Your post shows one possible avenue in which the DS or Cabal might be setting Canada up for a take over like Venezuela.
However I do think Q and Co. have game theorized this possible scenario out.
In my estimation there is no way that Trump would allow the DS to establish a base in Canada and use that they way they used Iran, Syria and many other countries as clown black sites to attack and attempt take down the US government.
As for the Indigenous people, a lot of them aren't as stupid as many assume they are, they'll quickly realize that some of the so called "native" activists aren't locals at all.
Some of them would blow the whistle on any kind of stealth takeover operation as soon as it was launched.
Even during the rail blockades there were people in the local bands who pointed out that many of these "protestors" weren't locals at all.
In Alberta and Sask, many of the local bands were actually on the side of economic development and the energy industry, they saw the deal the enviros and radicals were offering(more subsidence living and poverty) and wanted no part of it.
I think Trudeau, Butts and his Liberal party cohort have already been factored into the Q Plan, there are many skeletons in Trudeau's closet and no amount of Chinese money and influence will cover that up. I suspect Trudeau has already been put on notice by Trump that any funny business from him and the Liberal party and things will come out which will have Trudeau in a cell pronto along with this DS buddies in Parliament.
The worst case scenario to counter any moves towards Canada becoming Venezuela is that Trump decides to recognize Western Canadian separatists as people with a legitimate grievance. He could order separate economic negotiations with each of the Western provinces (it's constantly being done over border issues and trade) and basically tell Ottawa that he knows the country isn't all behind them and he'll make his own deals with each province.
Of course this could lead to the break up of Canada but that's a risk that would need to be taken but it would put the issue front and center in most Canadians minds. Trudeau is already walking on thin ice outside of his political strongholds in the GTA and Ottawa/Montreal.
There is no way the US would allow a UN force to base itself across the border, remember how panicked Trudeau was when Trump proposed beefing up the military on the Canada-US border.
Trump is more than willing to stomp on Truedope if it's necessary and as much as the GTA and Montreal Liberals would whine about it there is nothing they could do. Any moves the DS makes I think have already been planned for by the Q team and mitigated.
BTW, more and more Canadians are waking up to what is happening, especially out in Alberta we've had 4 years of Trudeau and the Liberals screwing us over and the separatist sentiment and anger is just below the surface.