Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8815987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6124 >>6441 >>6611

US, Canada have funded Chinese lab eyed as likely source of coronavirus outbreak


Both the United States and Canada have sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab that multiple sources tell Fox News is suspected of being the likely source of the coronavirus pandemic – with the Canadian funding coming as recently as last month.


Fox News reported Wednesday that, according to sources, there is increasing confidence the novel coronavirus likely escaped from the Wuhan laboratory, where it was being studied, with a worker spreading it to the larger population.




In a news release from early March, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research announced millions in funding to research and develop tools such as vaccines and tests to combat the coronavirus. One project that got $828,046 from the agency was aimed at developing a rapid coronavirus test "using isothermal amplification and CRISPR technology." Among the organizations on the project was the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


"The collaborative research is conducted by a multi-disciplinary team of virologists, chemists, infectious disease specialists, front-line practitioners, and public health researchers from the University of Alberta, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and Wuhan Institute of Virology (China)," a backgrounder detailing where the Canadian government's grant money was going reads. "Our team members in Wuhan who currently perform the standard diagnostic tests will lead this effort."


The Canadian news site Rebel News first reported on the grant.


This comes after recent reports, including from the Daily Mail, of millions of dollars in U.S. government grants funding research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in recent years, news that has upset multiple members of Congress.


"There is zero doubt that the Chinese communist government has American blood on its hands. They put American lives at risk by covering up the origin and scope of the coronavirus crisis," Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz. told Fox News Thursday.


She continued: "The NIH must immediately stop deploying American tax dollars to China for this dangerous research. I’m also leading congressional efforts to ensure no coronavirus relief payments—intended to help American taxpayers and businesses—are misspent in China. The Chinese government must be held accountable for this crisis."


According to public documents compiled by the White Coat Waste Project and shared with Fox News, The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been involved with research funded by $7.1 million worth of U.S. government grants from the National Institutes of Health as it has participated in projects in collaboration with U.S. institutions. One grant for research on bat coronaviruses has received $3.7 million and another grant involving injecting viruses into mice's brains got $3.4 million.


It is not clear exactly how much U.S. funding went directly to the Wuhan Institute of Virology because it worked in collaboration with other institutions on the projects funded by the American grants.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology also has official approval from the National Institutes of Health to conduct taxpayer-funded research on animals in what is called "Animal Welfare Assurance" issued by the Public Health Service.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.8816010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If You Suggest 5G Link, You’re Banned, or Arrested; Yet San Marino, the First Country Fully Covered by 5G Networks, Has Highest Coronavirus Death Rate


Just about the most banned video on the subject of 5G (after the infamous David Icke interview, in which he actually said very little about 5G) is this one.


If it hasn’t been removed already — it may be your very last chance to hear this, before they come for the Utah Gun Exchange.


This is a leaked message put out by a former top Vodafone exec. I’ve managed to get in contact with this guy, via a social network, I can assure you he is absolutely for real and is exactly who he says he is.


You’ll hear he talks a lot about African development — he sounds very English, so I was quite surprised to find he’s actually a black guy, just by the by.


There’s a religious angle to what he’s saying, as there is with many whistleblowers, like the Department of Homeland Security worker who revealed the illnesses they are getting from their millimetre-wave scanners at airports, as reported to Miss Dana Ashlie in the link above.


This whistleblower describes a colleague collapsing on the job and dying, in ways that are very reminiscent of those stories from Kirkland, Seattle, where patients would go from being symptom-free to being hospitalized and dying within hours.


There is one seriously drastic allegation in the presentation that this Vodafone whistleblower makes, without any evidence, beyond a “Sorry to be honest …,” which is that people are being deliberately infected with this virus when they go to get tested, in order to bump up the “infection” rates and reinforce the pandemic narrative.


This is at around 11:45 in the video.


All I know is: I would not go near a hospital if I started showing flu symptoms. Hospitals are always the worst places to go if you are trying to avoid infections. But if this rumor has gained any traction, it might help explain those “ghost town” hospitals, with nary a patient nor person waiting to be tested in view.


Here’s a drastic story for you: Hospitals nationwide overwhelmed with flu patients in every state in the USA; triage and “surge” tents being set up to take the overload; family visits to hospitals banned; states of emergency declared; elective surgeries cancelled; “Emergency departments had standing-room only, and some patients had to be treated in hallways; “More and more patients are needing mechanical ventilation due to respiratory failure.”


Sound familiar? This is Time magazine, reporting the U.S. flu epidemic of 2018:

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.8816016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6124 >>6441 >>6611

Trump Reportedly Tells Governors Some States Can Reopen Before May 1: Live Updates


Update (1600ET): And details of Trump's grand reopening 'guidelines' are starting to leak out.






