Unusual forms of 'nightmare' antibiotic-resistant bacteria detected in 27 states
https:// www.cnn.com/2018/04/03/health/nightmare-bacteria-cdc-vital-signs/index.html
Unusual forms of 'nightmare' antibiotic-resistant bacteria detected in 27 states
https:// www.cnn.com/2018/04/03/health/nightmare-bacteria-cdc-vital-signs/index.html
Omega Aerial Refueling Services
Boeing 707-368
taking off now out of Wilmington, FL
General Dynamics F-16AM Fighting Falcon
Got four Belgian Air force jets in the sky..call signs
I think the USA has an Osprey somewhere over England right now…
it shows up on the plane lists..but not able to show on map….800ft in the air over Brettenham Heath National Nation Forest…
not kidding.
now he is over Waterden, England. 1500ft
it seems there is two Ospreys over England. USAF
one flying out of Hungary now as well, heading back home too.