Renegade drop put me thinking, what actually Obama betrays?
The betrayal of America started long before Obama. It is possible that actually Obama betrayed his masters? Think of Malik Obama, is hard to believe that he betrayed his own brother.
Another thing is that Obama did not fired Adm. Adam Rogers at the request of other senior inteligence. Roges is a key player in this op?
Also, under Obama's watch Comey relesed damaging info on Clinton just before elections.
As Q implies, FISA plays an important role in this operation. But who started FISA? FISA was started at the request of Obama? He knew the FISA can be a double edge sword? He shot a rubber bullet at POTUS for optics knowing that POTUS is clean and he can take it?
Hillary expected Obama to rig 2016 elections but he didn't?
As I see things, my opinion is that Obama prepared the stage for POTUS.
This is just my opinion and is possible to be VERY wrong.