Anonymous ID: 61196f April 18, 2020, 1:06 a.m. No.8836371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good news on the Congressional Front


Since February, the Congress has introduced 211 'coronavirus' legislatative items (mostly bills with19 resolutions and 2 amendments)

3 bills became law and one passed a floor vote along with 2 resolutions. At least the committees have pleny of reading material while self-isolating. search "coronavirus"{%22congress%22:%22116%22,%22source%22:%22legislation%22,%22search%22:%22coronavirus%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded&KWICView=false&pageSort=dateOfIntroduction%3Adesc


Search using Covid-19 (the proper name of the virus) gave similar results, 224 items, many may be duplicates using coronavirus and covid-19. search "covid-19"{%22congress%22:%22116%22,%22source%22:%22legislation%22,%22search%22:%22covid-19%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded&KWICView=false&pageSort=dateOfIntroduction%3Adesc


Like most legislation, a bill is introduced for the sole purpose of a politician's next campaign, "I introduced this, this, and this." But little gets accomplished.


Imagine a reporter asking a senior member of Congress,


"There have been over 180 coronavirus bills introduced, beside the 3 that became law, can you update the Citizens on the progress and current status of some of those bills?"


(less than 24 weeks remain till appropriations bill for all government are due)

Anonymous ID: 61196f April 18, 2020, 1:31 a.m. No.8836438   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Perhaps Q was trolling Austin by selecting that song.


Q Drop 3895, March 21, was the youtube video Future World Music - Victory Of Life



Do not fear.



Anons noted in the video comments a few hours prior somebody posted negative comments of POTUS. Possible that person shared the video on one of the anti-Trump twitter feeds. If Q Team monitor those feeds, could have seen the the video and comment and selected it for the Q drop.


Many Anons viewed it a positive musical selection, thus trolling the opposition.

Anonymous ID: 61196f April 18, 2020, 2:14 a.m. No.8836549   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Congress recently intoduced legislation theat would reuire the government to work with Gates Foundation's CEPI on vaccination


H.R.6334 - Securing America From Epidemics Act

Rep Ami Bera D-CA-7 Co-Sponsor Rep Ted Yoho R-FL-3

Introduced March 23, 2020


The bill would require the US government to partner with CEPI and the B&M Gates Foundation in vaccine research. The bill requires submitting plans to work with CEPI. No funds are appropriated within the bill but would likely carry a hefty appropriations price tag in the future and obligate the US to future funding.


H.R.6334 - Securing America From Epidemics Act




This bill authorizes the United States to participate in the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), an alliance of countries and private partners whose mission is to finance and coordinate the development of vaccines for high-priority, epidemic-potential threats.


The President must submit a report outlining (1) planned U.S. contributions to, and participation in, CEPI; (2) the manner and extent to which the United States shall participate in the governance of CEPI; and (3) how participation in CEPI supports U.S. government strategies and programs in health security and biodefense.


Text excerpt:


Sec 2 Findings


(8) To address this global vulnerability and the deficit of political commitment, institutional capacity, and funding, in 2017, several countries and private partners launched the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). CEPI’s mission is to stimulate, finance, and coordinate development of vaccines for high-priority, epidemic-potential threats in cases where traditional markets do not exist or cannot create sufficient demand.


(9) Through funding of partnerships, CEPI seeks to bring priority vaccines candidates through the end of phase II clinical trials, as well as support vaccine platforms that can be rapidly deployed against emerging pathogens.


(10) CEPI has funded multiple partners to develop vaccine candidates against the novel coronavirus, responding to this urgent, global requirement.


(11) Support for and participation in CEPI is an important part of the United States own health security and biodefense and is in the national interest, complementing the work of many Federal agencies and providing significant value through global partnership and burden-sharing.