Anonymous ID: 548b3c April 21, 2020, 8:24 a.m. No.8873393   🗄️.is 🔗kun




You forgot the other property of the Gates snake oil, the ability to induce cytokine storms in the previously infected which would almost certainly kill most people who may have underlying health problems plus this ability would lay dormant until the right type of virus comes along next flu season.


COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression


A nice little bioweapon that Gates and co, have come up with which not only sterilizes the young but eliminates anyone over a certain age and those with preexisting medical conditions.

All in line with Gates views on eugenics and population control, plus the bonus that he makes money in this!


So this vaccine does cure Covid-19!, by eliminating the infected along with the infection, no carrier, no disease spread…

Considering Bill Gates history of megalomaniacal behavior in his Microsoft days in the 80s and 90s and his less than likeable demeanor (evil nerd) I don't think he'll sell many on going along with his ideas.


But on a more serious note. I do not think Trudeau would not get very far in declaring the Emergencies Act and then bringing up forced vaccinations.


Trudeau says most premiers don't think Emergencies Act needed yet to cope with COVID-19


Remember he and his government promptly got shot down by the other political parties when he proposed unlimited and unaccountable tax and spend powers lasting until 2021, to address this emergency.

Thanks to his dad, PET using the War Measures Act in 1970 as a club on Canadian Rights to fight the FLQ, many Canadians from that era were "vaccinated" against the use of Emergency Powers for no reason. I remember it as a kid and seeing armed troops marching on the streets on Montreal and the city was on lockdown.


If Trudope tries to force vaccinations on citizens there will be a rebellion in Canada, of that I'm sure and not just by Canadian Patriots but by most sane people once they find out the truth of this vaccine.


Yes, normie Canadians are the very essence of fat, dumb, happy schmucks who want their beer and hockey, but when faced with masked, gowned cops in the doorstep with a syringe in hand demanding you and and your family submit to the decrees of the State.

How do you think that would go over?


I can already see a meme in my mind to place this in stark contrast, a scene where Bill Gates is dressed in SS/Gestapo officer's uniform with a stethoscope and a syringe in hand, pictured over an old WW2 photo of Josef Mengele's human experiments.


Already the MSM is defending Gates and I can see a media push on convince suckers to take Gates Magical Death Elixir.


Corporate Media Rallies to Bill Gates’ Defense


The best way they could try and get this going is to do the usual Flu season vaccination campaign and not mention Gates or the vaccine but simply give it out, I can see most people never asking questions about what's actually in that vaccine.


BTW, My Body, My Choice is deeply embedded in Medical Ethics, forced treatment is an ethical minefield on a individual level but on a societal scale it's a no go, most medical professionals would not cross the line of forcibly injecting a human being with anything they didn't want.

There is also a strong legal aspect to this:


On a personal level any government officials showing up on my door with threats of jail and a syringe in hand would be met with shall we say strong resistance…

Anonymous ID: 548b3c April 28, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.8947548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0030


Many are cargo flights which haven’t been stopped during the pandemic. As a matter of fact they’ve increased because of the online demand for critical supplies which slow moving land transport can’t all handle.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c April 28, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.8947668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1876 >>6305 >>0995


I think the Q Team and Trump already have Trudeau in the proverbial kill box and let him know it.

I also think the Deep State are also putting the squeeze on Trudeau not to rat them out and to stick to their plan.

The two billionaire socialite murders, the Sherman’s, were a message to Trudeau and his associates by the Deep State of what happens to people who think about ratting on them.

Recall Trudeau all of a sudden started travelling wearing a bulletproof vest and using military transport instead of his civilian based jets for a time.

Also his recent beard is a sign of some sort of stress or crisis, he’s also looking a lot more worn and haggard and not just because of this plandemic.

I think some very interesting things are going to be happening to Trudeau soon, the American Patriots cannot allow Canada to remain a Deep State forward base and I think Trudope is caught in the middle of this.

