eurtwtf@g ID: 53d94d April 3, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.883018   🗄️.is 🔗kun



how about covering up this?

" Clinton: You think, well who’s against these things? You’re advocating for climate change or you’re advocating on behalf of those brave young students from Parkland for common sense gun safety measures. (cheers) And you find out that there are a lot of people who don’t want that to happen because they have other interests, they see the world differently, they make money from it. The biggest challenge we face is keeping up our momentum of sustaining the energy that I have now seen across our country. And we just saw in the march the day after the inauguration and (cheers) now we’ve seen it on the March for Life.


“Now, that’s an interesting connection, the march the day after the inauguration was the Women’s March where they’re wearing the vagina hats; and she correlates that, relates that to the so-called March for Life,” said Limbaugh. “And it was. It was the same people. I don’t know if you were here yesterday, but all kinds of information now has been learned about the March for Our Lives protest. Fewer than 10% were teenagers. Over 50% were women, and I think around 50% of the people there had voted for Hillary.


“It was just the latest resistance-to-Trump rally, and it was undertaken under the auspices of the kids from Parkland and the save our lives gun control thing,” he continued. “But that’s not what it was. It was your average, ordinary, run-of-the-mill Trump resistance March that is generally led by women who voted for Hillary, who are still ticked off and upset about it.” – READ MORE