Anonymous ID: 0edbcc April 16, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.8821494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1516

So, @jack's comment about Satanic Verses was clearly about Rushdie's novel

The one that Muslims consider blasphemous

And Iran's Ayatollahs issued a fatwah/order to kill Salman Rushdie


The book is all about magical thinking

The idea that we can create our own reality

And even relive the life journey of others

It shifts in and out of dream and reality

Like the shadows on the wall of Plato's cave

Intimately tied to the Eleusynian mysteries

The journey into the underworld and back again

REBORN as a new person – a personal Great Awakening

This is the deep secret of the Freemasons


However, evil forces and the Cabal cult

Have tried to infiltrate any mystical organization

And divert people away from the light

And towards the DARK SIDE of the force


Dorsey's family crest…

Maybe the family made their fortune by placing a 53rd card in the pack.


an inconspicuous clause in a document or bill that affects its meaning in a way that is not immediately apparent; "when I demanded my money he showed me the joker in the contract"


Have that kind of Ace in your back pocket would allow you to Trump your competition.

Just the kind of thing that a Cabal cult bloodline would do

Why spades?

The Ace of Spades is a special card in the deck

It is is only one where the image is bigger than its 3 mates.

So a deck of cards has 51 = 3 + 17 cards

Plus one special one, the Ace of Spades

To make a total of 52

51 and one more

Sounds a bit like a jail sentence

For a year and a day

Or Sir Francis Burton's translation of the Arabian Nights

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night


Spade is from the Latin for SWORD

I think it is the most powerful of the suit symbols

A weapon

Anonymous ID: 0edbcc April 16, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.8821534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As the camera lens scans the terrain

There will be an instant where the reflection of the sun

Causes a quick flash

This is how you know someone is looking for you

With binoculars

Or a satellite

Anonymous ID: 0edbcc April 16, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.8821578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1592




Look in the menu

This is a real military unit


Anonymous ID: 0edbcc April 16, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.8821650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1930

The Harvest

Has Been Brought

To You

For Public Consumption


Consumption is an old name

For a Respiratory Disease

That we call TUBERCULOSIS nowadays

TB is one of those diseases

That people get vaccinated for

In any countries/regions

Where there is a high incidence of TB


Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: T.SPOT.TB versus Tuberculin Skin Test

Maria Del Mar Arenas Miras ,1 Carmen Hidalgo-Tenorio,2 Pilar Jimenez-Gamiz,3 and Juan Jiménez-Alonso



Early studies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) reported increased incidence of tuberculosis. The tuberculin skin test (TST) is the technique of choice to detect latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) but has several limitations. Objectives. We compared TST and the newer T.SPOT.TB test to diagnose LTBI in SLE patients. Methods. In this observational cohort study conducted between August 2009 and February 2012, we recruited 92 patients from those attending the SLE clinic of our university hospital. Data recorded were epidemiological and sociodemographic characteristics. Laboratory analyses included TST and T.SPOT.TB tests. Results. Of the patients studied, 92% were women with an average age of 42.7 years. Overall, the degree of correlation between the two tests was low (Kappa index = 0.324) but was better in patients not receiving corticosteroids (CTC)/immunosuppressive (IS) therapy (Kappa = 0.436) and in those receiving hydroxychloroquine (Kappa = 0.473). While TST results were adversely affected by those receiving CTC and/or IS drugs (), the T.SPOT.TB results were not. Conclusion. Although the TST test remains a useful tool for diagnosing LTBI in SLE patients, the T.SPOT.TB test is perhaps better employed when the patient is receiving CTC and/or IS drugs.

Anonymous ID: 0edbcc April 16, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.8821871   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Corona virus is NOT SARS-CoV-2

It is the monarchy at the top of the pyramid

The heads who wear the crown

The 7 houses who cap the pyramid


These are the INVISIBLE med behind the curtain

Our invisible enemy

Our weapon, and the cure for their parasitic disease

Is our economy, or to be more specific

Our control of our economy

So that we can break their banks

And beat them at their own game.

Anonymous ID: 0edbcc April 16, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.8821930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1964



On With The Show



Their Plans Lie In Ruin

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Babylon WILL Fall

All Things Into The Blinding Light


The video opens with Marie Curie

Later there are some Green Tea leaves

Which do help against some viruses

There are red blood cells

And some Anons have noted that there is an oxygen absorption issue

With COVID-19

Red blood cells are where oxygen is absorbed

You should recognize the DNA