Anonymous ID: a31f8d April 16, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.8821469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1934 >>1966

Elon Musk: “What I Find Most Surprising is That CNN Still Exists”


Tesla CEO calls out fake news that he didn’t send ventilators to hospitals.


Elon Musk called out CNN for erroneously reporting that more than 1,000 ventilators sent by Tesla to California hospitals hadn’t been received while expressing his surprise that the news network “still exists.” Last month, Musk said in a tweet that he had obtained the ventilators due to China having an oversupply and would be shipping them free to hospitals that required them.


CNN published a story claiming that “none of the promised ventilators have been received by hospitals,” citing Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office. Musk responded by tweeting, “What I find most surprising is that CNN still exists.”


He then posted an email exchange which shows a Los Angeles County Department of Health Services official thanking Tesla for receiving the ventilators. “Hey Phillip, do you know if these ventilators went into use?” asks Tesla’s Omead Afshar. “They worked great during testing today,” responded Phillip Franks, who is Director of System Operations and Support Services at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. “We will put these to use tomorrow. Thanks!” he adds.




Elon Musk called out CNN for erroneously reporting that more than 1,000 ventilators sent by Tesla to California hospitals hadn’t been received while expressing his surprise that the news network “still exists.”


Last month, Musk said in a tweet that he had obtained the ventilators due to China having an oversupply and would be shipping them free to hospitals that required them.


CNN published a story claiming that “none of the promised ventilators have been received by hospitals,” citing Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office.


Musk responded by tweeting, “What I find most surprising is that CNN still exists.”


He then posted an email exchange which shows a Los Angeles County Department of Health Services official thanking Tesla for receiving the ventilators.


“Hey Phillip, do you know if these ventilators went into use?” asks Tesla’s Omead Afshar.


“They worked great during testing today,” responded Phillip Franks, who is Director of System Operations and Support Services at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. “We will put these to use tomorrow. Thanks!” he adds. Musk also tagged Gov. Gavin Newsom in one of the tweets, asking him to “please fix this misunderstanding.”

We await to see if CNN will fix their totally inaccurate reporting.

Anonymous ID: a31f8d April 16, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.8821569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1609 >>1934 >>1950 >>1966 >>1977

Hackers selling Zoom Windows and Mac exploits online


Exploit targeting Windows devices on sale for $500,000


Exploits for serious vulnerabilities affecting Zoom for Windows and MacOS are available online after being putting up for sale by hackers, security experts have warned. The vulnerabilities are classed as zero-days (or 0-days), which means the vendor is unaware of their existence in its code and therefore temporarily powerless to prevent their exploitation. The zero-day present in Zoom’s Windows application reportedly allows the hackers to execute code on the target device remotely, and is listed for purchase online for at $500,000.


Zoom security issues

Researchers have uncovered a litany of vulnerabilities - from the opportunity for credential theft to app hijacking, malicious code injection and more - forcing the company to suspend product development to focus on eliminating security flaws. According to anonymous sources, who have not examined the code first hand but have spoken with the selling party, the two new exploits vary in potency.


The zero-day present in Zoom for Windows could be used to gain access to the application, but not the device it’s held on. To abuse the bug, the hacker would also need to join the same video conference as the victim, ruling out a stealth-based assault. The flaw affecting Zoom’s MacOS client, meanwhile, does not allow for remote code execution and is therefore less threatening to end users.


In a written statement, Zoom confirmed it is investigating the zero-days but disputed the legitimacy of the rumours. “Zoom takes user security extremely seriously. Since learning of these rumours, we have been working around the clock with a reputable, industry-leading security firm to investigate them,” said the firm. “To date, we have not found any evidence substantiating these claims,” it added.

Anonymous ID: a31f8d April 16, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.8821686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696 >>1950 >>1966 >>1977

Ventilators By Cloak & Dagger: Israel's Mossad Boasts Of Stealing Medical Gear From Other Countries


An Israel broacast interview featuring a high level Mossad operative is making waves in the region after an intelligence official admitted using "a little" theft to obtain medical protective equipment in the fight against coronavirus, which has been in short supply globally. There's been controversy raging over just how Israel has been able to stay well-stocked of personal protective equipment (PPE), test kits, and ventilators even as the rest of the world, including the US and Canada, runs out. This after late last month Israeli media widely reported "The Mossad purchased 10 million medical masks" in a "sensitive" operation, as The Jerusalem Post reported March 30.


"In addition to the 10 million medical masks, the Mossad brought a few dozen ventilators, tens of thousands of test kits and some 25,000 N95 surgical masks that are designed to protect the wearer from airborne particles and liquid," the controversial Jerusalem Post report explained. "It expects to bring more medical equipment to the country. Mossad Director Yossi Cohen heads a special command center along with other national security units and the Health Ministry." The revelations and reports have enraged surrounding Middle East countries, with Turkey's TRT World reporting Wednesday the following of the recent Israeli TV interview:


In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12, a Mossad operative, identified only as H, said that Israelis would face no shortage in dealing with the virus. "In the world in general there will be a great shortage. People are dying because of a lack of equipment. In Israel people won't go without," H said. When asked about the means Mossad intelligence operatives had used in obtaining protective equipment, the agent refused to give details. When pressed further on whether such means may have included theft of supplies from other countries, H said: "We stole, but only a little.”


