Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.8817503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7529 >>7536 >>7885 >>7917 >>8075 >>8149 >>8170

Roger Stone says the idea Bill Gates created coronavirus to microchip people 'is open for vigorous debate' and blasts the possibility of mandatory vaccinations saying 'over my dead body'


Donald Trump's longtime confidant was on The Joe Piscopo show on Monday

'[Gates] and other globalists are definitely using it for mandatory vaccinations and microchipping people so we know if they’ve been tested', Stone said

The Microsoft founder has donated $45 billion towards vaccination research

Stone also spoke of his lockdown and said Gov. Cuomo has done a 'good job'

Learn more about how to help people impacted by COVID


Roger Stone said Monday the idea that Bill Gates was involved in the creation and spread of coronavirus in order to microchip people 'is open for vigorous debate'.


Speaking on The Joe Piscopo show Donald Trump's longtime confidant said: 'I have conservative friends who say it’s ridiculous and others say absolutely.'


The Microsoft founder has donated around $45 billion towards vaccination research to tackle pandemics.


But Stone - who was sentence to 40 months in prison in February - said: 'Here is what I do know for certain. He and other globalists are definitely using it for mandatory vaccinations and microchipping people so we know if they’ve been tested.


'Over my dead body. Mandatory vaccinations? No way, Jose!'


Stone also spoke of his own Florida lockdown and said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has done a 'good job'.

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:40 p.m. No.8817509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7758 >>8075 >>8170 >>8243

Steve Mnuchin states that the stimulus package should support Americans for 10 weeks.


Where does he live that he thinks a person can live on $120 a week? For crying out loud, why are these rich, out of touch, utter pigs running this country? That’s ridiculous. I want to watch him pay rent, electric, water, buy gas and go to work, do laundry, and feed himself for $120 a week. Even one week.

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:41 p.m. No.8817519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7564 >>7593 >>7682 >>7917 >>8075 >>8149 >>8170

Pope Francis Proposes ‘Universal Wage’ After Coronavirus Lockdowns


ROME — Pope Francis has proposed a basic “universal wage” as a remedy for the economic hardships day laborers face during the “unbearable” coronavirus lockdowns.


In a Spanish-language letter to popular movements and community organizations, the pope underscored the difficult situation of many without regular, steady employment who are feeling the economic pinch of the lockdowns.


“I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization,” the pope wrote in his April 12 letter. “You don’t have access to those superficial pleasures that anesthetize so many consciences. Despite this, you always have to suffer their ill effects.”


“The evils that afflict everyone hit you twice. Many of you live day-to-day without any legal guarantees to protect you,” Francis said. “Street vendors, recyclers, carnival workers, small farmers, builders, seamstresses, caregivers of different types. As informal, independent or under-the-table workers you don’t have a stable wage to get you through this moment … and the lockdowns become unbearable.”


“Maybe the time has come to think about a universal wage that recognizes and dignifies the noble and irreplaceable tasks you perform, capable of guaranteeing and bringing to life this human and Christian slogan: no worker without rights,” he said.


“My hope is that governments understand that technocratic paradigms (whether state-centered or market-driven) are not enough to address this crisis or the other great problems affecting humankind,” the pope wrote. Now more than ever, persons, communities and peoples must be put at the center, united to heal, to care and to share.”


“How difficult it is to stay at home for those who live in a small precarious dwelling or who lack a roof. How difficult it is for migrants, detainees, or those in rehab from an addiction. There you are by their side, giving yourselves to make things less difficult, less painful.”


“I hope that this moment of danger takes us off autopilot, jars our sleepy consciences, and paves the way for a humanistic and ecological conversion that puts an end to the idolatry of money and places human life and dignity at the center,” he said.


“Our civilization — so competitive, so individualistic, with its feverish pace of production and consumption, its extravagant luxuries, its disproportionate profits for just a few — needs to slow down, take stock, and renew itself.”


At his Monday morning Mass, the pontiff repeated a similar idea, insisting that humanity had to embark in a new direction following the pandemic.


As we approach the end of this pandemic, the pope said, we are faced with a choice: “either our bet will be for life, for the resurrection of peoples or it will be for the god of money, returning to the tomb of hunger, slavery, wars, weapons factories, children without education … that is the tomb.”

