible for what the military calls "homeland defense": what to do in the face of an armed attack on the United States, everything from guarding Washington's skies to preparing for the civil unrest that could occur if a nuclear weapon were detonated in the capital. But most immediate, JTF-NCR is charged with facilitating continuity of government, particularly moving civil and military leaders to secret locations were the order given to evacuate the city.


Ever since National Guards started to activate countrywide, Pentagon officials have insisted that men and women in uniform are not conducting secret missions and that they will not administer or enforce "stay at home" quarantines. The Pentagon has also rejected reports, including articles in Newsweek, about martial law or other extreme contingency plans, arguing that the Guard remains under strict control of state governors, while federal troops support civil agencies like FEMA.


And yet the activation of Joint Task Force National Capital Region, including almost 10,000 uniformed personnel to carry out its special orders, contradicts those assurances. JTF-NCR is not only real and operating, reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense for some of its mission, but some of its units are already on 24/7 alert, specially sequestered on military bases and kept out of coronavirus support duties to ensure their readiness.



Fort A.P. Hill


The leaders are here to make sure our communities our installations remain safe, secure and healthy. Most broadly, the mission of JTF-NCR in our area and the missions of the Department of Defense remains unchanged. -Maj Gen Omar Jones, Nat. Cap. Reg.

10:15 AM · Mar 26, 2020



Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.8816444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Dr. Shiva – Pandemic a Globalist Ploy to Remove Trump


>"Dr Shiva Ayyadurai is the most Electrifying, Articulate, Educated, Intelligent, and PATRIOTIC Lightning Rod to appear on the American Landscape in the last 244 Years.



Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.8816451   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Cabal releasing Prisoners WW?


>Amid coronavirus, California to release 3,500 inmates early - Los Angeles Times




>New York City has released 900 inmates in response to coronavirus pandemic | TheHill




>Up to 4,000 inmates to be temporarily released in England and Wales | Society | The Guardian




>Lock 'em up or let 'em out? Coronavirus prompts wave of prisoner releases




>Turkey to release thousands of prisoners over coronavirus - France 24




>Iran has released 85,000 prisoners in an emergency bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus | Business Insider




>European capitals to release 1000s of prisoners early – can still come to UK | UK | News |




baker, notable

Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.8816495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BRI is just the Hedge Fonds principle adapted to whole states. In addition, the Chinese apply the Islam principle, that is, to transform the strength of democracies into weakness. Look no further as to the Biden crime family. It's of course even easier in despotism. At the end of the day, the Chicoms and bribed democrats/despots know that America and Europe are paying the debt.





Belt and Road Debts to China Skyrocket Under Coronavirus Lockdown


Countries already deeply indebted to Beijing through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) face increasing economic hardship caused by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, the South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday.


China uses the BRI to establish economically predatory infrastructure projects across the globe, expanding its sphere of influence. Chinese loans fund infrastructure projects in over 100 developing nations across Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America through the BRI, an initiative estimated to be worth $8 trillion.


According to the Center for Global Development (CGD), 15 out of 68 BRI partner countries face a significant risk of debt distress due to economic challenges caused by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.


Many countries around the world have practically shut down their economies in an effort to comply with mandatory government lockdowns meant to curb the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, significantly disrupting global supply and demand chains. For heavily indebted countries like China’s BRI partners – already struggling before the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic – the looming economic recession may spell disaster.


In Africa, Niger and Angola will likely encounter difficulties. Ecuador, run by pro-China socialists for much of the decade, and Venezuela, rapidly approaching failed state status, are among the more at-risk Latin American countries. The study noted that smaller economies in Asia such as Laos, Cambodia, and the Kyrgyz Republic may also fall deeper into debt.


Experts estimate that developing countries’ “hidden debts” to China totaled $380 billion before the emergence of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.


BRI loans often require debtor nations to use specific Chinese contractors and materials for their infrastructure projects, in a practice known as circular lending. These Chinese contractors include Huawei, ZTE, China Harbor Engineering, and China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC). China demands massive amounts of collateral for loans, crafting a “debt trap” for impoverished nations.


In 2017, Sri Lanka handed over a port to China in an effort to pay off its BRI debts. Having defaulted on BRI loans to Chinese firms, the nation formally surrendered the strategic port of Hambantota to China on a 99-year lease, in a deal that threatens Sri Lanka’s sovereignty.


The warning for BRI-member economies comes as Chinese state media recently criticized the U.S. and Europe for wanting to restart their economies amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


“An economic shutdown can be more detrimental to the ruling parties of the U.S. and European countries than the pandemic,” an editorial in the People’s Daily, an official Chinese Communist Party (CCP) newspaper, claimed on Tuesday.


“For the U.S., it is a capitalist country after all, where maintaining economic activities is given higher priority than humanitarianism and is the basic way to keep society running,” the author added.



Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.8816519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>countries along the equator (known for Malaria) have nearly zero COVID-19 outbreak. That is ZERO.because of the wide-spread use of HCQ or Quinine there.



Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.8816548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Worship of this Egyptian goddess spread from Egypt to England

Egyptians adored Isis, divine protector of the dead, for two millennia before her cult spread beyond the Nile to the rest of the Roman Emprie.


Isis was loved by ancient Egyptians for her fierce devotion to her husband Osiris and her son Horus. Her cult first began to spread around the Mediterranean following the establishment of Hellenist rule in Egypt in the fourth century B.C. Then as Roman power expanded, worship of Isis went even farther afield.


By the second century A.D., the Roman writer Apuleius would glorify her as the “mother of stars, the parent of seasons, and the mistress of all the world.” Yet while she meant many things to many cultures across the Roman world, her roots lie in a very specific place and time: the Nile Delta at the dawn of ancient Egyptian history. (In ancient Egypt, women rulers kept society stable in times of trouble.)


Egyptian origins


Isis is the Greek form of the goddess’s name, which in ancient Egyptian was Aset, meaning “seat” or “throne.” Depicted as a slim woman wearing a sheath dress, she is often shown with a throne on her head. As her divine roles diversified, her appearance would change. Hathor, an early Egyptian goddess of motherhood, was often shown with a solar disk and cow horns. As Isis became closely linked to maternity, her headdress morphed and became like Hathor’s. Isis’s ability to absorb new traits would prove valuable to the longevity and spread of her worship throughout the ancient world.



Anonymous ID: d0beec April 16, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.8816592   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>8815442 NYT getting ahead of @jack being fired?


>>>8814791 @Jack and the satanic verses


>Why Was Jack Dorsey Suspended From Twitter?


>Africa, Puerto Rico, Haiti… many cabalists interested in these areas. Think Oprah.


>so wtf did @jack do?




>The "86" page was about a sacrifice / killing on a tarmac.


>Could the tweet have been a code considering "Page 86?"


>At JackASS is spergin out cause surely there are more people then this on twatter right now.


>Holy shit. Page 87?


>Imagine Jack seriously reading that?


>Q had this 20 seconds after @Jack posted it.