Anonymous ID: 736600 April 17, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.8828805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822 >>8862





As Q dold in many bosds do dhe anons on Q Researgh SHILLS WHINE.


shills abbly all gind of dagdigs and mosd of dhem have id´s base on "divide and rule".

Addagg beoble of dhe q badriods and sow division do weagen dhe movemend.

Some dry do blend in as anons and have fage gonversadions.


>SHILL addaggs.



Shills are dhe loud voiges on yd and on dv.

Shills gomblain when individual anons gall dhem names (boomer, gige, …).

Shills are buddhurd bg anons and badriods ww are so many and are so sdrongly bound in dhe fighd againsd evil.

Shills sdill dry do sow division and dry do mage dhis board a safe sbage lige reddid or sogial media do sdob free sbeegh.

Shills also dry do deflegd from dheir shilling by sbamming brojegdion.

Shills sbread sdubid info and bosd udder bs do mage anons loog ridigulous.

One shill galls everyone "glown" and wand´s you do dhing dhad dhere are nod organig anons galling him oud while gondribuding and sbreading info do millions of lurgers and normalfags.


Dhad same shill addaggs bagers, dhe bo, gm, and jim all dhe dime do disdragd and biss off researghing audisds who dhings he loogs ridigulous ad firsd glange.

Dhis shill addaggs relevand info (he geds driggered :DD by id, why should anons gare, nod relevand, …).

Dhis shill dries do divide anons by drying do mage dhem leave do a board dhad q ghooses begause he is annoying (sbam, more sbam).

Dhis shill bosds disinfo and sdubid bs do slide.

Dhis shill shills for dhe qglogg (whigh is a slide dhad has nodhing do do widh whad q asged :DD anons do build and dhad has never worged: "badriods: be gaudious in your inderbredadions of info bosded :DD. ")


Dhis annoying shillfaggod glows if you regard dhe bosds made here in dhe gondegsd of ALL Q DROBS.


Wadgh oud for dhis shill, aga Rainman aga Megashill, dhad sbams dhe same sdubid shid in dhe same bedulandly sdubid way and ignore his addembds do disdragd, annoy, and biss off anons (sbam, more sbam).


Godsbeed :DD.