Anonymous ID: 8d913d April 18, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.8839122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9138 >>9153 >>9194



WW III is covertly raging before our very eyes! China, in its quest for global dominance, just dropped a bioweapon on the entire world, LIED and downgraded valid concerns, denied the seriousness and facts, and irresponsibly allowed global travel from Wuhan. China has blood on its hands and caused thousands of preventable deaths. Still in denial, China continues to spread lies and misinformation.


The doctor who discovered the HIV virus, confirms COVID-19 was a man-made virus created in a lab in Wuhan, China. China, the W.H.O, the global elite, the Dems, and the MSM are desperately trying to the use the COVID-19 bioweapon to destroy capitalism, destroy Trump, steal the 2020 election, and usher in Global Socialism. Wake up People!


China, is leveraging this bioweapon attack to purge its “useless eaters”, (elderly), and also target their pesky praying Christians, under the guise of COVID-19. China’s crimes against humanity and oppression of 1.4 billion citizens is a global disgrace. China MUST be held accountable!


While Americans are locked in their homes, losing their jobs, businesses going under, Pelosi is in her mansion, eating gourmet ice-cream and laughing, believing FINALLY, Gotcha Trump! The Dems and Rogue governors have dug in their heals, and refuse to even discuss a possible treatment and FULLY INTEND to drag out this bio-attack crisis, until the economy is in shambles and Americans are TOTALLY dependent upon the government, (a prime goal of socialism).


The D party is out of options……. This is their last-ditch effort! Their front-runner is a washed up, corrupt criminal, disintegrating before our very eyes with dementia. He can’t even form a correct sentence and is a national embarrassment. Unable to keep his perverted hands off of women and children, and then sniffs them like a creepy freak, he is a sicko in desperate need of help. Why Joe, because he can be controlled and will most likely be used as the D’s desperately want to put the witch back in power. He also poses no threat to China or our global enemies, like Iran. A spineless puppet of the Deep State, who is expendable and a means to an end to insert a chosen evil puppet. THE ENTIRE WORLD AND GLOBAL LEADERS WANT JOE IN OFFICE SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO ROB AMERICA AND TAKE ADVANTAGE IN TRADE THE ECONOMY. Trump is the ONLY President, who has leveled the economic playing field, and doesn’t tolerate their human trafficking and crimes against children.


2020 is NOT merely another election; if we don’t rise up NOW and put this evil DS in their place, it’s over America. It should be crystal clear to every American, why the Dems desperately want to disarm America and make them helpless. The ONLY way Americans would accept their tyrannical policies is under duress and with no means to defend themselves. If allowed to take our weapons, there goes the 1st Amendment out-the-window, with no free speech, then a modified Constitution that conveniently removes ALL FREEDOMS. Patriots, 2020 is for ALL-THE-MARBLES! STAY STRONG! KEEP FIGHTING these evil losers!