Anonymous ID: 4cc88a April 18, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.8837790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7805


The complete scope of what I think we all feel is an orchestrated event is too much for one person to grasp IMO.

After digging so much news it now appears that everything from Meat/Food to Med and Finance, Education, Entertainment et al are reading from the same script.

Add in the military implications….


Fuckin' Red Dawn and shit after EMP prolly yay



bug out bag, check

plan, check



voodoo! booga booga!



oh let them have their fun, we already won my negro!


what? you think Q team did not account for the most likey false flag events like pandemic or dirty bombs et al?


why no comfy?

why no trust plan?

hillary eat baby okay

no JFKjr! Bad! Pepe Bad!





like a certain crew hijacks in the day ya Liz hater! kek!