And a prior story in Israel's Haaretz also confirmed the stunning admission by the Mossad official, who only went by a pseudonym. The interview had been conducted by reporter Ilana Dayan for the investigative journalism series Uvda, as Haaretz explained in its Ventilators by Cloak-and-dagger:


The Mossad agents boasted about stealing medical equipment ordered by other countries. As Dayan chuckled, ”H.,” the head of Mossad’s technology division, said with a wink: “We stole, but only a little.” The senior spy, who admitted that until a few days ago he didn’t know what a ventilator was, who says “me and him went” and thinks jarred baby food is given by injection, explained: “We don’t steal in that manner … to put a hand on supplies that someone else ordered.”


A number of countries, including the United States, have lately moved to ban all exports of personal protective gear and equipment like ventilators as the countries don't have enough to meet their own demand amid the massive influx of Covid-19 hospitalizations. This likely only served to increase Israeli's intelligence underhanded and covert tactics in procuring their own. Previously The New York Times said the Mossad "used international contacts" to avert possible shortages, more recently admitting that "Mr. Cohen’s [Mossad director] powerful agency, it turns out, has been deeply involved in Israel’s fight against the virus, and has been one of the country’s most valuable assets in acquiring medical equipment and manufacturing technology abroad, according to Israeli medical and security officials." No doubt these operations to intervene in the global medical supply chain go the other way too - as in likely Mossad is simultaneously attempting to intercept and sabotage much needed supplies going to enemies like Iran or Syria.

Anonymous ID: a31f8d April 16, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.8821956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could a closed archive hold answers on Biden sexual misconduct claim?


Tara Reade, the woman who accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her, suspects that a key document about some of her claims — a complaint she filed to a Senate office about his behavior — may lie in his personal documents stored at the University of Delaware. A thorough review of the archive could boost Biden’s claim to innocence, while a copy of the complaint or other documentation could also corroborate some of Reade’s claims. Those protecting the records, however, have made either scenario impossible.


Biden’s archive, donated by him to the university in 2011, was expected to be made public sometime in 2019. But the university announced last year that the collection will be sealed from the public until two years after Biden “retires from public life” or two years after Dec. 31, 2019, whichever is later. The university refuses to reveal information about the records gift agreement from Biden to the university. Adding more frustration for Reade as she hopes to prove her claims, individuals who worked in the Senate at the time say there’s little chance the document would be in the archives — or that it wouldn’t have been quickly destroyed after Reade’s initial complaint. Over two decades of Biden’s 36 years in office came when Congress infamously faced some of the least amount of oversight of any federal institution or agency. Donald Ritchie, historian emeritus of the United States Senate, who worked in the Senate Historical Office in the 1990s, said that record-keeping of agencies that handled workplace complaints like Reade’s operated with nearly complete impunity before the passage of the Congressional Accountability Act in 1995.


“I can understand why there’d be a problem with the paper trail,” Ritchie told the Washington Examiner as Reade tried to find the record of her complainant in Senate offices. “That act provides a lot more support for people who lodge complaints against their boss now. Before then, everyone just got fired,” Ritchie said, who said many lawmakers griped to him that they regretted voting for the bill in the first place. He added that any personnel complaints were often handled by each office individually. In other words, if a woman filed a complaint against her boss, a lawmaker had wide discretion on what to do.


Reade told the Washington Examiner that she is working on making an official request to access any of her own personnel records stored in Biden’s Senate archives. Reade, who worked as an assistant in Biden’s Senate office in 1993 when she was 29, says that Biden behaved inappropriately by stroking her hair, touching her neck, and sexually assaulting her in a “semi-private” area of the Capitol office complex. She has recalled a tense meeting in which another staff member told her that Biden wanted her to serve drinks at a donor event because he liked her legs.


The Biden campaign has strongly denied the allegations. Three senior Biden staff members, who Reade says she complained to about harassment, not the assault, have told various media outlets that they have no memory of her complaints. Former staffers in Biden’s office at the time have told other news outlets that they do not remember any inappropriate behavior from Biden like Reade described or a request that she serve drinks at a reception, but some former Biden interns said that they do remember Reade being abruptly removed from her duties overseeing them, as Reade said. Reade says that in 1993 she filed a complaint with an outside office about the alleged harassment, not assault, she experienced in the office. “I filled out a form and talked about just the incident of the sexual harassment, feeling uncomfortable. And I was told at the window that somebody would call back, you know, call me back in. And they never did,” Reade said in a Democracy Now interview. “I’ve tried to track that form down, and I was told it was probably returned to Biden’s office,” Reade said in the Katie Halper Podcast interview that revealed her sexual assault allegation for the first time. Reade did not remember the exact name of the office with which she filed the complaint in 1993, but the Senate Office of Fair Employment Practices handled harassment complaints starting in 1992. That office was replaced with the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights after the passage of the Congressional Accountability Act. She told the Washington Examiner that while trying to locate the complaint, a Senate personnel office told her that all documents regarding Biden’s Senate office would have been returned to him.