The Nova Scotia massacre is also a follow up DS message to Trudeau and Trump’s Patriots that they still have the power to inflict damage whenever they like, yes it was also an FF ops to change the narrative and slow Trump’s message of a pandemic cure and to distract the sheep.

Whenever is happening the Silent War is actually becoming a bit more noisy.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 1, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8988953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6046 >>2977 >>3128


I get a strong feeling that Trudeau is preparing Canada for being the new base of operations for the Deep State retreating from the US.

Similar to what they’re doing in New Zealand.

Not sure what Q or Trump can or will do to help us out.

We are being prepared fir a Venezuela style coup where the Liberals and far left take over and impose a Communist regime.

Disarming the population is step 1.

Remember this is the same Party which tried to grab unlimited emergency powers until 2021with zero oversight from Parliament.


In the West I think there are still a core of Canadian patriots who would rebel but we aren’t heavily armed nor numerous enough to stand alone. Not sure how much help we would get from American Patriots should a Venezuela style coup take place.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 1, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.8989143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The next test of our resolve will be mandatory vaccinations for Covid-19, they’ll push that out to see how much the sheep push back on it.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 2, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.9006305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I had already surmised that the Plan was to take out the DS all at once


Various events seemed like some messages were being sent symbolically between the DS and Trudeau’s faction.

I certainly hope it won’t come down to an armed confrontation or uprising but there are many Canadians who are not completely cucked and will do whatever is necessary to remain free.

Those Canadians who died in WW2 should not have sacrificed their lives in vain so that a communist like Trudeau comes to power to completely destroy Canada and hand it over to invaders.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 7, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.9064961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968 >>7542 >>9797


In AB, SK, MB and interior parts of BC and ON, a lot of people have woken up. Look at the election maps and outside of the major cities in the East.

The CBC is pure gov’t propaganda and as bad as the Chinese state news agencies. Places like Rebel News and a couple of other sites are the only ones focusing on the corruption in our political system.

Both the Cons and Libs have been infiltrated and comped, there is no way to remove the DS influence without basically overthrowing the whole gov’t.

The only way this happens is if AB, SK separate and I think Trudeau is preparing for this with his gun ban.

What he doesn’t figure into those plans is that we live next to world’s biggest gun store, if a rebellion were to take place you can bet the guns would be flowing north along the huge border they can’t possibly patrol.

Canada as we know it is finished and it’s about time.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 7, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.9065074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968


He wasn’t really voted back in, I seriously believe the election was stolen and predetermined from the beginning, plus which the DS has made side deals with the major parties to give the appearance that there is an opposition when in fact it’s all one organization.

Look at how weak Scheer looks even when going up against a wimp like Trudeau.

The only way out of this situation is the breakup of Canada and a complete renegotiation of Confederation from scratch.

No more British style Parliamentary bullshit which has been designed by and for the elites and has always been manipulated by them, look at Magna Carta on which the Parliamentary system has its roots in and who created it and was intended for.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 8, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.9079873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5684


I agree that Trump and the Patriots would never tolerate the Deep State opening up a forward base/black site on the northern border.

Recall back a couple of months ago Trump was thinking about beefing up American military presence along the Canada-US border and Trudeau became very panicky about this prospect.


That was a not so subtle message to Trudeau that he knows what the DS plans are for Canada, to create a northern zone of instability by creating a northern equivalent of Venezuela and Trudeau’s policies align with the DS 16 year plan to destabilize the US and surround it with enemies.


Also Trudeau became very nervous all of a sudden last year going as far as wearing a bulletproof vest.


So what spooked him so much that he did such a public move? I think the DS murders of the Shermans plus maybe a few other messages passed along him scared him enough to toe the DS line and follow their plans. The vest was a signal to the DS that he’s still onside and knows what would happen to him if he betrays them.


However it goes Trump will not publicly rescue Canada, he’ll want to see how many Canadian Patriots there are and how willing we are to fight for our country.

