What the fuck is your point, posting absolutely psychotic shit like this. If you hate Zionist Jews then just state it. There are many evils in the world. Its not like we don't know. Sounding like a paid troll shill of the Government.Seems to me that Canadians don't really care anyways. Look how slow this board is. Get to the point or fuck off.
This is why Trudeau wants your guns Any Questions
Can you hear the Thunder, The Storm Has Arrived
They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
Canadians are truly F#@ked, Got Permission???
These people are totally Ignorant & Arrogant about there own stupidity. Somebody needs to clue them In about all the war crimes the RCMP & Government have done to the Canadian People. Time to take care of our own back yard.