Anonymous ID: 21d7ff April 18, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.8838208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8224

The facts and skewed data just doesn't seem to add up; just a few questions……


Is COVID-19 a bioweapon being used to destroy Capitalism?


on being used to destroy Capitalism?==


 Did the China Communist Party (CCP) Unleash a deadly global virus pandemic in their quest for global dominance?


 Did the CCP coordinate and unleash a deadly virus and allow it spread globally, in retaliation for Trumps tough Trade policies, that were negatively impacting their economy?


 Is Dr. Luc Montagnier, the 2008 Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of the HIV virus accurate when he stated COVID-19 was man made and created in a laboratory in Wuhan, China?


 After realizing the danger of COVID-19, why would China restrict travel of its citizens in country but still allow international travel throughout the world?


 Why did W.H.O. echo China’s claims that COVID-19 could not be transferred from human-to-human, long after that was determined to be a lie?


 Why would W.H.O. encourage international travel, long after COVID-19 was determined to be highly contagious and deadly?


 Would attacking the world with COVID-19 pandemic, locking people in their homes, forcing people to lose their jobs, and destroying the economy help destroy capitalism?


 Would destroying small businesses and forcing millions of people to lose their jobs make citizens totally dependent upon the government and help usher in Socialism? Is this why Pelosi and the DEMS blocked financial aid for small businesses but fight to support Illegals?


 Small businesses are the backbone of American and Capitalism; is this why Pelosi and the Dems blocked financial aid for small businesses?


 Would releasing a deadly engineered bioweapon that targets the elderly and those with low immune systems help eliminate your elderly population, (useless Eaters), and help your economy of 1.4 billion people?


 Could COVID- 19 be used as a guise to target your Christian population in your country without raising suspicion? Could COVID-19 be used as a cover to eliminate your pesky praying Christians?


 Why would China, W.H.O., Pelosi, and entire MSM ENCOURAGE policies and travel, that would increase the spread of COVID-19, long after the virus was rapidly spreading by human-to-human contact?


 Why are the Dems and MSM fiercely opposing any discussion of a potential cure?


 Why are the Dems fiercely opposing restarting the economy?


 Why are DEMS desperately trying to push legislation to allow them to mail in votes? Are they leveraging COVID-19 to allow them to voter fraud to steal elections?


 Why did Bill Gates and globalists conduct a Global Pandemic exercise in NYT in Nov, 2019?


 Was COVID-19 specifically engineered to target the elderly to reduce population


 Are a large percentage of Trump supports elderly?


 Why did Pelosi sloppily rush the Impeachment articles through the House and then sit on them for 28 days, stating timing was critical, and then released them the exact same day COVID-19 virus surfaced in America?


 Is COVID-19 a trojan horse to user in mandatory global vaccinations?


 Is the reason Bill Gates has relentlessly being trying to force the populace to get vaccinated and even obtain a Certificate-OF-Vaccination Identification (COVID)?


 Would paying hospitals thousands of dollars for each COVID-19 be an incentive to skew the stats?


 Would paying hospitals thousands of dollars of each COVID-19 death, encourage them to skew their data and classify most any illness, flu, pneumonia as a COVID-19 death?


 Why are many of the Dem governors exercising enormous abuse of their power to control their state residents?


 Are these rogue Dem governors testing Americans to see how they will react, when faced with “Police State” conditions?


 Why are Churches and Synagogues being target and even some members arrest for praying but Mosques are being ignored?


 Why are Churches and religious organizations being targeted and treated unfairly but other organization are ignored?


 Is this COVID-19 bioweapon the Dems last ditch effort to destroy Trump and wreck his accomplishments with the economy?


 Why did Dems and MSM relentlessly attack Trump for closing travel with China and taking effective action to control COVID-19, while they continued pushing dangerous guidance they resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths.


 Why was Nancy Pelosi encouraging people to go to China town, in the midst of COVID-19 dangerously spreading?