Anonymous ID: 361be0 April 16, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.8822179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2182 >>2384 >>2550 >>2858

On-line Voter Registration Open to Fraud


Federal law provides a requirement for first time voters who register by mail to provide identification at the poll the first time they vote at a precinct. Law was established under the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and is 52 USC Sec 21083; pdf attached.


There is no federal law stipulating requirements and verifications for on-line voter registration. The NCSL, National Council of State Legislators, lists 39 states offering on-line voter registration. Not all states have legislation specifying the requirements and the verification process. States verify a registrant’s details against driver’s license or other state-issued identification card details on record. The states implement cyber security to protect data and records.


However, there is no real, authentic verification the applicant’s signature is authentic. If a person has a copy of the signature, a digital image can made and attached to the application. There is no state representative or notary verifying the signature at time of application. The issue also exists with voter registration drives that rely on the integrity and honesty of the third party collecting voter registrations. States rely on the affidavit stating under threat of perjury. For DMV and election office voter registration applications, the documentation is provided to a state representative and signature is viewed and verified during application. Then a verified signature is on record to compare with to the sign-in when voting, whether at a poll or absentee. For mail-in voter applications, federal law requires providing identification or supporting documents at the polling place (specifics in 52 USC 21083(b)).


NCSL on-line voter registration webpage:


Using the NCSL page, checked the state law for my state, Pa. Stat. Title 25 sec.1324. Verified PA Title 25 is Elections. Section 1324 is Application by mail. The sections include in-person, DMV, mail, and government agency (paper form). There is state statute for on-line registration. NCSL states it was codified in 2015 but is not reflected on the state’s legislation webpage. Based on the state legislation, or lack thereof, PA does not have a method to verify the authenticity of an on-line voter registration with the person voting.


Also looked at CA on-line voter registration law SB-397 Online voter registration. CA also relies on the signature of record for verification. The law does not specify how a signature is verified for person without a driver license or state ID. It appears the person does not have to sign the application as the state will use the signature on record for a license or ID. As noted in SB-397:


(4) For voter registration purposes, the applicant shall affirmatively assent to the use of his or her signature from his or her driver’s license or state identification card.

(5) For each electronic affidavit, the Secretary of State shall obtain an electronic copy of the applicant’s signature from his or her driver’s license or state identification card directly from the Department of Motor Vehicles.


This is no surprise as the CA Election laws also specify for paper registrations, the signature of the affidavit is proof of citizenship. There is no verification process beyond a ‘threat of perjury’ statement.

CA Elec Code § 2111 (2017)

A person may prove he or she is a citizen by his or her certification under penalty of perjury on the affidavit of registration. The CA code below:

CA Elec Code § 2112 (2017)

Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the fact that a person certifies to his or her United States citizenship by signing his or her affidavit of registration shall be deemed evidence of citizenship for voting purposes only.


CA SB-397 Online voter registration:


Brief news release by Common Cause [supporters of election fraud]:



Anonymous ID: 361be0 April 16, 2020, 11:46 p.m. No.8822182   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On-line Voter Registration Open to Fraud (continued)


Some Problems with On-Line Voter Registration:


There is no federal standard or method of verifying the registrant information matches with the person, including signature, when first-time voting at a polling precinct.


Not all states have implemented on-line registration and the standards may vary between states, all eligible voters are not treated equally.


On-line registration does not provide safeguards and verification that the signature of the registrant matches the state’s signature of record and any signature requirement when voting at the polls.


Some Problems with Mail-In Voting (not requested absentee ballot system):


No assurance that ballots will be delivered to the appropriate address. Mail is sometimes mis-delivered.


The registered voter may no longer live at the residence on recorded. No method to assure the delivered ballot is not fraudulently filled out and submitted.


No federal standard on postage, if not pre-paid the voter must ensure proper postage (ballot sizes and referendums may effect postage) and any requirement to provide appropriate postage could be considered a poll tax.


Risk of mail being stolen from the resident’s mailbox.


No fair and equal standard of time among states when ballots are sent out. If a person votes early and information becomes public of significant influence, that voter has been denied opportunity of a fair vote.


No assurance that a ballot delivered and received was filled out by the registered voter, i.e. a fraudulent vote.


No assurance that a properly filled out and mailed is received and counted by election office. Verification, if tracking is provided, becomes the responsibility of the voter instead of the election office.


Need to provide a method to comply with federal law 52 USC 21083 for first time voters who registered to vote by mail. Do not know how mail-in states comply with the federal requirement to verify the voter matches the registration.


Verification of voter signature with a signature of record with the state is not verification if the ballot signature is not witnessed.


