Anonymous ID: 0d4215 April 18, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.8837206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252 >>7300

i'm not sure what i think about what i've seen and read about viruses not being contagious…..other anons thoughts?


The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

Posted on 25th March 2020 by The Bernician

Having received this essential anonymous post on the true nature of viruses and virology by email, I feel compelled to re-post it on this blog, given that it nails to the mast the fraudulent claims being used to justify the indefensible.


The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

This post intends to go to the heart of virology and vaccination itself and what vaccination is propped up by – the entirety of virology and vaccine science is predicated on one thing—that viruses are infectious agents that cause disease.


Without this theory, vaccines would not be ‘effective’ or ‘work’ in the minds of the people.


Without the virus theory, vaccines would crumble like a house of cards.


This article will show the pseudoscience behind the theories that prop up virology and the vast problems with it.


continued on link….


There is no other explanation for how the human body maintains itself. It is the only logical answer. The truth has been hidden by science for almost 200 years, yet was revealed long ago in the 1800s by scientists such as Antoine Béchamp, who documented in his own experiments that viruses are terrain dependent, non-living agents that break down waste matter, that they come from within, not from without.


Viruses are nothing more than proteins that cleanse. The same is true about cancer. Cancer is another way the body tries to heal itself, by cocooning dead cells in a tumor in which the body is incapable of removing properly so that it can dissolve and cleanse those cells from the body at a later time. The body is miraculous and finds ways to heal no matter the circumstances. It has ways of short-circuiting and short-cutting pathways in times of trouble.


It is sad that modern science has led so many astray in their thinking with regard to their own bodies and how it functions creating nothing but fear and panic, whilst reaping massive amounts of money for those in power as a result. Such fear places a distrust in our own bodies, our neighbors and nature itself, making it appear as if we are powerless in the face of disease; that it is beyond our control and only the medical establishment can save us from ourselves.


How might those in power benefit from such chaos? Explore that thought. This confusion has led to the coronavirus ‘outbreak’ and the resulting fear and chaos which surrounds this manufactured and blown out of proportion event.

This virus is obviously being used to institute police state style laws and measures around the world and these will only increase if the majority do not wake up to the lies surrounding the nature of viruses and disease.



The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, 1956, by Eleanor McBean M.D., N.D. (shows the many dangers of vaccinations, manipulated statistics throughout history, how polio arose, and the nature of virus and disease.)

Béchamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E. Douglas Hume, 1923

The Blood and Its Third Element by Antoine Béchamp, 1912

Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, by Walene James, 1942 (discusses Béchamp’s ‘Terrain Theory’ of bacteria and viruses.)

The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur, R.B. Pearson, 1942 (First published in 1942 under the title ‘Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter!-the Germ Theory Exploded’. Shows that Louis Pasteur plagiarized and distorted the work of professor Antoine Béchamp. The author propounds the viewpoint that bacteria in the body are a result, not a cause of disease, that vaccinations are harmful or at best, ineffective and that Pasteur did not realize the consequences of the vaccines he and his followers created.)