Thank you bakers. Have a blessed day.
Fuck "your" art and fuck you too farmerfaggot.
He can't help it. He has to try and assert himself as someone superior to everyone else every fuk'n time.
Really? In your own fucking mouth-breathing words, "see that bracelet she's wearing? i put that on there.. that means you have technically used someone else's art."
Neck yourself you hiv shootin faggot.
He's a fame-gagging faggot. A faketriot at best. You talking to yourself to bolster support?
Again wrong. Q never asserted himself as my master or anyone else's master. You on the other hand constantly assert yourself above the "peasants". Neck yourself hamby-pamby. Go suck yourself off with pamflat on their dirty lil soapbox.
Shut your dick-gobbler Linda.
Keep cheerleading for him. I'll continue to do as I wish with his shitty memes. Apparently you don't have the brain power to understand all the memes here are free game.
Maybe not saying a whole lot but tineye doesn't return anything on that image.