Anonymous ID: b6bcb9 April 16, 2020, 11:29 p.m. No.8822122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2129

Hey anons, you know how the news media uses a shocking or violent traumatic event at the lead of the program to compromise viewers emotionally for the propaganda that's to follow?

I think Q made mention of this in the past too.

Some say "If it bleeds, it leads" as if the news cared about profit.

Anyway… I keep seeing this meme and it's even in people's minds like a Freudian slip to associate Kobe with Covid.

What if Kobe's death was the tee off to this campaign with the virus? Kill kobe to emotionally impact the masses, making them ripe to a massive operation causing major life changes.

Something to it imo, I hope someone can pick this up after me.