Anonymous ID: 558517 April 17, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.8829555   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9591 >>9719



Thank you very much! Lots of bed rest ahead.




Amen! God certainly has blessed us. Honored to raise another Patriot to carry the torch forward into history. o7




Thank you!!




Thank you!! Looking forward to them wearing a Q onsie.




Ironically, I was thinking that already anon. Good minds!!




Amen! I can't say I've been on here 24/7 over the last month. KEK!!




Churchill sized of course.




Adding that name!









Thank you. It's been an amazing day.




I do like Michael very much. Michael Donald… Hmm…




We have a few. Each one is their own amazing blessing.








Donald Boris…




Thank you.




Thank you very much.



You are all my family. God Bless all of you and thank you for the kind words. Sorry for the slide. Back to work now.