Anonymous ID: bf0b08 April 17, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8826240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6321 >>6369

Been giving some thought to why people are so frustrated (myself included) by what a lot of us thought was going on, only to once again not see anything like arrests or children being rescued. It’s easy to wag fingers at people for believing in whatever daily flavor hopium is presented. But, I think subconsciously, what is driving this sense of frustration is the idea that Q is just using us just as much as Q is breaking our mental slavery.


Basic human psychology: we don’t like the unknown or not knowing. It haunts us, so we end up first asking questions then crafting narratives to explain what we can’t see, don’t know/understand, etc. Why is there lightning? “Because Zeus is pissed at us!” How did the universe start? “The Big Bang Theory!” We can’t just leave questions unanswered. We are driven to know and to not have unknowns in our lives.


Now, arguably it is that drive that has been suppressed by the DS in order to cover up their heinous acts of evil. If enough of the population starts questioning their actions or the “official” narrative, that could lead to snoopers, investigations, and possible exposure for said misdeeds. This is why the DS fears Q and tries to shut up anyone talking about Q. Q knows this, yet continues to awaken people by pointing them towards the truth. However, the truth is too terrible to reveal all at once, hence why we have only gotten snippets, never the full picture.


It is this in mind that I propose what our real purposes are to Q:

Purpose 1: Train us to think for ourselves, to become investigators and collectors of data. When the time comes, we will be able to guide those still sleeping around us to the horrible truth more gently than if we weren’t here because we will have already gone through the initial shock of waking up. Some won’t be able to handle it, but many more will because we are here.


Purpose 2: Use/exploit our newfound brain power to try and figure out things by letting us speculate. Drawing on what I said above, Q knows that we don’t have the full picture. So to try and fill in the gaps or explain the events we’re witnessing without full context, some of us will start crafting narratives, like rescuing children from tunnels in Central Park. The DS sees these posts, not knowing where Q is they decide that perhaps we are on to something, and prepare for those scenarios we pose upon the boards. Q then catches them off guard because the real plan is unknown to all but a handful of people. In other words, Q uses us as pawns to get the DS looking one way, while Q attacks from a different direction. Rinse, repeat.


Speculation won’t end just because Q said we shouldn’t do it. It’ll continue because it’s human nature. Q knows this, and allows a certain level of speculation on the boards because it helps the team throw off the DS and provide openings for attack. Call it disinformation. Call it a feint. Call it whatever you want. But the longer I reflect on this topic, the more I see the veracity of “Purpose 2” stated above.


That’s what I think has many of us so frustrated lately. Some of us are wondering, perhaps subconsciously, if we aren’t more than glorified pawns, activated to think but kept back from really knowing what’s going on in order to prevent any possible leakage of true intention to the DS. While understanding that a Private has no right to demand a General explain his master strategy to them beyond what the soldier needs to know to perform their duties, it’s no less frustrating to ask “WTF is the plan?!” over and over again only to be told over and over again “You only need to trust the plan.” For some, it’s been almost 3 continuous years of this.


So, when people start tut-tutting those of us who are frustrated, they need to understand that a soldier can only hear “Just follow orders” without so real metric to measure success (high ranking arrests, dismantling elite pedo rings, or whatever anons have been clamoring for beyond the low level thugs we’ve seen taken out thus far) so long before he starts doubting his leadership. It also doesn’t help the soldier’s mood when they start to wonder if they aren’t just glorified pawns in game only a select few know the rules and moves. Basic human nature.


Is this a call for Q to “nut up or shut up?” No. But it should be both a cautionary tale for speculators and “Trust the Plan”ers alike. You can’t keep getting people’s hopes up only the dash them indefinitely before the frustration builds up too much and people walk. We all need to temper our expectations, but there also needs to be a big release soon if there is any hope to keep a massive desertion in the ranks.


Just this anon’s two cents.