Anonymous ID: eb0176 April 17, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8826405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6433

As predicted the all clear is being given.

States will be allowed to reopen the economy.

Business as usual.

No truth about the real reason for the shutdown being given.

It's the invisible Coronavirus/COVID-19 dontcha know.

Go about your business like good United States citizens.

Enjoy debt slavery on the perpetual government corporation's plantation.

Here's some fucking reality.

United States is a corporation (Title 26)

United States citizens are owned property, franchises of the corporation.

Only civil rights granted by government are provided to citizens.

Unalienable rights endowed by the creator are not.

This is why government feels it can restrict the absolute right of the people to assemble and conduct business.

Citizens are not protected by the Constitution in their courts.

Citizens are not party to the Constitution; We the People are.

Citizens are not considered one of the people.

Citizens don't own anything; all property is owned by the state.

Yeah, that mortgage you pay off doesn't give you allodial title; ownership.

Only law accessible to the citizens is admiralty law, contract law in their courts.

The whole government system is a fraud and it starts from the time we're born.

That free money government is "giving" away will be treated as a benefit; another way to keep people on the plantation.

United States, Inc. (owned by Pope) is bankrupt; think restructuring during shutdown

Trying to continue the fraud with United States of America, Inc. (owned by the Queen)

De jure government of America mothballed in 1861; just before Civil War on Lincoln's watch.

The fraud has been going on for generations; long before there was any concept of Boomers, GenX, GenY, Millenial bullshit.

150 years of fuckery and fraud.

It's not just America. Works the same worldwide for any government that is a corporation; Australia, Canada, France, UK, etc. etc.


Trump's 2016 campaign promise to return power to the people cannot be delivered without all this truth coming out.

The American people must return to their appropriate political status as American state nationals, Virginians, Texans, Montanans, etc.

Yeah, all the satanic ritual abuse, child sacrifice/pedo shit is real. This whole government system was set up by these motherfuckers.

Evil uses "government" to enslave and control the people, and to cover up their sick practices.

Don't believe me that US citizens are slaves, do your own research. Start with lectures by David Straight on YouTube.

Then keep digging.