Anonymous ID: f8fc73 April 17, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8826438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6463 >>6507 >>6574 >>6591 >>6621 >>6643 >>6654 >>6718

Listen up, cats and kittens - this is IMPORTANT and notable as hell

Remember the Q drop where it was stated, "Who have you been taught to trust?" or something similar (I don't know how to search past drops). Many here, including myself, assumed ministers/priests/Vatican.

Future proves the past.

WRONG - We have been taught to trust DOCTORS.

Who has convinced President Trump to destroy the economy, force a country wide lockdown, and keeps pushing that "life can go back to normal when we get a vaccine". A Vaccine. Parroted over and over and over again as the "only" solution to this crisis.


Dr. Fauci, Dr. Brix, Dr. Redfield. All have been investigated for knowingly reporting falsified (ie" made up") results in retroviral research. They should have lost their medical licenses and done jail time for what they did "knowingly". Instead, it was covered up and they're trying it again.

Pushing vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. The "only" solution for things to "go back to normal".


True Pundit has reported on the results of the Air Force Board of Inquiry in October 1992 after two other Air Force doctors blew the whistle on Dr. Redfield, LtCol, USA, who was the head of the Retroviral Research Division at Walter Reed Institute of Research.

The same Dr. Redfield who is now Head of the CDC, who didn't stop flights, who has given bad information, who has stated they will continue to work with the corrupt WHO even after President Trump has suspended payments to them.

THAT Dr. Redfield.


Dr. Redfield was accused of: "systemic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analysis and misleading data". He was working on research for an HIV vaccine to be produced by Meridian in CT (link to "failed HIV Merck Vaccine below"),

He was alleged by his peers of scientific misconduct, overstating conclusions in Phase 2 trials so the vaccine could be approved for production, and accused of perjury before Congressional Subcommittees on two occasions.


In other words, Dr. Redfield and Dr. Birx literally made stuff up to get approval to rush a vaccine into production.


Oh yes, Dr. Birx, the one who tells us not to go to the grocery store, was Dr. Redfield's assistant in 1992 and was also investigated for fraud and scientific misconduct.


Redfield and Birx were referred for a Board of Inquiry by their collegues, Major Craig Hendricks, USAF and Col Boswell USAF


The Board of Inquiry "agreed" that the info Redfield presented seriously threatened the credibility of Dr. Redfield, had the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for all military institutions, and gave false hope which could lead to the premature deployment of the vaccine".


There's more, but you get the picture.


The Journal of Experimental Medicine published a report, which in part stated, that the vaccine that Redfield and team was working on (and lying about), "failed to protect Ad5-seronegative individuals against infection, and MAY EVEN ENHANCED INFECTION IN VACCINES…."

Read that again. Not only did the vaccine they were pushing NOT protect people, it may have ENHANCED the infectivity.

Pure. Evil.


The podcast from True Pundit - I don't have sauce for the documents he cites, and be warned he rambles ALOT. He needs some serious editing and to tighten it up if he wants to get the message out.

Anonymous ID: f8fc73 April 17, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.8826454   🗄️.is 🔗kun

QAnons have dug the connections between Fauci, Birx, Gates, and fake research and clinical trials to push an HIV vaccine that the Journal of Experimental Medicine said not only did it not work, but it may have made any infection you did get WORSE.


Pure Evil.

"Who are you taught to trust"

Anonymous ID: f8fc73 April 17, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.8826582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8825294 Previous Bred

Several anti-parasite medications, which have been used safely for years and are CHEAP and easily available, have been found to be effective against a variety of infections/diseases.

Hydroxychlorquine: retroviruses and COVID

Ivermectin: now being investigated for COVID treatment

Fenbendazole: has undergone trials for cancer treatment, but abandoned because no one wanted to fund human clinical trials for a medication that was cheap, and no longer under patent protection so no $$$ in it for big Pharma.

A sister medication to fenbendazole is now under investigation at Johns Hopkins for cancer treatment.

"My cancer story rocks". #Fenbendazole