This has to be some of the dumbest shit ever seriously posted here.
Did you even read the text?
<The login or trip-code which “Q-anon” used, when he first began posting anonymously on the Internet in late October of 2017 (author of the article is actually referring to the first 8chan Q tripcode), looked like the mirror-image of “QVEZLTAwox!”. Those scrambled letters might suggest in turn a less-scrambled version as “QUETZAL vox!”, meaning the “voice of Quetzal!” in Latin. Trip-codes often feature slightly-scrambled English words. In 2015, our crop-artist friend drew in crops near Torino, Italy a binary-computer message which read “timeo ET ferentes!”, also in Latin.
That's how it STARTS too. It's honestly fucking hilariously retarded.
FarmerChads like to fuck with you.
Pence has been doing it.
None of you desperate faggots mention that Austain Steintard is a mentally ill cuck who is irrelevant.
You have to go back boomer.
When boomers die off the world will be a better place, triggered old man.
Boomers got us into this mess, and now they think they're HAHA SO BASED AND REDPILLED because they're on twitter talking about what THEY CAUSED.
They're worthless besides their vote.