Anonymous ID: 61ba0d April 18, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.8836182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6186 >>6192 >>6201 >>6202 >>6209 >>6300 >>6379

where are the fucking ANONS


board have been filed with shit lately…dumb fucking memes and awards waiting for a drop but not ready o do anything with it.




we're the news and the amount fo credibility we've been given ourselves the last few months is shit.


this board needs to get back on track.


bakers need to stop fucing around, diggers need to go, not take, and organize and it need to get back to a hard core research forum like what started this movement.


stop entertaining fucking shills and get to work.


its simple, crumbs drop and dig, dont speculate dont entertain fuckwads, get autistic and carry on