Anonymous ID: f96d71 April 16, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.8820691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148

Declas history ?>>>>my supposition - Op Paperclip >> USA got a tech hyper-boost for the Cold War, but all those Nazi techs and spies left in place in EU brought with them into US Intel and Fed Depts a ideological drive as well - evil pagan satanic at its root.


Why would I say that? the THULE Society.






…The Thule Gesellschaft in München was founded during the First World War by an emissary from Berlin, Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff, who enlisted 250 members in München and another 1,500 elsewhere in Bavaria. Among the members were journalists, poets, professors, and Army officers. The membership list included political theorist Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart, an elder journalist and poet (a central figure in Hitler's entourage during 1919-1923, and who introduced the phrase Deutschland erwache!), Rudolf Hess, a member of the NSDAP from 1920 on; and Alfred Rosenberg, the woolly-minded Nazi 'philosopher.' The objectives of the society were mainly völkisch, embracing especially the concepts of racial superiority and anti-Semitism. The group supported the Pan-German dream of a new, powerful German Reich. Like other such societies in Bavaria and Germany as a whole, the Thule Geßellschaft used mystical symbols such as the fylfot (swastika, hooked cross) and elborate semi-occultist rituals. Its motto was: "Gedenke, dass Du ein Deutscher bist. Halte dein Blut rein!" ("Remember that you are a German. Keep your blood pure!")


.."There was nothing unusual about Drexler or his tiny party in the far-right hothouse of Munich after the defeat of the Revolution", writes Evans. "The fledgling party was in fact another creation of the hyperactive Thule Society."


ENTER RUDOLF HESS "Like a number of … prominent Nazis," writes Evans, Rudolf Hess "came from outside the German Reich: Hess was born in Alexandria in 1894." Having studied with Karl Haushofer at Munich University, Hess was a devoted advocate of Pan-German expansionism and a member of The Thule Society. More useful in the beginning than was even the hero-worshipping Hess, Dietrich Eckart was a playwright and a poet who had started a weekly called In Plain German. Seemingly well-fixed by comparison to the average member of the NSDAP, Eckart had personal relationships with many prominent 'racialists,' including Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Eckart used his connections in the army and with The Thule Society to raise the money needed for Hitler and Drexler to buy their publication, The Racial Observer, which was taken over in December of 1920. By 1923, as editor of this newspaper, Eckart had converted it into a daily publication and provided it with top-flight journalistic guidance.




In summary, it is simply astonishing that the modern teaching of history – when so many are obsessed with what happened under Adolf Hitler in the Third Reich – seems to be deliberately structured so as to ignore the crucial role of The Thule Society in the years 1919 through 1924. Enormous works of scholarship, like Hohne's careful elaboration of the transformation of the Schutzstaffel or SS from being a political party's personal protection detail, to being an enormous industrial empire with its own uniformed officers and its own combat divisions, contain not a word of commentary on The Thule Society. And Hohne was extremely careful in his research !


The Thule Society was wired into some of the highest levels of the aristocracy of Germany: its members had previously been involved in The German Order..




Who, in the 1960s, restored the Cathedral in Aachen, capital of the 1st Reich and Charlesmagne's german-franco throne?


main image attached - sceencap of vid of the entrance