Anonymous ID: aa31f1 April 16, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.8819889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0038

>>8819436 lb


Democrat political leader BROKE RANKS. Democrat female mayor of Las Vegas says: 7 come 11. Dealers be dealing. Pit Bosses be taking care of high rollers, looking for new MARKS.


DNC Chairman Tom Perez and Democrat leaders Schumer & Pelosi didn't think it out. They are STUPID. They didn't know the mayor of Las Fucking Vegas was a democrat. Meanwhile, POTUS sits back and lets them fight it out with each other.

Anonymous ID: aa31f1 April 16, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.8820421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506

Anon, like all anons, going through some heavy stuff but wouldn't trade it for anything, anon's where he wants to be. Went through radiation treatments, lost appetite. Doctor said Ensure. Anon went another route. Learned to make eggnog. 475 calories/cup.


Recipe. Put 1 quart whole milk, 1 pint heavy cream and 1 teaspoon nutmeg into 4 quart pan on medium heat. Need candy thermometer.

While milk/creme mixture is heating get a large mixing bowl.


Put a dozen egg yokes into bowl. Crack eggs, split in half and pour back and forth between eggshell half's to separate yokes. Add 1 cup sugar. Whisk. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Whisk some more.


Go back to milk/cream mixture. Whisk and heat to 160-170 degrees. Some steam rising but no bubbles. Take pot off heat and with a dipper spoon add spoonfuls to egg yoke mixture while whisking.


Put full mixture from mixing bowl back into cooking pot and heat to 160-170 degrees while whisking. Take off heat, cool until room temp, put into a pitcher and put into fridge..