Anonymous ID: 972385 April 17, 2020, 12:35 a.m. No.8822341   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2521 >>2534

Here's where money comes from

The Federal Reserve is the CENTRAL BANK of the USA

The Bank of England is the CENTRAL BANK of the UK


In the USA, the Treasury Secretary has taken control over the Fed

It no longer feeds interest earnings into the Cabal


It is now Day 17 of Month 4


From the previous bread, a video beginning with Marie Curie


The Game Is Not Over

Their Plans Lie In Ruin

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Babylon WILL Fall

All Things Into The Blinding Light


The video opens with Marie Curie

Later there are some Green Tea leaves

Which do help against some viruses

There are red blood cells

And some Anons have noted that there is an oxygen absorption issue

With COVID-19

Red blood cells are where oxygen is absorbed

You should recognize the DNA

Anonymous ID: 972385 April 17, 2020, 1:13 a.m. No.8822451   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2459



Anyone who believes HCQ is a miracle cure

Doesn't understand human metabolism

Or biochemistry.

That's why, in NY the doctor who did the first trial

Use HCQ plus AZ plus Zinc

In France the first trial was HCQ plus AZ

And let's not forget that some people have been treated

With Chloroquine phosphate alone

And that works too

There really should be a thousand different medicines that can be used

But before Trump

Research was being suppressed.


What is COVID-19

It's the WHO code for a pandemic event

Not a disease

Not a virus

The virus is called


And it is a strain of Coronavirus

Virtually the same one that caused the SARS epidemic

In 2003

By 2005 researchers had already learned that chloroquine

And other anti-malarials could help



Who is going to Ask the Question?

Because it is now clear what the question is


Why did the health system not prepare for another SARS epidemic, or indeed any other epidemic?


There is so much going on just in the health field that my mind is spinning

HIV, Cancer, Influenza, nutritional therapies

You are going to be BLINDED by the possibilities

And note the most important fact of all

Only visible from 40,000 feet

The Left promised so many things but never delivered

But now, Trump's conservative government

Which is supposed to be AGAINST all those things promised by the Left

Is actually delivering those things to the people.


Is it possible that somebody has been lying?


If you do not know the story of George Cadbury,

A man who became a wealthy capitalist making chocolate

And made the name Cadbury's synonymous with chocolate in the UK

Then you don't know some important history

And you will never understand Trump at all.


Research George Cadbury, Cadbury's and Bourneville

Then for good measure, look into the Garden City movement

Which flowered briefly before the Cabal quashed it.

Anonymous ID: 972385 April 17, 2020, 1:25 a.m. No.8822490   🗄️.is đź”—kun



That photo was a red herring

Yes, Obama could have been

a. a mujahedin in Afghanistan

b. a hijacker of a Pakistani flight from Lahore to Kabul where American passengers were singled out

c. a participant in the Iran embassy hostage taking.


Obama visited Pakistan at the time these things happened

His mother was stationed in Peshawar near the Afghan border

Iran also has a border with Pakistan

In a TV series, NCIS, the pathologist/coroner is a Brit nicknamed Duckie. He was a British medical officer working in refugee camps at the time Obama was in Pakistan. Of course, Duckie was fictional, but why did they build a show around this, and also several other shows around the Afghan embassy, around Iranian intelligence and intimate links with Mossad.


In any case, the British flag is Red, White and Blue

The French group, Doctors Without Borders was also in the camps

France has a red white and blue flag

If you look for photos of the refugee camps at that time, you will notice that most women are dressed in faded red, faded blue or white dresses.


So, who was being shot by Obama?

I spent a couple of days scanning through these photos on the net.There are lots of them. It is entirely possible that a dedicated searcher could find something.


I also spent a few hours looking at Iran hostage photos.


But most importantly I read a lot as well and discovered that Obama's mother worked for a CIA front group and regularly spent time in Peshawar and there was lots of CIA front groups connected to that as well.

Anonymous ID: 972385 April 17, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.8822521   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Did you see the ballet dancer on a honeycomb pattern on the floor?

It's nothing to do with bees

That is graphene, a miracle material with QUANTUM effects


Graphene is a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms (fig. 1a) – only one monolayer of graphite. Yet this single layer has caused quite a stir due to its extraordinary properties: graphene conducts better than copper, shows exceptional mechanical strength and elasticity, and exhibits quantum effects already at room temperature.


Why Graphene Should Be On Every Executive’s Radar

The super strong, super thin and super versatile new material could change the way multiple products are made.


It would be hard to find a material that’s gotten the mobile industry more excited than graphene, a super-thin, wonder material made up of carbon atoms that are layered together in hexagonal shapes. Demonstrations of ways graphene could be used to develop new types of optical communications, transparent circuits that can be bent and twisted, neural implants, stickers that can track health, and printed sensors for all sorts of Internet of Things applications will be on display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain Feb. 26-March 1, 2020.


Oh dear, the COVID19 pandemic hit Spain hard and wiped out the event

Anonymous ID: 972385 April 17, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.8822534   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The mobile industry is interested because graphene could usher in entirely new types of connected objects. Apple, for instance, has been awarded several patents for designs that incorporate graphene, including graphene solar panels printed inside the touch screen to allow constant recharging; an entire smartphone that can be folded in half; a heat dissipater that would prevent smartphones from overheating; and a graphene-based battery system for smartwatches that conducts heat from the wrist to keep the gadget charged. Samsung alone has applied for at least 405 graphene-related patents around the world, according to press reports, and last November announced it had developed a “graphene ball” which, when combined with lithium batteries, allows for five times faster charging of Samsung phones. One could theoretically fully charge a smartphone in 12 minutes, the company says. There are good reasons why graphene should also be on the radar of executives in other industries. Developed by two researchers at the University of Manchester in the U.K., Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov — whose work won them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 — graphene is incredibly stable and very thin, yet also a strong conductor of electricity, heat and light. According to an article on Singularity Hub, a website operated by Singularity University, potential uses include purifying water, dairy products or wine; production of pharmaceuticals; separating unwanted gases from industrial, commercial and residential emissions; replacing human bones and body parts that require electrical current, like organs and nerves; improving building materials like concrete and aluminum by making them stronger and lighter; making pipes and storage tanks corrosion-resistant; developing stronger adhesives; creating flexible, low-cost, transparent solar cells that can turn virtually any surface into a source of electric power and building bigger and lighter wind turbines.


Revolutionary Potential

Such revolutionary potential has triggered an international arms race of sorts, with governments pumping huge sums of money into development. In the U.S., the federal government has awarded almost $264 million in graphene-related research grants over the past decade to recipients ranging from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to corporations like IBM. Last fall, the National Graphene Association, which is based in Oxford, Mississippi, announced it was co-sponsoring the Center for Graphene Research and Innovation at the University of Mississippi. It also created a new industry advocacy group called the American Graphene Institute, along with a graphene venture fund to invest in related products.


In the U.K., the government has earmarked $166 million for graphene programs. That includes at least $80 million for the National Graphene Institute and a new Graphene Engineering Innovation Center based at the University of Manchester, where it all started.


Trumping them all, however, is the European Commission, which in 2014 announced it would spend $1.22 billion over 10 years on the Graphene Flagship, a partnership of 125 research organizations, governments, and industry that aims to take the new material out of labs and into commercial products. The Graphene Flagship is organizing the pavilion at MWC for the third time this year. Frank Koppens, professor at the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona and scientific chair of the Graphene Pavilion, says he believes graphene is a disruptive technology that could have a huge impact on society.