Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.8828532   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8747


Bond, James Bond.

The three stand for Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine two separate but related drugs. Don't know the free dictionary has the error or even if they thought it was an error. Not important to either of us. What is important is that a drug with the word "chloroquine" somewhere in it's designation is extremely effective in dealing with the China Virus…and other diseases it is turning out.


All correct! All incorrect! All important to the lives of people around the world and even this discussion keeps the name/names out there so we can take a lesson from the demonrats who believe if one states a lie often enough it will become the truth and turn that into "if one states the truth often enough it will become the ONLY truth."


Off we go to continue digz.

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.8828564   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8573

Sure hope more of the jew/anti-jew c_a contracted employees begin using "name" designations on the board as it is soooo much easier to completely remove their detritus from the board by filtering them by name. Filtering by id does remove a lot but being able to just filter the name gets every last bit of their diarrhea.

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.8828632   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8650 >>8692


Which is why he should already have been arrested. When he took office he swore to uphold the Constitution when he took office and the Bill of Rights is part of that; he violated his Oath of Office.


More interesting in some way is his claim on Tucker that even though the Governor, deciding on violating the Constitution was "above my (his) pay grade." WTAF is the Governor stating? Is he admitting that he is controlled and not really the Governor and not allowed to make decisions for his State?


Why didn't Tucker ask him, when he stated it was above his pay grade, who it was then who ordered him to proceed with the violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights? If not him…who?

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:14 p.m. No.8828682   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Chortle! I think the names and the moron that uses geometric shapes as his "name" are just so easy to identify and then filter. Sometimes, with the jew/anti-jew/c_a operatives I have to look at one of their childish attempts at a meme or have to notice one of their keywords…but with the moronials using idiotic names and geometric shapes they are more easily noticed…and I'm lazy so not even having to sully my eyes with the ocular pollution spread by the jew/anti-jew spam or the c_a operatives childish attempts is a plus!


So, use names, shills and lowlifes. You make life easier for anons when you identify yourselves so openly.

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.8828730   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8769


They are also counting people who die from heart disease, pneumonia and influenza as having died from the China Virus so the hospital administrations can make more money.


Notice that for some reason, pneumonia/influenza deaths have had precipitous drops since January!


I'm not too worried - yet - though because I know it is all being tracked and when the time comes, those taking advantage of the crisis to line their own pockets or the pockets of their buddies will also get theirs.

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.8828781   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8794 >>8806 >>8847 >>8857 >>8873 >>8881 >>8942


I swear that the China Virus was released by the soros/gates/ccp cabal last year.


In September, I was sicker than I have ever been in my 70 years and I've gone through "some stuff" in that time.


I had to take over a week off work, at times thought I was better off going to hospital…but I'm an obstinate prick, so didn't. Used the natural stuff I've used for years and eventually made it back to work and I'm working still now and have had no problems.


I'm hoping to have an antibody test soon 'cause that will tell me if it was the China Virus test release that caught me last year. Oddly enough - and this could just be an over-active violation - I actually remember one of the customers I was giving a ride to…in a commuter van with several other people…coughing during the 20 minute trip to her hotel. Hmmm, she was Chinese but who knows if she was just an unwitting carrier or paid delivery vehicle?

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.8828830   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Dear little billy,

You are a nobody. You failed in school. You stole from your best friend to make money. You kill children in Africa and other poor countries…to make money.


You were not elected to anything. You know nothing. All politicians you pay are being followed - in all ways possible from physical following to electronic surveillance. You are being watched both physically and electronically. Your family is being watched - especially your "wife?" and your corrupt organization and the people who work for you like Birx's daughter are also being followed physically and electronically.


I know it is perhaps not suitable to warn an enemy what is habbening but I doubt you have the intellectual capacity to understand so…


If you haven't gotten it yet billy…you're done!

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 2:41 p.m. No.8828908   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8925 >>8944


Every day I attempt to drink Canada Dry…by drinking two cans of Canada Dry Tonic Water with Quinine…cause even if it's just a placebo effect, I feel better…course, I also take 200mg of zinc and other natural items such as Neem and "dirt" based immunity strengtheners.


Also use over-steeped, bitter green tea - like was and is still used in S. Korea (along with Zinc) for early symptoms.


Of course, the People will win because that is what God wants.

Anonymous ID: 36601d April 17, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.8829087   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Just think. If shrillary had won none of what we know now would be out there.


If President Trump had pounced in his first month, we wouldn't know about the biden crime family, the clinton crime family, the puhlousy crime family, the schlimer crime family, the shitft crimes - no family I don't think, nobody likes him - nothing that has been exposed since he first pounced would we know.


If just last year President Trump played the Trump Card we would not know about the machinations of the China(w).h.o.; the involvement by little billy gates and his sugar daddy soros in thousands of deaths around the world would not now be exposed and ongoing, the involvement and seemingly total corrupt organization of the China(w).h.o. would not have been exposed and for certain the demonrats would have gifted them the 800+ million TAXPAYER DOLLARS President Trump just suspended. We wouldn't have had the stupidity of having essential products being made in China and the manufacture of many of those essentials now coming back to America or to other friendlier and hopefully less corrupt and [DS] infected countries.


The corruption and comp'd status of people like Birx and especially fauci would not be known and they would continue to allow people to die to protect their corrupt involvement with little billy and his high murder count.


"Never interfere with an enemy while they are destroying themselves!"


President Trump has had to allow much of what has been going on just to be able to get most with the first shot. Trying to get them all with birdshot, all at once and early, means most escape unscathed…identifying and watching and recording and tabulating and then - pouncing on all the major and some of the minor players in the treason, sedition roundup is absolutely necessary. After all, if they only nab morning joe without also nabbing mika then one would escape. If nabbing just one of the pedo-desta's that will allow the other to remain hidden; if only arresting shrillary then bubba would escape, if only arresting barry then michael might get away…it all has to be done at once, a situation to which Q has alluded, simply for the safety of the PEOPLE.


My brief idea of the "biblical" relates to what happened when the forces of the pharaoh went after the slaves as they were escaping the evil of Egypt and as they raced after the escaping slaves who had successfully crossed the parted Red Sea…the entire force of the pharaoh was wiped out when the Red Sea came together again. Total wipe-out of the pharaoh and his army…very biblical and a total wipe-out of the demonrat cult, the mind-slave-media, the globalist scum in America and all those against the American people…is coming!


Patience Sucks! But failure sucks more!