Anonymous ID: f3a472 April 16, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.8820982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1009 >>1022 >>1038 >>1043 >>1053

Anon owes Q and the entire Q reseach team an apology. I'm sorry. Anon has filed their US taxes and is alright now. Anon has not always had a bad attitude about taxes. But anon did develop one over the years. Could probably stop right here, but am going to explain how the bad attitude developed. As briefly as possible. Was deeply offended when the IRS began to advertise that taxes could be paid using a credit card in the late 1990s. Anon felt that this action made the IRS beholden to credit card companies and not the taxpayer. The US taxpayer is the one who is truly their boss. And anon felt, and feels, that any arrangement, other than direct payment from taxpayer to the IRS was insincere and bad for both the taxpayer and the US as a nation. Secondly, after learning of Q and Q research in the summer of 2018, anon became even more angry at the prospect of paying taxes into a corrupt and, at least partially foreign controlled, deep state. Burisma, in particular, further confirmed anon's worst fears and increased the anger level. And of course Epstein. Could go on and on as we all do here. The anger is mostly manageable under normal circumstances. But at stressful times like filing taxes under lockdown in combination with coming off a hard bender anon may have let slip the dogs of insult. I apologize and will strive to do better the future. Thank you for reading.

Anonymous ID: f3a472 April 16, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.8821158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1255


Definition of dole (Entry 1 of 5)

1a(1): a grant of government funds to the unemployed

had been on the dole for a year

(2): a giving or distribution of food, money, or clothing to the needy

b: something distributed at intervals to the needy

also : HANDOUT sense 1

c: something portioned out bit by bit

2archaic : one's allotted share, portion, or destiny


Not sure how to take your reply. But anon thanks anon, and the other anons, for doing so.