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:42 p.m. No.8817542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7599

EU Starting to Expose its Communist Agenda


Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the EU and Commissioner for Competition, has spoken out that EU states should now nationalize companies in the fight against China. Accordingly, Vestager has revealed that the justification for now nationalizing industry, which was the goal of the Climate Change contingency, is to prevent domestic companies being bought by the Chinese. This entire coronavirus has been an organized plot to seize control of the economy by the socialists. This is where there has been a direct assault using the media in hopes of defeating Trump, the Netherlands, and Germany.


Marxism was not satisfied with killing 200 million the last time. Here we go again looking to reduce the population by anyone who disagrees with their Climate Change/Communistic agenda.


Sidebar: How many trannies in the cabal?

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.8817580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7622 >>8075 >>8170

Facebook Coronavirus ‘Fact Checker’ Worked with Wuhan Virus Lab


Facebook is relying on a “fact checker” that uses “expert opinion” from a researcher who conducted projects with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the biolab next to the wet market in Wuhan where the Chinese virus originated.


An article from the “expert,” Danielle E. Anderson, an assistant professor at Duke-NUS medical school, was used by Facebook to fact-check a video from the Epoch Times suggesting the Institute, which is located at the original epicenter of the now-global pandemic, as one of the possible origin points.


This is not a fringe claim — CNN reports that the U.S. intelligence community is currently investigating the same laboratory as the possible source of the outbreak. The same thread of investigation that got ZeroHedge banned from Twitter in late January is now being looked at by the U.S. government and reported on by the mainstream media.


Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the intelligence community is taking a “hard look” at the question of whether the Chinese virus originated in a lab.


Nevertheless, for suggesting the same theory, Facebook has relied on a “fact checker” who has a conflict of interest — someone who has conducted collaborative projects with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and whose reputation would be harmed by her connection to it if the virus were found to have originated there.

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:46 p.m. No.8817607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unidentified Gunmen Kill 5 Employees at US Air Base in Afghanistan - Report


An unidentified group of gunmen on Thursday killed five employees of the Bagram Airfield, a US air base in Afghanistan, a civilian source confirmed to Sputnik. Four others were injured in the attack.


The source noted that the attack took place near the base, and that the incident unfolded at roughly 10 p.m. local time.


Social media reports suggest the workers were traveling in a vehicle when the attack occurred. All nine individuals are reportedly citizens of Afghanistan.


No group has claimed responsibility for the incident and US military officials have not yet issued a release on the reported attack.


The Bagram air base, located in Afghanistan's Parwan province, is the largest US base in the Middle Eastern country.


Earlier this month, the NATO Resolute Support Mission issued a release revealing that five rockets were launched toward the base. There were no casualties as a result of the deployment.—report/

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.8817652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7679 >>8075 >>8170

Democrats Say Trump’s Halt to W.H.O. Funding Breaks ‘Same Spending Laws that Brought About His Impeachment’


House Democrats revived the specter of impeachment for President Donald Trump if he moves forward with his order to defund the communist China-influenced World Health Organization (W.H.O.) for mismanaging and covering up the extent of the coronavirus outbreak during its early stages.


The Democrat lawmakers argued that Trump lacks the authority to halt congressionally-approved funding for the W.H.O., a component of the United Nations.


Trump has said he wants to pull funding from the W.H.O. because of the organization’s role in “mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus” during its early stages, a move that slowed the world’s response.


The president announced on Tuesday that he had ordered a halt on W.H.O. funding while his administration reviews the organization’s response to the coronavirus, described as lackluster by some administration officials.


On Wednesday, CNBC quoted Evan Hollander, a spokesman for the Democrat-led House Appropriations Committee, as declaring in a statement:


In a desperate attempt to deflect blame, President Trump is violating the same spending laws that brought about his impeachment. The president does not have the unilateral authority to withhold the United States’ assessed contribution to the World Health Organization.


House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) also blasted Trump’s plans to stop funding to the W.H.O. as “petty, counterproductive political games.”


Although the United States is the W.H.O.’s top source of funding, China appears to maintain more clout over the U.N. agency, particularly after helping put Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in power as the organization’s director. Tedros is a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party that analysts have listed as a perpetrator of terrorism.


CNBC reported:


House Democrats argued that suspending funding would hamper the global response to the disease ripping across the globe. They also contended he cannot withdraw money already appropriated by Congress under its constitutional authority — suggesting a court fight over Trump’s power looms if he pulls funding.