    • *


Update (1545ET): During his call with America's governors, President Trump reportedly said that some states would be allowed to open some businesses and schools before May 1.


President Donald Trump told U.S. governors on a conference call Thursday that some states would be able to reopen businesses and schools before May 1, when federal social distancing guidelines are set to expire.


He said some governors may want to take more time, conceding that some states are in rough shape, two people familiar with the call said. But he told the governors that the country is heading in the right direction.


The president said he’ll announce federal guidelines for states to lift stay-at-home orders and relax social distancing practices during his daily news conference at 6 p.m. He told the governors that they’ll receive booklets with the guidelines.


While states like North Dakota, that is, states with only a few hundred cases and a handful of deaths, are pushing to reopen asap to stave off needless economic harm (which, as we've noted before, can often translate into harming of the physical/emotional variety), others, like California, are looking at a much longer timeline. Meanwhile, Bill Gates is insisting that allowing a few states to reopen earlier would be nothing short of disastrous.


We imagine he'll have something to say about Trump's comment.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.8816047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6067 >>6124 >>6211 >>6441 >>6611

Turkey Releases Notorious Mafia Boss Under Pretext Of COVID-19 Outbreak


On April 16, Turkish authorities released notorious mafia boss Alaattin Çakıcı under a new law meant to counter the widespread of coronavirus in the country’s prisons by releasing tens of thousands of inmates.


Çakıcı, who started his life as a fugitive, reportedly worked for the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT), carrying out covert operations for the agency abroad Turkey.


In 1980, Çakıcı built a reputation as one of Turkey’s notorious crime bosses. He was indicted in 1995 for contracting the killing of his wife in front of their son before fleeing abroad. In 1998, France arrested Çakıcı and extradited him to Turkey, where he stayed in prison up until 2002.


Çakıcı was extradited again in 2004, this time from Austria. He was sanctioned to 26 years and eight months in jail for leading a criminal organization, ordering a murder and instigating assault.


Aside from his past work with the MİT and his criminal activities, Çakıcı is known to be a former member of the ultra-nationalist organization Grey Wolves.


To this day, Çakıcı enjoys good relations with Devlet Bahçeli, president of the far-right political party MHP who visited him in prison. Bahçeli’s party is now allied to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) headed by President Recep Tyyipe Erdogan.


The Turkish Parliament approved the law which allowed the release of Çakıcı on April 14. At least 90,000 inmates will be released under the law, which is supposedly meant to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. The AKP was among the main backers of the bill.


The law was widely criticized by the Turkish opposition for covering people like Çakıcı, while excluding tens of thousands of people in jail on ‘terrorism charges’ detained simply for criticizing the government.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.8816130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6441 >>6611

Sens. Cruz, Coons Push For Increased US-Israel Medical Partnership To Combat COVID


Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are joining bipartisan forces to push for an increased medical partnership with Israel in mitigating the coronavirus pandemic. Both members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are also asking for $12 million to “enhance partnerships between companies in the United States and Israel to develop innovative medical projects aimed at detecting, treating, and curing COVID-19.”


“I’ve long said that China poses the most significant, long-term geopolitical threat to the United States. Our dependence on China for life-saving medications and treatments is deeply problematic,” Cruz said in a statement. “Israel is not only our friend and ally, but also a global leader in medicine with which we already cooperate on exactly those issues. I’m proud to push forward to ensure both American and Israeli companies can work together to develop cures and treatments to defeat COVID-19.”


“The United States and Israel are world leaders in the medical technology industry, and it is in the interest of all Americans, Israelis, and the rest of the world that we work together to fight COVID-19. This virus knows no borders, and our bill underscores the importance of international collaboration in the face of a truly global pandemic,” Sen. Coons said in a statement.


Many Israeli companies are inching closer to a COVID-19 vaccine and have reported success in early trials of a number of therapeutics and treatments. For example, as reported, Israel’s Pluristem Therapeutics Inc.’s treatment had a 100 percent survival rate in patients treated. Researchers at MIGAL, an internationally recognized research institute located in Israel’s Northern Galilee, say they’re years ahead in developing a coronavirus vaccine that could be ready within weeks, as reported.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.8816169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6206 >>6362 >>6479

Retaliation? China Suddenly Toughens Export Rules, Freezing Critical Medical Goods Destined For US


Just hours after President Trump, General Milley, and now the mainstream US media, increase the rhetoric volume on the source of the "Chinese Virus", with questions about leaks from the Wuhan Lab growing louder, American firms producing medical goods in China have been slapped new export restrictions, stranding much of the supplies in warehouses across the country.


