Anonymous ID: 6bfe5d April 17, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8826396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"…According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS…" (zerohedge)

>>8824533 (LB)(LB)

Luc Montagnier didn't "discover" anything. Robert Gallo claimed to but he "stole" his precious "Sample" that he renamed HIV - (which was actually a previously debunked artifact that he had named: HTLV -or human t-cell-leukemia virus- a few years earlier and which utterly failed during peer review and was denounced as a lab artifact resulting from careless sloppy Lab work) - from Luc Montagnier at Pasteur institute (where it was being stored after the humiliating peer review fiasco that embarrassed and angered Gallo) after Luc sent the sample back to Gallo - Gallo conveniently renamed it HIV because after going through over 100 cadavers of dead GRIDS victims he still had not found anything remotely looking like a virus. So he was sneaky and asked Luc to send him his old sample of HTLV which he then RENAMED as HIV and then he skipped that Pesky Peer Review altogether and went straight to Margaret Heckler - press secretary for Health and Human services and announced to the world (without any Peer review) that he had DISCOVERED the virus which causes AIDS. It was published in Science without an Editor even batting an eye that there were NO References or original CITATIONS. It was made TRUE by Press secretary and When Luc Montagneir (also a criminal) found out he raised a stink and an international diplomatic incident ensued causing Congress to slap Gallo with a scientific misconduct finding who then ORDERED HIM (Gallo) to "share" the discovery and the limelight of his new FAKE discovery with Luc Montagnier - who then went on with Gallo to make many millions of dollars along with Gallo for Gallo's new HIV Test which is just as bogus as the COVID-19 B.S. Luc is an idiot just like Fauci.

http: //

Anonymous ID: 6bfe5d April 17, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.8826565   🗄️.is 🔗kun




http ://

Etienne de Harven, MD

on isolation of murine virus and how HIV is Fake and GAY

"… How many wasted efforts, how many billions of research dollars gone in smoke…

Horrible. Errare humanum est sed diabolicum perseverare…."

(to deliberately preserve Human error is evil)