NO to on-line voter registration without equal and complete standards among states

NO to general Mail-In Voting


YES to a paper trail for votes cast

YES to Voter ID - first time and every time at the poll – fair and equal


(fyi, Oct 1 2020 the Real-ID will be fully implemented, details posted on the DHS website)

Anonymous ID: 361be0 April 17, 2020, midnight No.8822216   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On Target Anon, kek


Remedial Education Class is Currently in Session


The lesson plan begins in your local grocery store


Any empty sections of shelves are temporary and will be restocked as appropriate


Other products have strict purchase limits for fair distribution


How Dare you request toilet paper - if you needed toilet paper it would be on the shelves


Maintain social distancing and not converse with the other shoppers, they have duties to perform and should not be interrupted with unhealthy conversation


You must follow the rules for standing in the checkout lines


The State shall provide your children the finest education and meal options


The State has reviewed the educational curriculum in the best interest of the children


Everybody should contribute to society, your job is essential


Your tax payments to the State are essential and a privilege to pay (see above);


The State appreciates your payment of sales taxes, income taxes, property taxes, vice taxes, gas taxes, utility fees and especially school taxes so the State may continue providing full uninterrupted service


The State may deem your job non-essential for the health of the community


You may attend religious services but the State may discourage worship for your health


The State is best at administering healthcare, we are just waiting on the medical supplies we did not order


If travel is essential for your essential work the State will issue the essential paperwork for travel


The State works to ensure your guaranteed federal and state constitutional rights are protected and respected at all times


Any restrictions or suspension of your liberties by the State are only temporary and should only last until the next extension of the temporary restrictions (see above)


During emergencies, the State may appropriate additional funds to provide relief to citizens; be patient once all the forms are processed the check is in the mail


The State assures you we have consulted with our experts, the designated voting system is safe, secure, and devoid of any fraud or discrimination based on citizenship


The Media shall provide vetted facts and any instructions you may require on a daily basis; remember the media knows best and promotes the appropriate political and social agendas


Again, you may attend religious services but the government discourages it for your health




Welcome to life under a socialist-globalist regime and remember the State always places your liberties and well-being first


Our virtual reality tour of Soviet Socialist States and similar governments shall conclude shortly


We hope you and family are now awoke

President Trump is Winning

and We The People shall Win

God Bless

Anonymous ID: 361be0 April 17, 2020, 12:26 a.m. No.8822314   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Covid-19 is very intelligent, it can distinguish between essential workers and non-essential workers.


But it's not very athletic. It cannot jump six feet.


Covid-19 has an evil twin, Covid-19-SI.

So if you stayed self-isolated for 14 days to avoid Covid-19, you must the stay self-isolated another 14 days in case you caught Covid-19-Self Isolate.

Anonymous ID: 361be0 April 17, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.8822426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2463

9/11 Documents Reason for Secrecy is Secret


US Refuses Release of 9/11 Documents, Claims Reason for Secrecy is Secret


n a last-minute court filing this week, the US government moved to block the release of a trove of documents about the September 11, 2001, attacks to families of the victims. However, senior intelligence officials said they were unable to explain the reasons for the secrecy, as doing so would compromise US national security.


In its latest move to protect its relationship with the Saudi monarchy, the Trump administration has blocked the release of FBI files on the September 11 attacks that it has been deemed to contain information that would imperil US national security.


According to a report by ProPublica, the US Department of Justice claimed in a federal court filing late Monday night that the documents exposed state secrets, but said that it could not explain what those secrets involved, because that, too, is secret.


“This assertion of privilege is over highly sensitive and classified national security information concerning foreign government information; intelligence activities, sources and methods; and information concerning foreign relations and foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources,” acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said in a sworn declaration given to the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.


“This information must be protected because its disclosure reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage, and in many cases exceptionally grave damage, to the national security of the United States,” Grenell said, according to the blog Florida Bulldog. His testimony was joined by those of US Attorney General William Barr and other leading intelligence officials.


“The extraordinary lengths that they’re going to here suggest that there must be some deep, dark secret that they’re still trying very hard to hide after almost 20 years,” Steven Pounian, a lawyer representing the September 11 victims’ families, told ProPublica.


“But who are they protecting? Something might be a Saudi government secret. But how can these be secrets that still need to be kept from the American people after all this time?”


The releases would have been part of a 2017 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia by the families of those who died in the September 11 attacks and the aftermath. On that day, 19 hijackers from the terrorist group al-Qaeda took over four US airliners and flew them into three buildings: the two World Trade Center towers in New York, which later collapsed, and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, a portion of which burned; the fourth plane fell from the sky over Pennsylvania when the passengers attempted to retake control of it.


Of those 19 hijackers, 15 were from Saudi Arabia, and the mastermind of the operation, Osama bin Laden, came from one of the country’s wealthiest families.


Last September, Barr allowed the families to learn the classified name of one of the hijackers’ accomplices, but only under a strict vow of secrecy.


While the 9/11 Commission fact-finding probe between 2002 and 2004 officially found “no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded” the attacks, it noted “the likelihood” that Saudi-sponsored charities did, AP noted. A 2016 law permitting Americans to sue foreign governments for acts of terrorism is what allowed the families’ lawsuit to go forward.


However, after a more recent barb in the US-Saudi relationship appeared in late 2018 when Saudi journalist and US resident Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated and dismembered in the Saudis’ Istanbul consulate, Washington similarly swept the issue under the rug, with US President Donald Trump finding himself at odds with the CIA in assigning blame for the murder.


"The United States has never - not once - put this relationship on the line over the fate, or the human rights, of any individual or group of individuals,” author and historian Thomas Lippmann told Sputnik in October 17, 2018, just weeks after Khashoggi disappeared.


“In fact, the Truman administration put a policy in writing that said exactly the opposite. It said: ‘We're there to do business and for reasons of security. We're not there to tell them how to run their country or organize their society.' That policy's never been rescinded, and that's what we have always done,” Lippmann said.