This new hurdle comes at a time when shortages of masks, test kits, and other medical equipment have materialized in many hospital systems across the US.


Suppliers, brokers, and State Department memos reveal that large sums of protective gear lay on pallets in Chinese warehouses, unable to receive necessary shipping authorizations to the US, reported The Wall Street Journal.


For example, 1.4 million COVID-19 test kits sit in a warehouse in China, unable to ship from PerkinElmer Inc.'s Suzhou factory because "it lacks certification required by the new rules," a State Department memo read, first reviewed by The Journal.


Another memo said Shanghai officials told 3M that the city is overly reliant on 3M-95 masks, and it would be up to Beijing to lift export restrictions.


State Department memos said the new restrictions had created "bottlenecks" for the US at a time when medical supplies are urgently needed.


The export restrictions have "disrupted established supply chains for medical products just as these products were most needed for the global response to COVID-19," according to a memo this week.


"Every single day we don't have the proper protective equipment is a new health-care worker exposed, is a new hole in the ship that is our current hospital system and ICU bed structure," said Illinois Deputy Gov. Christian Mitchell, who leads the state's efforts in acquiring medical supplies.


The Journal notes how China has created fresh "logjams" for companies trying to export medical supplies to the US.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.8816234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Fires Health Minister for Pushing Total Confinement, Something Bolsonaro Rejects — Brazil’s COVID-19 Deaths 8 Times Lower than New York State


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro fired his Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta on Thursday. Dr. Mandetta wanted the Brazilian government to shut down its economy and enforce a total confinement of the population.


Jair Bolsonaro refuses to destroy his economy in confronting the virus.


Brazil today has 1,924 coronavirus deaths in a country of 207 million.


New York state has over 16,000 deaths in a state of 20 million.


New York as over 8 times the deaths of tropical Brazil with a population 10 times its size.


So far Jair Bolsonaro’s bold policies to save business and people’s livelihoods has paid off.



El Mundo reported (translated):


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has fired Thursday the country’s Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, a doctor by profession, who had previously reiterated earlier today that his departure from office was imminent after public discrepancies with the president.


“I just heard from President Jair Bolsonaro the notice of my dismissal from the Ministry of Health,” Mandetta, a supporter of the social isolation measures rejected by Bolsonaro, reported on his Twitter account.


Since the Covid-19 crisis began, Mandetta and Bolsonaro have shown profound differences in how the health crisis should be faced. The minister is in favor of adopting drastic measures , such as the total confinement of the population, something that the president rejects so as not to harm the economy.


The still minister had insisted this Thursday during an appearance on the Internet that the coronavirus “does not negotiate, does not give up”, and those who do not face it “end up being run over by the way it behaves.”


Mandetta has promised to “support” his substitute in office,

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.8816358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451

Cabal releasing Prisoners WW?


Amid coronavirus, California to release 3,500 inmates early - Los Angeles Times


New York City has released 900 inmates in response to coronavirus pandemic | TheHill


Up to 4,000 inmates to be temporarily released in England and Wales | Society | The Guardian


Lock 'em up or let 'em out? Coronavirus prompts wave of prisoner releases


Turkey to release thousands of prisoners over coronavirus - France 24


Iran has released 85,000 prisoners in an emergency bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus | Business Insider


European capitals to release 1000s of prisoners early – can still come to UK | UK | News |

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:53 p.m. No.8816380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6444 >>6563

Dr. Shiva – Pandemic a Globalist Ploy to Remove Trump


"Dr Shiva Ayyadurai is the most Electrifying, Articulate, Educated, Intelligent, and PATRIOTIC Lightning Rod to appear on the American Landscape in the last 244 Years.


I have NEVER been so impressed by the knowledge base and PASSION of a naturalized citizen of the United States who has demonstrated more courage and fortitude than a hundred Thomas Paines put together, to step into the breech - at a time when American needs him most - and say what NEEDS to be said and DO what needs to be done!


This is an extraordinary and phenomenal individual who DESERVES your fullest attention more than any other voice on the internet. PLEASE listen to the astute brilliance of this man. There are few in the world who can match his mettle." - Ken Adachi


Shiva Ayyadurai, 56, obtained a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology. His thesis focused on modelling the whole cell by integrating molecular pathway models. He is running as a Republican for the Senate in Massachusetts.


In this important video, he says:


  1. China was robbing America blind: stealing its manufacturing base and intellectual property.

It was also running a huge trade surplus. Trump threatened to stop this. Ayyadurai says the pandemic is aimed at removing him and installing top-down Chinese style governance. Both WHO and the CDC are controlled by the vaccine industry and the Chinese government.


