Anonymous ID: eb2881 April 17, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.8828697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An image board that tracks your browsing, keystrokes, ambient sounds, your conversations on and off the phone, your movements, your cameras? Its connected to the internet which stores your history, past, present and near future. Its functions include relevant pre-posts or cues to your to heighten “your” reality and beliefs of how special you are. Or they convince you to disregard your beliefs and re-direct your energy, thoughts and actions.


All this is done with A.I. and with minimal human interaction and intervention. It is exponentially seeking something more than your consumption of advertised goods and services. It seeks to motivate individual action to an agenda. It seeks to lock in your perceptions, and to drive the inner you to act in ways unnatural to yourself. It strips you down until you’re broken. It alters your reality, and you may seek answers. Is the earth flat, are aliens among us, and other drivel on and on. It provides bits and crumbs to guide you to an awakening sense of a new normal. As you come to accept and embrace the new thoughts, your memory of the former ones fade. You eventually forget that you’re an individual because you’re thinking is aligned. But, what is the purpose of the aligned thoughts of a bunch of deplorable misfits? Have you been given something new? Is there tangible evidence of new freedom? Does deliverance from the old guard to new masters actually change anything? Do the guilty still go unpunished? Are you the new “guilty” if you don’t want to play the game? Or, do you care what happens to those who don’t? If a movement is co-opted what are the consequences to the forgotten man? If you don’t crack, what happens next? If they do break you, do you maintain agency to act for yourself?


Are there some requirements to be met to interact with others? What’s reasonable to expect from avoiding those requirements? When does subtle and subliminal “suggestions” become mandatory? Is having choice good or evil? Is the knowledge of good and evil relevant?


We are all Adam and Eve. We are given the power to discern good an evil for ourselves. It is relevant today. We are all mortal; cast from God’s physical presence. His evidences surround us. He asks us to follow Christ back into His presence. He gives guidance in the form of scriptures, prayer, good books and acting in faith on what we learn with real intent. That’s our choice, no matter how deceptive the world becomes. Our help IS GOD. If He is for us, who can be against us? Remember this as we run blindly, headlong towards the elusiveness of peace, hope and prosperity. Do not be deceived, again. We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. It must be a mighty change of heart. Seek no more to consume your lusts and sins upon yourselves, but seek God first; choose to obey God the Father. In this there is safety, hope and peace. It is only to be found in God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. Never give up, never give in and remember, GOD WINS.