The [Democrat] party also raised the specter of the White House’s decision to withhold congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine last year as Trump urged the country to investigate his political rival, apparent Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The action led to the House impeaching Trump. The Senate acquitted him in February.


Referring to Trump’s plan to stop funding the W.H.O., House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) proclaimed in a statement issued Wednesday:


This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.’ This decision is dangerous, illegal, and will be swiftly challenged.


In an apparent response to Pelosi’s criticism, Trump said via Twitter on Thursday, “She is totally incompetent and controlled by the Radical Left, a weak and pathetic puppet. Come back to Washington and do your job!”

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.8817683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7903





Russian Government Orders To Use Non-Registered Drug Hydroxychloroquine Against COVID-19


The Russian government ordered to use and distribute a non-registered Chinese drug hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of coronavirus infection, according to a document published on the official legal portal.


"To treat the new coronavirus infection, the National Medical Research Center for Cardiology of the Russian Health Ministry is ordered to use, store, distribute and donate to other medical organizations … non-registered drug with the international non-proprietary name hydroxychloroquine," the document says.

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 3:53 p.m. No.8817733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7765 >>7849 >>8075 >>8170

MI Gov Whitmer: Swastika, Confederate Flags at Michigan ‘Political Protest’


During an interview on SiriusXM’s “The Dean Obeidallah Show” on Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) said the protest at the state capitol in Lansing, MI, on Wednesday was “a political protest.


Obeidallah asked, “Why are people protesting your measures that are literally intended to keep Michiganders safe?”


Whitmer said, “Sadly, it was really a political protest–it was not necessarily about the policy. People said they would drive by and not get out of their cars and would practice the CDC safe— you know the guidelines. They congregated at the Capitol without masks standing close together. I saw an adult passing candy out to kids — bare hands to bare hands. These are people who came from all different parts of our state, congregated, and did all of the things we know put people in danger. And then they are going to go back to those rural parts of Michigan and possibly take COVID-19 with them. Or pick it up at a gas station as they filled up on way in or out of town. This is how COVID-19 spreads.”


She continued, “It was a definitely a political rally. I’ve not often seen a Confederate flag at the state capitol—and there were a few of them. There was someone who had signs that had a swastika on it. It was really a very political demonstration and rally. And It flies in the face of what we know we need to be doing to keep ourselves safe. They even lined up cars in front of a hospital and precluded an ambulance from being able to get in and out of the bay. You think about that clear image of them endangering other people.”


She added, “I think It’s very likely some of these people are going to get sick, and they are going to contribute to us having to continue in this stay home posture.”


#LiberateMinnesota Coronavirus Protest Planned at Governor’s Mansion Tomorrow



Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.8817844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8153


fuck your surveilance

fuck fuckbook

fuck twatter

fuck Goolag

fuck Amazoneofcontrol

fuck microdick

fuck AI

fuck dwave

fuck cern

fuck the cabal

fuck the cabal puppets

and fuck any other evil cunt not listed

Anonymous ID: c57916 April 16, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.8818075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178



>>8817503 Roger Stone says the idea Bill Gates created coronavirus to microchip people 'is open for vigorous debate' and blasts the possibility of mandatory vaccinations saying 'over my dead body'

>>8817509 Steve Mnuchin states that the stimulus package should support Americans for 10 weeks.

>>8817519 Pope Francis Proposes ‘Universal Wage’ After Coronavirus Lockdowns

>>8817574 The White House account featuring VP Pence at a diner and a curious license plate in the lot.

>>8817580 Facebook Coronavirus ‘Fact Checker’ Worked with Wuhan Virus Lab

>>8817618 Moar requests for FBI docs crossfire hurricane

>>8817642 Russian government orders to use non-registered drug hydroxychloroquine against #COVID19

>>8817652 Democrats Say Trump’s Halt to W.H.O. Funding Breaks ‘Same Spending Laws that Brought About His Impeachment’

>>8817733, >>8817765 MI Gov Whitmer: Swastika, Confederate Flags at Michigan ‘Political Protest’ ANON who attended says otherwise

>>8818034, >>8817886 Hmmm Spectrum Innovative DNA Solutions


ANON notes to 570


Gotta run is anyone baking?