Trump will act behind the scenes to make sure the Canadian economy and the political system isn’t taken over outright in a coup but I doubt he would send any military over the border.


I stated that separation would be needed because that’s the only way to break out of the DS political power structure. But too many Canadians are still asleep, they truly don’t realize what is happening around them and of course there are the useful idiots who would go along with a DS sponsored coup because ‘fuck capitalism, fuck boomers’.


It’s also why Trudeau is trying to disarm citizens, to reduce the ability to rebel and resist when they are implementing their agenda.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 9, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9097010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0086 >>1343


Unfortunately there is little you and I and most Canadian anons can do except keep dropping Red Pills in carefully.

Unlike our fellow Patriots in the US, Canadians are NOT inherently patriotic flag wavers and won’t be easily persuaded to leave their political comfort zone.

Americans have the advantage of an enshrined Constitution and government which was redesigned from scratch. They have a Bill of Rights which guarantees them inalienable rights that local laws and tyrants can’t simply override those rights, plus many are armed to the teeth so the gov’t does think twice about overreach.


When the US won its freedom from the British crown is when Canadians lost theirs.

We are not citizens of Canada with inalienable rights, we are still subjects of the British crown and therefore inherited their system of governance which is still based on a constitutional monarchy which means the elites still make the rules.


Q was completely correct in their statement that you can’t tell the people about evil and corruption, they must be shown and need to live through it.

People in AB and SK were the first to live through it and therefore the first to wake up to how corrupt the government is.

The other parts of the country are only now beginning to feel the pain, they might wake up but might not.

I doubt Quebec will ever wake up, many of their politicians and the elite benefit from the current state of Canada and there has been a long history of corruption within the Quebec political establishment both at the provincial and federal levels.


We can only do what we can, Canada as a Confederation is finished but we do have a choice to still resist tyranny when it’s imposed on us, there will be a steep price which the Americans paid in 1776 but which Canadians have yet to pay.

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 10, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.9111291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Unfortunately I do believe we are mostly on our own, Trump will not send troops across the border unless there is a clear military reason to do so such as China setting up military bases in Canada.


As for Trudeau’s gun ban it’s part of the greater plan to pacify Canadian resistance to infiltration by 3rd parties.

It’s all about disarming the Canadian citizen, then comes the influx of 3rd world migrants to destabilize communities across the country, followed by Trudeau declaring emergency powers to stop the unrest and installing his own policies without debate or political compromise in Parliament. He’s already hinted at using the Emergencies Act for the pandemic and that’s a big hint as to his intentions in the future.


What he doesn’t really understand is the culture of the Canadian West, he cannot grasp our mentality of freedom and figures we’ll bend the knee to his decrees, he’ll learn the hard way how different we are to the creeps and bums in Toronto and Montreal when we do fight back, guns or no guns.


Western Canadians, especially in Alberta and SK have more in common with midwestern Americans than they do with Eastern Canadian liberals who more resemble New York City voters in attitude.


Justin Trudeau’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Includes Numerous Bolt Action Rifles … on-rifles/

Anonymous ID: 548b3c May 16, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.9202310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3696


It’s been my observation that memes don’t seem to have the same impact in Canada as they do in the US.

It might be because political culture and party identity isn’t nearly as strong here as it is south of the border.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of Canadians dislike Trudeau and the Liberals but they don’t really seem to express that in public too much.

I think this goes back to the influence of a British political system and predominantly English culture of a stiff upper lip and not bragging or complaining about things.

Also social media usage in Canada tends to be less than in the US especially among older adults.

I for one have zero social media presence and I’m in my mid 50s and used to work in IT, most older conservatives here still rely on traditional media like TV and newspapers/websites for information.

In short Canadians are generally not as politically activist as in the US, even our Antifa groups rarely come out to protest and there are almost never protests by right wing conservatives here.

So memeing won’t have nearly the same impact, Canadians are in general politically lazy which is why we have the Trudeau problem.