(8kun didn't like the links to archived urls, replace archive with the full url, for example archive 12345 = archive.is/12345)
Now that the Nobel Prize winner who discovered HIV says Covid-19 was bio-engineered the rate at which the Deep State is slipping under the waves has accelerated.(google: archive d9POO) So what happens next? I'm glad you asked.
Next up is the hard evidence Covid-19 was intentionally released. When that "conspiracy theory" is proven correct it will add credibility to rumors HIV/AIDS was also intentionally released. To be honest I don't believe HIV was a CIA operation to kill off blacks and gays but 3 years ago I also didn't think the Deep State had a hand in 9/11. Trust me they did.
Is there evidence HIV was a bio-weapon? Unfortunately yes. The CIA began studying monkey viruses in the 1950s in their quest to weaponize cancer.(google: Mary, Ferrie, Monkey-Virus-Underground) By 1973 the need for Rhesus monkey's was so great Charles River Labs bought an entire island in Florida to breed them for medical research. archive LEa0G) If you think the CIA wasn't involved note how many dictators have died of cancer over the years.(google: archive FWKil)
The means and motive are there and to make matters worse the latest evidence is very new. What is it? It's hard evidence of a cover-up. First some background. You may recall the Jimmy Savile Sex Scandal.( archive LRgOO) The man who covered it up at the BBC is named Mark Thompson. It was so bad even his new employer had to mention it.(google: archive JMDcd)
Why would the New York Times hire a man with a jaded past who's really good at cover ups? Your guess is as good as mine but in 2018 straight out of the blue Mark Thompson's New York Times dug up an old story about HIV/AIDS being intentionally released as a way to discredit Fake News. Bizarre? I'd say so. Especially since the very heart of the New York Times three part series has been unceremoniously disemboweled by the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, a fact even the New York Times acknowledges!( archive 8xu3W) Here's the first paragraph of the New York Times begrudgingly admitting they may have gotten played by Russian Disinformation:
"The Trump administration has declassified several footnotes from a report about the F.B.I.’s Trump-Russia investigation, providing details hinting anew at the possibility that Russia may have sown disinformation in a dossier used to investigate a former Trump campaign aide."
Note the "may have sown disinformation", really? Is there still a question? Even MI6 plant Fiona Hill says the Steele Dossier was disinformation and that Russia had weaponized America's own election against itself: (google: c-span video c4855349 fiona hill)
So to sum up things are about to get really interesting. It took just two years for this New York Times hit piece to collapse of its own weight: (google: nytimes russia meddling disinformation fake news elections )
Does the Gray Lady doth protest too much? Me thinks so, 'cause if you think it's gonna stop at AIDS was a WASP Mafia attempt at population control then you're in for quite a ride.