Anonymous ID: cc807d April 18, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.8837821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7826


>CIA Hunts for Authentic Virus Totals in ChInA, Dismissing Government Tallies.



This is fucking…. rich.

The dead in the pot attempting to count the dead in the kettle?

You globalist assholes have to quit for your own good. No more fake news. How bout some ground intelligence.


>Hannity talking about Intelligence Assets killed in China.


Hannity, save your breath.


Save your breath.

Why would anyone believe a report from a bunch of dead CIA agents in China? China killed all of you, in China, after they were given back door access to locate and kill you all by Hillary, remember?


What's that?



"Live" CIA agents are doing the counting?


Well be sure to start with your dead CIA buddies in China. Then head over to the NSA.

These days the NSA readily admits they are vacuuming up every email, phone call, text, movie clip from every person in the world.

No doubt they have copies of ALL of the thousands and thousands of 10 second video clips sent over from Chinese citizens on the ground, to the NYC twitter account called @isChinar, 24/7, for a full six weeks while the city of Wuhan and other Chinese cities were being "closed".


Watching that twitter account for a couple hours a night, was like living in the streets of China for six weeks, on the ground. You could count the dead and the living right in the streets and do a mathematical extrapolation there were so many clips running 24-7 for so long. There is PLENTY of murder, dead, and burned…


You got to see the Chinese police bludgeon innocent people to death in the streets, and shove people in metal boxes in the back of pick up trucks, or into the sides of vans. Live people on top of dead bodies in white unmarked vans. What a still shot for posterity. For history.


See clips of the thick smoke from all of the newly built "incinerators" the Chinese people were protesting about just before the virus broke out. Dead bodies burning everywhere there was a newly installed incinerator. The Chinese were protesting last summer, because they knew EXACTLY what was coming, is muh best guess. Gee, where was the MSM back then?


Weeks of thick heavy smoke filmed from peoples 20th floor apartments, from dead bodies burning, en mass in Wuhan.


Pre made mobile incinerators BEFORE the virus even started. Who would NOT protest such a thing? Lots of young people knew something was up and protested the creation of massive incinerators back in July, August, September.


The Chinese are just as fast at building incinerators to burn their people as they are at building hospitals to fake the virus alarm and give cover for their murderous actions.


Watch as YOUNG people are dragged out of their apartments, some not even given time to dress after the shower when they were grabbed out by CCP thugs into the street. Their crime? Protest?

Ask yourself why they were taking young people OUT of quarantine when they claimed there was no more room at the hospitals?

Genocide. THAT is what China is really hiding. THAT is why they do not want the WHO or anyone else in China, on the ground.


Watch as walking elderly are given shovels, and told to dig their own shallow graves en mass, along a long covered sidewalk. (Pic related) Looks like they plan on covering those mass graves with cement. Cement anyone?


@isChinar on Twitter.


It was the most gripping reality TV show I have ever witnessed, and it got far worse in China as time went on that six weeks….



Anonymous ID: cc807d April 18, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.8837826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8190




Then watch for days and days and nights and nights, as the Chinese CCP goes around locking the people in their 40 story apartments. They locked the doors to those apartment with everything from 10 foot piles of coal, to dead police cars pushed against all the ground floor apartment tower doors. When they ran out of coal and dead police vehicles, they started WELDING the apartment doors shut with thousands of people inside those towers.


Watch massive numbers of drones flying around with long sheets of paper with bar codes on them. Chinese people had to point their cell phones at the drones at every market parking lot or the drones would scold them and report them to the authorities. Non compliance would likely land you in one of those incinerators.


Watch as the Chinese people start apartment fires on the ground floor of huge numbers of those towering apartments to burn their way out of captivity before they starve. Weeks of fires everywhere in the cities. Oh well. Guess locking the doors did not work. Sad, by the time they burned their way out, there was no food anyway. Dead farm animals. No one allowed to set up food markers without CCP approval.


Watch as Chinese people attempt to climb down those apartments on the outside to get to someone selling a bag of rice in the street below…. only to fail and fall 30 stories, to their death.


Watch as Chinese heavy construction equipment is called to dig giant holes in the streets (at night), throw a bodies in and start fires every night in the "burning street pits", then cover those burned bodies with dirt in the morning.



Take a tour of Chinese farms with millions of dead animals because farmers were not allowed out to feed them. The animals were all dead in two weeks, laying everywhere, dead chickens, ducks….Then, consider…… China lost 50% of their pig population just prior to the "epidemic"back in August. Want to take another look at those "spike protein" changes on COVID 19, that make this virus "more capable of jumping from animal to man", and consider new theories about where the virus came from? Watch as Chinese people walk their dogs with "dog face masks" because the virus jumps to dogs.

Consider the number of Chinese people who just starved to death for lack of farm animals in addition to the virus.

Feel like counting the dead from starvation and genocide, in addition to the dead from the virus?

20 million last I heard.

Can't verify that number, but after watching China every night from"on the ground" video clips made by real Chinese people sent to New York @isChinar in ten second clips…..20 million, mostly genocide victims, 20 million does not sound wrong, in a nation of 1.5 billion or so.


Do the simple thing CIA.


Go to the NSA and find out how many working cell phones went dead in that six week time period when @isChinar was the biggest reality TV show in the world, before….

before TWITTER shut down the SHOW.

EVIL TWITTER wants to hide the facts on the ground.

THAT in itself is hiding genocide, and Twitter needs to be held accountable.


Unlike Americans, the Chinese were REQUIRED to have cell phones so they could participate in the "surveillance program" set up by the CCP.

Oh, and America. Think twice about that 5G "internet of things". Those "things" are not being built for the betterment of mankind. They fully plan on using this "new convenient technology" to make you a China Genocide subject of the globalist government CCP.


And CIA,

DO NOT expect ANY FROGS to believe whatever FAKE NEWS number you decide to come up with.

We saw what happened in China, as it happened. And what happened was NOT just a virus.

It was pure Communism doing what Communism and Socialism ALWAYS does, whenever the people have no defense against rogue government. Unmitigated murder by the millions, so many bodies, the bodies must always be burned.


You know what I would like to know CIA?


How many governors in the US are letting power go to their heads, and are acting like Communist dictators, thinking they have the right to lock people in their homes under threat of arrest. How many governors want to use those drones? How many governors don't understand we would be better off with 2 million dead from the virus, than 20 million dead at the hands of dictator governors?

Count those governors, CIA.

Locate those.

NAME those.

Because THOSE are the enemies of the US, and We the People…. they are far worse than any virus.

