Anonymous ID: 9f4da8 April 17, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.8829089   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9155 >>9349 >>9449 >>9466

I have been using the TOR browser on a PC for a couple days. When going through onion, I cannot post any files. So I have been using the regular 8kun address instead of the onion address to get to the catalog. Firefox has become useless, that's why I changed. The TOR browser is fast using the regular addy. It lets me post with instant results, and most of the time all the thumbs show up. The experience is way better than Firefox.

But something new has come up. You've been banned. I can tell it's generic and not meant for me. A restart of the browser makes it go away, but it can come back.

Does this only happen to TOR browser users?

What triggers it?

Is it a human?

I wondered if it was like AIM Chat was years ago, where a select few had code that could bounce people out of the chat room, just cause they could. Is that sort of what is going on here?

I am using Firefox right now to post this question.