Anonymous ID: 6d08df April 18, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.8837763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7778 >>7807 >>7823 >>8172

We are running out of time.!


Very interesting.. I guess this is the important decision that Potus had to make.


He left the decision of reopening to the states.. So that means that blue states will get destroyed and red states have a chance of reopening.. But what happens when these jerks say we're clsoing till july or august? Who made that decision? We are ruled by evil and completely incompetent fools with pride and ego on daily display.. Who's clout is bigger…..

But CA and NY will be hit the worst..

No question about it.


Reasonable people have come on various shows with various degrees from DR to PHD.. And they all say we have seen the beginning of the end. There is treatment. It works and its already healed thousanda of people. No virus after HCQ.. It's time for the media to stop spreading lies. It's time for Fauci to shut his dumb mouth. And it's time to stop the fear.


If you get the cold.. You get the meds.

I still see people afraid of getting this.. Maybe only in NY And CA… Cuz here they will intubate you for the money they get back when u die…

Ugh. criminals…


It's time for the Real Science guys to step out and say this loud and clear. And discredit Faucis big pharma connections.

If anyone is profiting from our suffering .. Its Gates and Fauci..


They have to be stopped.

And possibly arrested.

For crimes against humanity.


Why are they being let by potus to run this show? Still..