  1. The coronavirus depends on a weakened immune system. The way of resisting it is by imbibing Vitamins A, D and C. Of course, big pharma wants us to take a vaccine. Staying inside increases stress and deprives us of Vit D from the sun. "We live in an ecosystem of germs but our immune system can handle them."


  1. Is Trump to blame? Yes, for taking the advice of the lobbyists for big pharma, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. "He's surrounded by sharks."


  1. "Unfortunately this guy Fauci has been in this environment for nearly four decades across multiple presidents and is essentially embedded in this scientific establishment which has created an unfortunate lie about the immune system and an unfortunate lie about the solution to this coronavirus or more importantly infectious disease without any real emphasis [on the] real issue … that it is an overactive dysfunctional weakened immune system that overreacts and that's what causes damage to the body. And unfortunately Fauci has not talked about that because the truth of that leads to a solution which has nothing to do with mandating vaccines and shutting down the country."


  1. He says Fauci is "embedded in the Deep State." He was responsible for another big lie, that HIV was responsible for AIDS. Again, the problem was due to a weakened immune system.

Fauci should be indicted for scientific crimes and fired.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.8816399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6433

NYC Officials Just Artificially Increased Their COVID Death Total by 57%


If a national catastrophe isn’t bad enough, make it worse.

That appears to be the thinking behind a decision by New York City officials this week that sent the number of dead attributed to the coronavirus outbreak in the city soaring to more than 10,000 — a 57 percent increase over the previous count.

And these are numbers Americans are supposed to trust forevermore.

Unfortunately, in a United States where the mainstream media daily shows itself to be ever more corrupt, trust is in short supply.

According to The New York Times, New York City’s death count attributed to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, was a disastrous 6,589 on Tuesday, before NYC officials announced a decision that increased the death toll by more than half.

A number of fatalities more than double the deaths that took place in the 9/11 attacks is bad, but clearly not bad enough for the regime of leftist Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio, which decided to add more than 3,700 deaths that might have been caused by the coronavirus, though no tests could prove it.

The added deaths — 3,778, according to Bloomberg — not only increased the number in New York City, of course.

They also sent the national death toll to more than 26,000, an increase of 17 percent, The Times reported.

Now, there’s no doubt at least some of those deaths could be attributed to COVID-19 since, as Bloomberg reported, the deceased showed symptoms including coughing, shortness of breath and fever, hallmarks of the deadly infection. That doesn’t mean all of them should be counted that way.

It’s an artificial number, serving a need that’s very real to Democrats and the mainstream media.

In a nutshell, there’s no doubt that inflated COVID-19 numbers will end up being used as a weapon against President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

As distasteful as the idea is, it wouldn’t be the first time magically inflated death counts from a national tragedy will have been used by the president’s opponents in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media (at the risk of redundancy) to attack the Trump administration.

As The Times article itself noted, New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot recalled a somewhat similar count revision related to the deaths caused by Hurricane Maria’s strike on the island of Puerto Rico in September 2017.

In that case, the death toll went from 64, a figure that was accepted for almost a year, to almost 3,000, according to an estimate accepted by the Puerto Rican government in August 2018.

The reason? Studies had determined that “excess deaths” on Puerto Rico in the four months after the hurricane struck should be attributed to conditions on the island caused by the storm, according to CBS News. Hence, a death toll that was tragic, but small, became a death toll to rival 9/11.

Again, it’s possible that some of the 2,975 deaths attributed to Maria were actually caused by the storm, at least indirectly. But it’s more than possible that certain political and media institutions that are inextricably allied had a reason to push the higher number.

And it just happened to be right before the 2018 midterm elections when Democrats wanted every weapon they could get to try to take control of the House of Representatives and launch the impeachment proceedings their base had been dreaming of since November 2016.

With Trump himself on the ballot in 2020, that Democratic drive to get out the vote is only going to be stronger — and if that means conjuring up thousands of corpses caused by the coronavirus, Nancy Pelosi & Co. are not above playing games like that.

That’s not to mention the amount of federal aid that will be coming to affected cities — money that will no doubt be increased with the size of the tragedy affecting individual locations. Again, it’s distasteful, it’s crass, but it’s a fact — the worse off a city can look, the better it can do.

And that’s just in New York. As the incomparable Andrew McCarthy pointed out at National Review on Wednesday, it could happen everywhere else in the country where the coronavirus has exacted a heavy toll.

“And if the Big Apple is going to cook the books this way, what is to stop Newark, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and the rest?” McCarthy wrote.

Anonymous ID: f2f168 April 16, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.8816525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6641

OPERATION COVID-19: Much More Than a Militarized and AI-driven World Takeover Scheme


























That’s it in a nutshell.