Anonymous ID: 60e8be April 16, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.8821877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948

The Coincidental Virus Source


That is clearly a justifiable Q name for this Pandemic, one in which Q may well endorse. I'm not going to bother to look up chapter and verse on that. This platform can do their own check. Russia Hoax, Ukraine/Impeach45 Hoax and now Coincidental Virus too, one comes to public nightmare, right after the other with likely all three going back in origin before 17+ rode down escalator. Russians have long shot the bull around a brew, Bidens minded Ukraine underground for years and and Wuhan lab goes back to the days after SARS, 2003. All three were in the pipeline long before Trump arrived. Think fire hose for pipeline… it's just a matter of who controls the spray. So Dem/MSM man the hose, Trump Tower burns. Fire crew arrives, Trump stands across the street watching his beautiful tower burn. Hose connects, spray turns on… Trump the man gets the water evidently in hope of washing off orange,  not the fiery tower. For all three of these scams, it is all Trump fault. They are exactly the same. Virus no scam but hosing down Trump is scam. Russia lived for years, Ukraine tried to go 6 months but most of us were laughing after days. Pandemic, well its been a fight for weeks, always losing bigly, outside the echo chamber. Dems sure are not getting any better at blame game. Dem/MSM have nothing else to peddle, only one boat with a paddle, so we will likely hear the splash a bit longer. But take serious note, all three exactly the same, that's the pattern, that's the circumstances, that's the circumstantial pattern. If it walks like a duck, apply common sense.


So, Virus source, where do we pin tail… not on Donald? China is no mystery, only clear choice.


So was it an accidental eater, an accidental worker, or deliberate. I hope we can all see, swiftly, whether it was a sloppy eater or worker makes no dif. Every country has slop and accidents result, eater or worker maters not to the rest of the world. Either case the thing got passed around, escaped, jumped… that's what a Virus does. There was social spread. At that point, and only at that point can we start to add up the a remarkable new set of circumstances. Coincidentally, this Coincidental Virus, every damn time it just Coincidentally jumped to the next damn level. Doctors, scientists, victims, data, they all got disappeared.  Coincidentally folks left town with WHO blessing and Coincidentally, it all went Viral like a mad computer bug, all over the world. It's been one big slow motion accident pilling up worse than PA road in bad fog. I mean we are talking weeks, maybe months of unforgivable Virus escape under the noses of local experts. Accident does not come close to explaining those days and thus speaks well to start. Could have they engineered spread any more brilliantly? Efficaciously, and I don't mean ef-ing or F-ing or just F for any here troubling to keep up, I mean efficaciously in the medical sense, could spread of this Virus have been more successful? I mean just as this Virus starts to go viral they had the most powerful man on the planet dodging Imeach45. Timing was perfect, like a call. No, as Orange Man has said, this is a very 'intelligent' Virus.


So is this a conspiracy. No, certainly not on my part, I plan nothing. I got no plan. I just rehearse common sense, publicly accessible details, connecting dots. I have no theory, make no theory, need no theory, not to find my own nose which is about all the further this venture has to go… it was all in my head and now maybe too, your head. The spread has been brilliant and the lunacy Dems/MSM provide, to pin tail on POTUS simply meets the long established traditional, circumstantial pattern. Thanks to Dems , it is baseball-less baseball season. Strike three, you are out, but pin looks beautiful, perfect on you Dems. CCP just passed it too, onto you. Sneaky little devils.